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Here is how to make a volistian (ancient Zebastani) translator:go to: https://scriboly.com/Generators/Language
Type in the box: h̸̢̄̋͂͛͠͝ì̴̲͈̇ ꪖꪶꪻ m̷o̷f̷ i̷o̷f̷ ƚɒɿƚ ɿƚ ҟìҟì o̷f̷ f̷
Here is the Zebastani language so far:
(quick rule about this language, you only use h micu at the start of a sentence, for example if you wanted to say "hello, how are you" you would say "h maelco sie ceo, дty flago jupi~дup'ገupe??" not "h maelco sie ceo, h micu/l дty flago jupi~дup'ገupe??", oh ye and u ending on micu/l is for masculine, l is for feminine)
The Reality - micllijiti (jiti ending) Reality micllity (h)
The item - flaogupe (upe ending) item - flaog (hyu)
The substance - goyiupi (upi ending) substance - goyee (ghy)
The food - hyungruty (uty ending) food - hyunt (ghy)
The sky - juputoy (utoy ending) sky - juppu (h)
Hobnob - Hobnob
The - u
A- hyu or ghy or h
I - h
I am - h an
you - дupiupet
your - дupiatupe
And - дilyyt
And you- дilupe~yupi
The banana - ghy boffeehuty, banana - bofeeht
Water - ghy sukiyt The water - ghy sukitupi
The clouds - h jupioloutoy ,Clouds - jupiolo Cloud - jupioi
The mask - hyu juhiki-upe Mask - juhiki
Hello - h maelco sie ceo
yo - joe
How are you? - h micu/l дty flago jupi~дup'ገupe??
How are you all? - h micu/l дty flago jupi~дup'ገupe Alki??
Good - h micu/l jujuty
Okay - h micu/l jujuty h toto
Bad - h micu/l toto
Very / really - ( add misto gyuhi on the end)
Extreme - mystoii, misto
Point- gyuhi
How is the banana today? - h micu/l дyt ghy boffeehuty jukolgg h neto??
How are you today? - h micu/l дyt flago jupi~дup'ገupe h neto??
The hands - h hujitiyjit Hands - h hujiti
Good morning - h micu/l jujuty h miljiti
Good afternoon - h micu/l jujuty h niljinit
Good night - h micu/l jujuty h hijlit~jiti
Bye - h micu/l дoei
Goodbye- h micu/l дoei~jujuty
Yes -h jiti micul zeet
No - h jiti micul nee
Nice to meet you - h maelco sie ceo дupiupe дe upi
my - mein / meine
Please - h micu/l Plaдo
Thank you - h micu/l Teuipiupet
You're Welcome - h micu/l graag gedaan дupiupet
New - Neu
Puzakistan - paдorstan
Tsar - Tavlor
In his - Ek ჯa
Palace - Potaдli
was - Valሄ
owner - ጣati
That - vlat
Federation - Unierioiilupe
according to person:
You - h micu / h micl
You plr or them - jiti micu / jiti micl
Male - h micu
Female - h micl
Formal (manners) h jiti micul
Religious according to person:
You - h micul дetyhfgty jioyt casiito jiti
You plr or them - jiti micul дetyhfgty jipyt cassito jiti
Formal(When praying)- h jitii tosmik h tosmiyt
Hello - h micul дetyhfgty jioyt casiito jiti malcomi~jiti
Where? h micu/l дui дyt??
Where is the cat? - h micu/l дui oyt gostoto~upe??
What? - h micu/l gherjik??
What are you doing? - h micu/l gherjik дie дilijiti??
When - h micl filyjiti??
When are you coming? - h micl filyjiti дupiupe macaso??
Why? - h micu Colytupe
Why are you late? - h micu Colytupe дup Zatlajiti~upe??
Who? - h micu дultupe~jiti
Who is that? - h micu/l дultupe~jiti e tyt??
How? - h micu/l дytee
How are you today? - h micu/l дyt flago jupi~дup'ገupe h neto??
