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The Free Nations Region Roleplay | Master Dispatch
Welcome to Diyar, a realistic roleplay and worldbuilding world in the Free Nations Region, which serves as the official RP of the region. The Free Nations Region Roleplay is an inclusive community that caters to the imaginations of anyone interested in lorebuilding, mapmaking, conlanging, or simply nation and character RP in the setting of an Earth-like world called Diyar. Everything that you need to know is in this dispatch - which contains links to other important dispatches. These dispatches include the rules, which you must read before submitting an application, the stats table, with basic info on all nations in the RP, and many others.
This is the map that everything revolves around. Any land that is white is up for grabs. While we recommend that you start with just one nation, a player may maintain up to 2 nations. These include:
- One main nation, with a starting size limit of 100,000 pixels, or 3,700,000 km2
- One secondary nation, with a starting size limit of 40,000 pixels, or 1,480,000 km2
Discord Servers
FNR Discord Server- You must be a member of this in order to join the RP.
FNR Character RP Server- Highly recommended if you wish to partake in character RP.
Rules - You must read the rules before joining, as you will be quizzed on them in the application.
This is the Free Nations Roleplay Rules, all Roleplayers must abide by these Rules.
The Free Nations Roleplay is Headed by the Roleplay Delegate and the Deputy Roleplay Delegate, who appoints Roleplay Moderators, Military Advisors, Economic Advisors, Grayspace Managers, Cartographers, and Stats Managers to form a Roleplay Moderation Team. Roleplay Moderators can also be appointed as Military Advisors, Economic Advisors, Grayspace Managers, the Cartographer, or Stats Managers.
RP Moderators cater to the Roleplayers, and Roleplayers may demand change to the RP at any moment. As many as those who address a problem are entitled to a response.
Section 2: Nation-Making Rules
Nations who want to join the RP must fill the [url=https://forms.gle/PpVV12XbDPFq8XRM9]RP Application Form.
Every Roleplayer must have a Discord Account on the Official Discord.
The Roleplay Delegate may issue or revoke exemptions to Rule 2A on a temporary or permanent basis on a case per case basis.
A player must control one main nation. Along with that, they have options. They can have two secondary nations, two shared nations, or one of each.
A player must not control two or more Nations who share a land or maritime border.
Nations have size limits which go as follows:
130,000 pixel (4,680,000 km2) starting size for mains and shared nations.
70,000 pixel (2,520,000 km2) starting size for secondaries.
Microstates, which existed under the previous RP, fall under the category of a second secondary.
Main and secondary nations (whether it be a secondary or a shared) must have some conflict. Even if they are politically similar, secondaries may not follow every action of the main nation, and vice versa. Economically, secondaries must not rely completely on main, and vice versa. The moderation reserves the right to investigate if this rule is being broken.
A pixel on the RP Main Map is 6 km in length and 36 km2 in area.
Free Nations Roleplay is based on Modern Technology. This means that any technology from the past, present, up to approximately the year 2050 is allowed. Magic is strictly forbidden. (see Section 7: Science)
The Moderation reserved the right to alter or delete any lore with respect to continuity.
Nations who submit their first Primary Nation Application are required to have a Mentor from a Roleplaying Mod or a Roleplaying Mentor.
Mentorship is tracked on the FNRRP Economic Realm.
Mentors must make proactive reach to the Mentee if possible.
Mentorships will end 14 days from the beginning of the Mentorship formally, but both sides may keep an informal mentor/mentee relationship.
Mentee Nations will receive 3 Retcon Credits(see Rule 34), which are tracked on the FNRRP Economic Realm and may be used to retcon an event in full. Retcon Credits are a pair and are of the datatype (Nation, Expiry Date). Retcon Credits expire in 2 months. See Requests Extraordinary for info about retcons.
Nations may start with up to 10 trillion GDP and 800 million population. However, this may grow over time. (See Section 5, Rule 3)
All Participants of the Roleplay must follow this Code of Conduct.
