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Preparation - Anime Nations Against Liberals
If you’ve never played N-Day before, Testlandia’s N-Day: What You Need to Know dispatch is a great resource for learning the mechanics of the event. In summary however, as a nation, you will passively earn production which can go towards either nukes or shields. Nukes can be launched at nations to destroy them, earning points, and shields protect from incoming nukes. Most points at the end wins.
To win at this event, coordination and strategy are key. This guide has a list of mandatory steps all persons wishing to contribute towards the glorious cause of Anime Nations Against Liberals should do, as well as a few optional steps for those wishing to go above and beyond.
Mandatory Steps For Everyone:
Join our Discord Server. It is where orders will be distributed. Plus it’s a cool place to hang out and meet new people during the event. Nukes are always better with friends! Some people are hesitant to join the Discord because large servers can be overwhelming or intimidating for them. There’s no pressure to talk if you don’t want to, and you can mute every channel but the orders if you need to! But joining the server to receive live orders is critical for being able to participate.
If you are incapable of accessing Discord and want to sign up to an on-site newsletter instead, telegram Anime Nations Against Liberals with the nation you want to receive notifications for N-Day orders. Once N-Day begins, siteside orders will be posted to the Anime Nations Against Liberals Regional Message Board. Your nation will be tagged in them, which will give you a notification you can click to see the post. Keep an eye on your notifications so you don't miss any orders. If you only see an order too long (15+ minutes) after it was posted, ignore it and wait for the next order.
Choose your Squad. For the sake of organisation, we sort ourselves into 3 squads: Nukes, Shields, and Specs. These will be available for selection via reaction roles in the discord. If you have less than 30 puppets, always join Spec Squad. If you have more, you have a choice to join either Nuke or Shield (We recommend shields if you’re undecided). Each squad will be pinged separately and will have their own orders. As a general rule though:
Nuke Squad will only be producing nukes, and will focus on scoring points by striking other factions
Shields Squad will be mass producing shields, and performing defence for the faction
Specs Squad will be going back and forth between doing shields and nukes, depending on the specialties of their puppets and the global state of the game
When pre-registration opens, join your nations into the faction. The faction name will be Anime Nations Against Liberals. Directions to it will also be posted in the discord.
When the game starts, remember to play as a team. Most factions are too powerful for a single lone nation to do anything to/against them. Synchronous, coordinated strikes with multiple people are the best way to ensure penetration is achieved. Remember to check the discord announcement channel regularly for the latest orders for your squad.
Above all else: have fun. Our opponents may attempt to convince you that this is a serious and meaningful game. It is not. Remain silly at all times.
Recommended Steps:
Create Nations. Follow this guide to easily spam out nations while watching netflix. More Nations = More Production = More Nukes = More Good. Make sure you do this before February 17th, 0500 UTC, as there is a minimum population requirement for nations to be able to join N-Day.
Learn and setup our tech. Patented Anime Technology greatly increases the efficiency of using multiple puppets. Our high commanders are reachable via discord if you have problems or questions during the installation.