by Max Barry

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by The Hegendstaat of Eraver. . 35 reads.

Eraverian Armed Forces



The Eraverian Armed Forces shield

Air Force logo

The Navy flag

The Springbok Force shield

the Eraverian Armed Forces (also known as the Eraverian Army) or Eraveria ARMS for short is the institution that existed in 1381 as the Eraverian Knights. The former name of this department was Eraveria ARMS which is now defunct organization that now merged to the Eraverian Armed Forces. It's comprised of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and the Springbok Force. Its personnel numbers are based on the NS Stat of Defense Forces although it can't be used in the RP. It has branches such as the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. Although the Springbok Forces is part of the Eraverian Armed Forces, it is independent from these three branches because the Springbok Forces conducts special operations.

Active Personnel: 375,000,000

Reserved Personnel: 123,999,313

NS Statistic Number: 5,636.70

Eraver's defense forces is ranked Top 9% in the world and Top 6% in the North Pacific. The total amount of the military is 300 thousand. The air force is 60,000. The navy is 83,000 and the army is 200,000. The Springbok Force, the special forces is 50,000. Originally it's 20 million but since Maurnindaia said that our army was similar to China. Eraver fixed it with the army size reduction to 300 thousand. The defense budget is 4.2% because we want to spend it on other areas, not just defense.

It was founded in 1381 as the Eraverian Knights. As this time, the army was at 10,000 but we grew it to 90,000 after the army expansion and the conscription policy filled our ranks of our military so it grew to 100,000. The reserved personnel at that time was 50,000. Today's the active personnel of the Eraverian military is 300,000,000 and the reserved personnel (according to NSEconomy) is 122,250,688. New recruits come to the army to exercise and practice their gun shooting skills.

The Eraverian Armed Forces is ranked 24,113th in the world and 771st in the North Pacific according to the Fordmort Times: WA Census (yes, this is the real source). The Eraverian Army used to be a conscripted army during the policy of Conscription but with the Conscription abolished, the Eraverian Army is now back as a volunteer army where it is voluntary to join the Eraverian Army.

The Hegendstaat of Eraver