Metagaming is Prohibited in any case.
Metagaming is making IC actors act on OOC impulses and reasoning, or use IC actors to solve OOC disputes. For example, if Nation 1 says he will attack Nation 2 secretly within the future, Nation 2 cannot launch a pre-emptive strike and claim that Nation 1 was going to attack Nation 2 if there was no IC evidence produced.
Godmodding is Prohibited in any case.
Godmodding is controlling IC actors other than your own or the ones you’re allowed to act on. For example, if in the CRP, a player has a bodyguard character that is in roleplay. You cannot say that the bodyguard was secretly a hitman and assassinated the president of the player country.
Creating Mary Sue actors/organisations/nations is Prohibited.
Mary Sue characters/organisations are defined as characters or organisations that defy their natural capabilities without appropriate RP gravity given to it; they can perfectly succeed at something.
Mary Sue nations are perfectly balanced and never have any flaws.
Free Nations Roleplay caters to roleplayers of less than age 18. Therefore; this Roleplay forbids sexual roleplays (with no examples here, mind you). Extreme written Violence or Gore roleplays or mentions both IC or OOC are also forbidden. Illustrated Violence may happen but they must be placed in spoiler tags both on CRP and RMB.
Characters within a roleplay may partake in illegal or immoral behaviours if it does not conflict with other rules, but Roleplayers must not discuss, mention or give advice about illegal or immoral topics out of character. Roleplayers who do write characters involved in these topics are expected to address them in a mature, respectful, and delicate manner.
Nations are expected to accept the consequences of their actions.
If your post may be sensitive for any reason and/or may cause confusion, they must be posted along with the appropriate Warning Tags and placed in spoilers.
Everything on the RMB and CRP, except general channels, are assumed to be IC automatically. Use //, /, (, {, [, OOC: or spoiler tags to indicate OOC segments.
Roleplays between two or more nations of any kind MUST have consent before it happens.
All Participants of the Roleplay must follow these Community Guidelines
No Toxicity is allowed.
No Bullying of any reason is allowed.
This includes IC actions of repeatedly targeting a nation without valid IC reasons to escalate, as well as OOC name calling.
There are no loopholes. Rules are implied to mean what they are with common sense. Conflicting and Ambiguous Rules are addressed by Supplement A.
If any inconsistent rules or loopholes are found, they may be patched according to the authorial intent by the Mod team.
A Roleplayer must not sockpuppet within the FNRRP.
Plagiarism is strictly forbidden.
Roleplayers are expected to respect other roleplayers - this includes prohibition of harassment, which is defined as content or activity that targets other users aggressively with the intent to upset or attack or not respecting requests to stop communication, topic or otherwise.
FNR RP operates on a three strikes policy - each Rule above if offended carries a minimum penalty of a verbal warning up to a temporary ban of 1 month, and if 3 Warnings is placed on a Roleplayer that Roleplayer is to be temporarily banned for 1 month. The Moderation reserves the right for more severe punishment if the offending event is serious, including banning outright before 3 warnings are given.
If a player leaves and rejoins the server 3 times in 1 week they may be banned based on the circumstances.
Section 4: Roleplaying Requirements
Every Nation must make an IC post at least 14 days on the Free Nations Realm RMB or a scene on the FNR Character RP Discord Server.
This may be voided for specific Nations which applied for and have active AFK status to the Cartographer. They may be exempted from Rule 11 as long as their AFK status is active, which defaults to 2 Months.
Nations may apply to the Cartographer for AFK status.
AFK status may be extended, contracted or revoked by the RP Administration on a case by case basis.
If Section 4: Rule 1’s requirements are not met and/or the nation Leaves the Free Nations Region and does not return within a Day, the Nation is considered as Inactive. An Inactive Nation will be considered as Expired after 7 days of Inactive Status. If a Nation has made less than 10 posts, it will be rendered Whitespaced instead.