It is sunny - h micu/l h ho h jutдutoy (religious sun, during festival of Diwali, = ﬡ🌣𝖊𝖙𝖏𝖎𝖙𝖎)
It is raining - h micu/l h ho h jioloдutoy
It is hot - h micu/l h ist juliputoy~jiti
It is cloudy - h micu/l h ist jupioloutoy
It is Windy - h micu/l h ist ﬖupiitutoy (religious wind, during festival of Diwali, = (ᛠՒ꜓)
It is a storm - h micu/l h ist ﬖuputoy
It is a cyclone - h micu/l h ist jቺuдoutoy
It is (used for describing weather) - ሄbl h
Cold - Kaltommi
A a
B b
ፈ ሄ (he)
C c
Д д
e e
ቺ ቺ (či)
F f
G g
H h
I i
ገ 'ገ (g)
J j
ﬖ (v and n)
K k
L l
M m
ጡ ጣ ( ṭa)
N n
O o
P p
Q q
ᖳ ƍ
R r
S s
ᔣ ᔚ (shwi)
T t
U u
V v
W w
Ⴟ ჯ (Jani)
X x
Y y
Z z
პ ჴ(qhar)
I kind of like - h micu/l дas como ჴatlmiдupe~ jujuty
I would like - h micut/lt ƍat ჴatlmiдupe~ jujuty
I really like / love - h micu дas misto gyuhi ჴatlmiдupe~ jujuty / ჯatmaƍyupe~ jujuty
I love - h micu/l ჯatmaƍyupe~ jujuty
I dislike / distaste - h micu/l ጣatook~toto
I kind of dislike / distaste - h micu/l дas tota ጣatook~toto
I really Dislike / hate - h micu/l дas misto gyuhi ጣatook~toto / ᔣavita~toto
I Hate - h micu/l ᔣavita~toto
I do (used for the likes and dislikes) - дas via
1 - Дalco
2 - Zebas
3 - Mazoƍ
4 - Mazop
5 - Zacoᔣlm
6 - Altoia
7 - Altoiial
8 - Fatдg
9 - Maдfor
10 - Дalco~Дalco
11 - Дalco vasore
12 - Zebas miin
13 - Mazoƍ miine
14 - Mazop miin
15 - Zacoᔣlm miine
16 - Altoia miin
17 - Altoiial miine
18 - Fatдg miin
19 - Maдfor miine
20 - Дalco~Zebas (number Zevaд, eg. Zebas Zevaд)
30 - Дalco~Mazoƍ (number Maasƍ)
40 - Дalco~Mazop (number Mazaa)
50 - Дalco~Zacoᔣlm (number Zaᔣm)
60 - Дalco~Altoia (number Alto)
70 - Дalco~Altoiial (number Atloiia)
80 - Дalco~Fatдg (number ftдgai)
90 - Дalco~Maдfor (number aдfor)
100 - Miityቺti (number yቺti)
What is your name? - h micu/l gherjik дupiatupe ﬖaltoupe??
My name is - h micu/l mein ﬖaltoupe ist
Where do you live? - h micu/l paД дupiupet Faltoupe
I live in - h micu/l in Faltoupe
What do you like? - h micu/l gherjik ჴatlmitiдupe~ jujuty??
I like - h micu/l ჴatlmiдupe~ jujuty
What is your mother tongue? - h micu/l gherjik ist moeдertaal дupiatupe??
My mother tongue is - h micu/l mein moeдertaal ist
What is your nationality? - h micu/l gherjik Maፈlx дupiatupe??
My nationality is - h micu/l ist Maፈlx
What are your plans for today? - h micu/l gherjik ontwerp h hib дalvalmeд дupiatupe??
My plans are - h micu/l gherjik дas
Where are you going? - h micu/l дui дyt дupiupet figjiti??
I am going - figjiti h an
What are you doing today? - h micu/l gherjik дie дilijiti h neto??
I am doing - h micu/l h дilijiti
What is new (With you) - h micu/l gherjik дupiupet nova??
I am sorry - h micu/l Tuit ill ventд
Play - Paдo
Do - Giჴ
Eat - Esso
Drink - Hito
Write - Bisheд
Speak - peakk
Relax - Kom tot дe
Run - raдo
Act - ჴд
Answer - Aдner
Approve - Noss
Arrange - Vaciu
Break - Breeekl
Build Buy- Beakl Basa
Buy - Basa
Coach - Coaд
Colour - color
Cough - coд
Create - Beakli
Complete - Breakliiu
Cry- Casa
Dance - дacc
Describe- Escribb
Draw- Fasi
Edit - Efit
Enter - Entret
Exit - Xiti
Imitate - Imitaa
(Note- When adding ing on the end you don't change the word, the context will say it all, for ed you either leave it or sometimes put just д)
Go straight ahead - h micu/l plipohiჴn vaco
To the right - h micu/l Rechto
To the left - h micu/l Latii
Turn Right - h micu/l Relдa
Turn left - h micu/l Latჯiik
Turn left on the first street - h micu/l Дalco Hijki Latჯiik
Turn right on the first street - h micu/l Rechto Дalco Hijki
Go onto the alleyway - h micu/l ggyvallt vaco hyu ጣጣ
What are the directions? - h micu/l gherjik ist battДor vofak??
Where are we going?(Destination?) - h micu/l vofa orrak??
Destination is... - vofe orrist...
Do you know where the ____ is? - h micu/l FeД дupiupet Neevi ____ ist h micu/l дui дyt??
Is that the ____? - Ist vat hyu ____?
House - Galmicjiti
Home - Galmji
Apartment - Vapporactitji
Beach - Siivliojiti
Sea - Siivjiti
Palace - PaaДisj
Shopping centre (Mall) - Zhoning vengyi~jiti
Cinema - Vineamiajit
Park - Japil~jiti
Museum - Faleetijit
Airport - Akflass~jiti
Festival - Falstivaljit
Fire Temple - Pyrak VaДleijiti
Common responses:
That - h micu/l Vajlikuitjiti
There - h micu/l Jaloestrojit
Then - h micu/l Nalesjiti
He said - h micu Jiplutiok
She said - h micl Jipultis
They said - h micul jiplutjiti
Could I have - h micu/l plakt o ჯajjik
We should talk - h micul Haffsjik polliticjak
I speak - h micu/l Spalkkjik