A new Nation must post it's first post within 7 days after its founding, otherwise the Nation will be Whitespaced.
Expired Nations may be Annexed pursuant to Section 8, Rule 7. If there is no Recommendation to Annexation issued on the Expired Nation within 7 days, the Nation will be Whitespaced.
Nations may start with at most 10 trillion GDP.
Economic Advisors are ones that regulate the economy in the FNR RP.
A Nation may apply for Natural Growth each month. In such an application the Nation may list stats they want to grow and the relevant policies enacted. Economic Advisors may modify the stats of the Applicant according to the application given, though RP Mod Team reserves the right to make more extreme changes. /#101
Economic Advisors reserves the right to enact economic changes to a country if there is a difference between it’s IC standings to OOC representation given a majority in the RP Mod Team.
Economic Advisors may redact or retcon IC posts which are 1) not possible under the economy of the Nation who made the IC post, 2) not suitable realistically or 3) IC unjustifiable posts that will give a Nation an economic advantage, obvious or otherwise.
When any two nations are in War, Economic Advisors may, outside of Military Advisor and Grayspace Manager if any, impose economic damage on either side of the conflict within lore reason.
Military Advisors are to regulate wars and military in FNR RP.
A Nation, if it wishes to participate in wars, must have it’s Military Factbook reviewed by the current Military Advisors.
Military Factbook Approval is subject to realism checks by the Military Advisors and approvals (including changes if applicable) is subject to the discretion of the Advisors.
Military Factbook should include the current materiels and materiels in making owned by the Nation’s military.
Equipment in a Military Factbook may be modeled off of real life or custom-developed.
An Economic Moderator may issue a Recommendation to Not Approve on any Military Factbook being processed citing impossibility in sustaining the military indicated in the Factbook economically. Military Advisors should respect this Recommendation.
A Military Advisor may moderate battles happening both on RMB and in the Character RP Discord, and they may use their methods to determine losses within ranges where the events are supported with their discretion.
Military Advisors reserve the right to enact changes to a Military Factbook if there is a discrepancy in what was initially approved.
Some Technologies may be marked as Experimental Technologies. They are not as reliable as current IRL technologies in production, but may confer specific advantages dependent on the technology in question.
- Weapons that utilise Experimental Technologies are called Experimental Weapons. They must be requested as Experimental Technology.
Experimental Technologies must be technologies that can be demonstrated to be achievable in 50 years.
Any introduction, manufacturing and/or development of Experimental Technology must be done by Request Extraordinary passed by Supermajority (⅔, rounded up) in the Modteam. (see Section 9, rule 5)
Within reason, species that have been declared extinct in real life may exist in the RP. For example: if people knew about the endangerment of the Great Auk hundreds of years ago, and decided to protect them, Great Auks can still live as endangered species in the RP.
Wars must not be fought unless the following is all true:
The Combatants consent OR a valid Casus Belli on the Defender by the Aggressor OR to join an ongoing War. /#202
The Validity of a Casus Belli includes most war actions, but if a War begins under a valid Casus Belli the RP Mod Team will determine the validity of the specific Casus Belli before any offensive actions may be taken.
The Combatants all have a valid Military Factbook excluding the Nation being Annexed, if any.
If in an Annexation the Nation being Annexed has no Military Factbook the Grayspace Manager will consult with the Military Advisors to make a reasonable army for the Nation being Annexed.
There is a valid War Objective.
None of the Affected Territories is Whitespace.
A War will be adminned by a Military Advisor.
War Actions must not be undertaken against a nation which is not in war.
A War involving non-Expired Nations must not include Annexation; or Occupation of more than 2 months as it’s War Objectives unless the Nation targeted by said War Objective consent. The consent referred by the preceding subclause must be obtained before the war happens to be effective. Any War Effects within the War itself and any non-Annexation War Effects have a maximum duration of 2 Months. /#101, #201
Overdue War Effects may be cancelled unitarily. This is an OOC action and may not be responded to either in IC or OOC.
War must only end with a mutual Ceasefire Agreement, a Declaration of Victory, a Conditional Surrender agreed by both sides, a unilateral Unconditional Surrender or an Effective Ceasefire as a default option if neither party made any war related posts in 21 days. In the case of a coalition war, nations are required to issue Ceasefire Agreements or Declarations of Victories individually.
The RP Delegate may issue a Recommendation to Annexation if a player requests an Annexation on an Expired Nation and if the RP Delegate agrees that such Annexation will preserve the lore of the Expiring Nation. With a Recommendation to Annexation a Grayspace Manager for the Expired Nation will be appointed by the RP Delegate.
The Grayspace Manager will determine the method the Annexation will take, as well as if the Nations who were granted the Recommendation to Annexation would annex the land. A Nation who were granted the Recommendation to Annexation would still need to roleplay the Annexation out. If the Grayspace Manager believes that the Nation who was granted the Recommendation made good enough work and/or factually removed the Opposition, a Grayspace Manager may grant that Nation who was granted a Recommendation a Declaration of Victory. /#203
After a Declaration of Victory of an Annexation attempt, the Affected Regions are considered to be occupied by the nation who was granted the Recommendation to Annexation.
Integration of an Occupation may only happen after Moderation Approval, which defaults to 20 days.
Territories granted, gifted, purchased, or sold are considered to be Occupied as a Colony. They may be Integrated under Rule 9A.
Land may be purchased from another nation if the following is true:
Both nations consent to the purchase
The population and GDP of the land in question is provided.
A justifiable reason for purchasing land is given.
The nation has not purchased land in the past month.
All land purchases are reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis by the Mod team.
Section 9: Requests Extraordinary
[There exists Requests Extraordinary which are more powerful and unbounded in their limits.
Requests Extraordinary or other rule mandated actions may potentially wipe the preceding lore. This is indicated by “State Not Preserving”. SNP status is majorly used in Retcons and will be determined by the Modteam on a per case basis and will be announced if applicable. For actions that are specifically "State Preserving", lore must not be wiped.
Requests Extraordinary must be submitted to a RP Moderator and passed by supermajority in the Modroom.
Retcons (stats/events) are Requests Extraordinary and must be requested under the following format unless they’re using Retcon Credits:
What are Retcons?
Retcons are administrative actions that change or remove some events or statistics in the RP as a result of OOC disputes or other reasons as indicated by the Roleplay Moderation.RETCON APPLICATION
Nation / Faction:
Event to be Retconned OR Stats to be Retconned:
Retcon Reasons:Firing Weapons of Mass Destruction are Requests Extraordinary, needs a unanimous vote to pass instead and must be requested under the following format:
Nation / Faction:
Target Nation / Faction:
Launch / Deployment Site:
Target Site:
Estimated Damage:
Area Recoverable?:
Device Strength:
Device Name:
Deployment Reason:Any introduction, manufacturing and/or development of Experimental Technology are Request Extraordinary and must be requested under the following format:
Name of the Experimental Technology:
Is it an Experimental Weapon?:
Cost and Time of Development:
Prerequisite Technologies?:
Principle of said Technology:Other Requests Extraordinary of any effects must be requested under the following format:
Effects Required:
Appeal to the Moderators:Custom military application forms can be found in this dispatch: page=dispatch/id=1750152
Requests Extraordinary may set Precedents and Interpretations. These Precedents and Interpretations are, not-exhaustively catalogued in Supplement A.
Essential nation statistics, including population, GDP, etc., are asked for on the RP application form.
A nation may, if they choose, fill out a National Statistics form which provides further information that helps with lorebuilding and roleplaying, and they are highly encouraged to do so.
National statistics, essential and non-essential, are kept track of in a dispatch made by the Statistics Manager(s)
International unions, alliances, or organizations (and their members) are kept track of in a dispatch, also (preferably) managed by the Statistics Manager(s).
Mentors are to be recruited from the Roleplayers who can demonstrate enough maturity and willingness to educate new Roleplayers.
Mentors may be recruited by the Moderation Team pending a Community Vote. At least 50%+ Approval is required.
All Mentors, including Roleplaying Moderators may be referred as Tenured Roleplayers.
Mentors may be dismissed by the Moderation Team unitarily as a result of serious rule breaching. They may also be dismissed by the Roleplayers pending a 50% Community Vote. Mentors may resign at any time.
Tenured Roleplayers are expected to be a role model for other Roleplayers, which includes making a welcoming atmosphere for new players, proactively asking if help is required, etc.
Supplement A: Precedents and Interpretations
Section 1: Global Interpretations
SA#101) Months are defined to be a contiguous interval of 30 days. Years are defined to be 12 Months / 360 days.
Section 2: Rule Interpretations
SA#201) Regarding Rule 26; “2 months” are counted from the end of the war which created the War Effects.
SA#202) If a Casus Belli is legal and sustained, the War Declaration and the war as a conflict leading out of it have precedence over Rule 8H. Otherwise, Rule 8H has precedence over all other non Code of Conduct/Community Guidelines Rules.
SA#203) Buying Land is considered an act of Annexation, must obtain Consent, is limited to one Active Annexation of such kind, at most once per 30 days and bypasses Rule 28. Rule 29 applies to Buying Land, which means a Grayspace Manager must oversee the event, and buying land may fail.
National Statistics Table - This table contains all of the basic information about every nation in the roleplay. When you submit an application, the info you submit is added to the table
This dispatch has information about every nation in the RP, listed in alphabetical order. Some nations have less information, some have more. It is all based on the information sent via the RP application.
This dispatch is updated as soon as a nation's application is approved, but if you do not see your nation, it is more than likely that there are multiple applications that I must sort through. If you have any questions, requests, or concerns, DM Obets (Senatorialism#9215) on Discord. If you wish to change your economic stats, please contact the economic advisors. If you wish to change any other stats, please DM Obets.
Nation Name | Capital City | Largest City | Population | Leader | Area |
The Martial Republic of Ascoobis |
| Prymperta | 150 million | Grand Generalissimo | |
| Los Salepaso | 197,575,529 | President Leon Benjamin Piedmontti |
| Bəkhşıvan | 238,782,480 | President Səyəd Səyədıv | [/tr] |
| Cherrygrove City | 6.7 million | President Sesame Schtrom | ||
| Žieždas | 166 million | Prime Minister Aslan Pahari | ||
Eluthanian Republic |
| El Nido | 92.8 million | National Council | |
The Free States |
| Phoenix | 10 million | Overseer or Mercer | |
Wönasmaa Tasavalta |
| Mogadijana | 110,246,662 | President Ćames Marksi | |
| Stania | 92.5 million | Elected Revolutionary | ||
| Thaddeus City | 45,003,322 | President | ||
| Jayakarta | 187 million | President | ||
The United Republics of Lusankya |
| Vilnius | 118 million | President | |
The Republic of Mikal |
| Parlavak | 155 million | Prime Minister Calfor | |
Great Mongolian State |
| Ulaanbaatar | 3.278 million | The Military Board | |
The Republic of Nohol |
| Frédéric | 42,312,100 | Chief Louis-Philippe François | |
The Seafaring Medical Techno-Federation of Doctors Orvos |
| Besigheid | 200 million | Prime Doctor Iskandar van Amélie | |
| Franklin City | 392,000,000 | President May Isabelle Lopez | ||
| Davao | 105 million | President | ||
| Levit | 52 million | Chairman August Silas | ||
The Russian Empire |
| Chelovka | 275 million | Imperator Konstantin I Buryakov | |
| Seprum City | 70 million | President | ||
The Greater Empire of Serikai |
| Geĺdi | 207 million | Emperor Liedan Silha | |
The Skaristannic Empire |
| Novisburg | 437.6 million | Emperor | |
The United Republics of Tonatiutlan |
| Tenochtitlan | 146,726,976 | President | |
| Malino | 495 million | Secretary General Mark Tuplin | ||
| Bermia | 130 million | National President | ||
| Ixar | 180 million | President Alexander Stark | ||
Democratic Republic of Varduvan |
| Akhtijan | 24,486,168 | President | |
The Republic of People's Vietnesia |
| Ho Chi Min City | 695 million | President Nam Thung Do | |
The Democratic Republic of Westport |
| Westport City | 800 million | President Puin | |
The Primarchy of Savoril |
| Lamira | 92,412 | Primarch Elian |
Nation Name | Economy Type | GDP | GDP Per Capita | Currency | Largest Economic Sectors | Natural Resources |
Mixed Market | $9 trillion NCU | $60,000 NCU | The Ascoobian Benkar | Aerospace | Uranium | |
Mixed Market Economy | $9 trillion NCU | $45,552 NCU | The Republican Pataca | shipbuilding | bauxite | |
Socialist | $8.2 trillion NCU | $40,350 NCU | The Ceranian Chooris | Healthcare | Iron | |
Mixed Market Economy | $128 billion NCU | $19,104 NCU | The Cherry Seed | Wood Production | Lumber | |
Mixed-market | $10 Trillion NCU | $60,240 NCU | The Dongerlandian Dinar | Arms manufacturing | Precious Metals | |
Mixed Economy | $5.2 trillion NCU | $56,034 NCU | The Eluthanian Peso | Machinery | Iron | |
The Free States | Extremely Socialist | $5 billion NCU | $500 NCU | The Resource Credit | Arms Manufacturing | Copper |
Ordoliberalism | $6.09 trillion NCU | $55,112 NCU | The Hyonan Goram | Automobile Manufacturing | Petroleum | |
Mixed-market | $2.7 trillion NCU | $29,373 NCU | The Izstannan Stania | Construction materials | Precious Gems | |
Capitalism | $1.457 trillion NCU | $2,064 NCU | The Labodian Lanoska | Telecommunications | Trout | |
Ekonomi Terpimpin / Guided Economy | $8.9 trillion NCU | $47,593 NCU | The Linkers Shan Roepiah | Outsource manufacturing | Lithium | |
Mixed market | $3.806 trillion NCU | $32,254 NCU | The Lusankyan Dollar | Service | Iron | |
Mixed-marked capitalism | $5.58 trillion NCU | $36,000 NCU | The Mikalan Teuvla | -Fishing | Oil | |
Market and Agrarian Economy | $13.14 Bilion NCU | 4,007.31 USD | The Mongolian Tögrög | Mining | Gold | |
Socialist Autarkic Self-Reliant | $1.63 trillion NCU | $38,500 NCU | The Franc Populaire | Naval Industry | Arable Land | |
Mixed economy | $10 trillion NCU | $50,000 NCU | The Orvosian Meddyg | Pharmaceuticals | Metals | |
$9.8 trillion NCU | $25,000 NCU | The Outer Union Union | Mining | Metals | ||
Mixed-marked | $4.5 trillion NCU | $42,500 NCU | The Philmuzan peso | Semiconductors | Iron | |
Mixed-marked with syndicalist traits | $1.56 trillion NCU | $30,010 NCU | The Drenari Risvegliae | Manufacturing | Copper | |
The Russian Empire | Social market Economy | $10 trillion NCU | $36,000 NCU | The Russian Ruble | Service-based | Grain |
Mixed-marked | $9.8 trillion NCU | $47,312 NCU | The Serikaian Delanat | Arms Manufacturing | Uranium | |
Capitalism | $172 billion NCU | $2,457 NCU | The Seprum Peso | Oil industry | gold | |
Skaristan | Mixed-marked | $8.2 trillion NCU | $18,738 NCU | The Skaristannian Miribilis | Precious metals | Gold |
Mixed Economy | $2.4 trillion NCU | $18,461 NCU | The UwU Dollar | Rare Earth Processing | Rare Earths | |
Tonatuitlan | Mixed-marked | $1.225 trillion NCU | $8,346 NCU | The Quachtli | Agriculture | Gold |
Socialist | 990 billion NCU | $2,000 NCU | The Tunikan Lucra | Information Tech | Timber | |
Mixed-marked | $10 trillion NCU | $55,555 NCU | The Starsian Currency Unit | Computer Chips | Petroleum | |
Varduvan | Social market | $588.18 billion NCU | $24,021 NCU | The Varduvan Dram | Silver Mining | Coal |
Vietnesia | Democratic Socialism | $9.6 billion NCU | $13,812 NCU | The Vietnesian Rupiah | Oil and Gas | Oil |
Westport | Free market | $10 trillion NCU | $12,500 NCU | The Westport Liragl | Technology | coal |
Savoril | Laissez-faire | $5.3 Billion | $57,316 NCU | Gelos | Agriculture | Grapes, wine, bananas, corn, cattle, sheep, horses |
Nation Name | Government Type | Governing Ideology | Policy/Structural Overview |
A Meritocratic Stratocracy | Socially Liberal Left-Wing Nationalists | A military Junta with an underlying bureaucracy and democratically elected legislative body to serve as a check on personal excesses and promote stability. | |
Federal semi-presidential republic with ranked choice voting | Unionist/Democrat/Labor party | The executive especially the president wields significant powers that oversee national security and foreign policy while the prime minister oversee much of the nation's actual day-to-day domestic affairs. The Legislative which consist of Congress formally called the Federal Consultative Assembly which consist of the National House of the People's Representative and the Federal Representative Upper Council while the house of representatives is more prestigious and gets more media attention while the senate has a final say. The judicial determines the constitutionality of such laws and the good of the state. The military however outline in the constitution to have the ability if view necessary overthrow the government and elect another one. | |
Democracy | Socialist Democracy | It is a fully democratic system with strict restrictions on lobbying from external corporations. Corporations do not exist and businesses are regulated, allowing the consumer and worker to be the prioirity. All industries are run by the workers and people, and every workplace is democratic. | |
Unitary Parliamentary Republic | Liberalism | The Parliment has 170 seats with the ruling party National Liberal Party (NLP) led by President Sesame Schtrom holding 101 of said seats. The rest are in hands of various small opposition parties. | |
Parliamentary Democracy | Liberalism | Freedom of religion, expression and sexuality are all permitted. | |
Unitary Directorial Republic | Modified Three Principles of The People | The Eluthanian national government is composed of four branches: The Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and Auditory branches. The Executive branch is led by the National Council, the 7-member (8 in wartime) group that is considered as the collective head of state and head of government. Each member heads one of the seven ministries. However, each member of the National Council has a say regarding matters within each ministry. The National Council is headed by a President, who chairs council meetings and has the power to break voting ties. In addition, they function as representative of the whole National Council during diplomatic visits and events. The President has no other unique powers and is considered equal to their peers. They are all elected by the unicameral Assembly of the Republic, the Legislative branch of the government. Each seat in the National Council is reserved for the top political parties of the Assembly by convention. The Supreme Court leads the Judicial branch of the government. The Auditory branch is the fourth, tasked with supervise the actions of all branches and act when needed. | |
The Free States | Representative Republic | Technocratic Communism | Highly Isolated, Self-Sufficient, Welcomes Immigrants, Hates Single/Self-Interest. |
Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic | The governing coalition is a center-left liberal coalition. | The legislature, the supreme body, has two branches. The Senate, with 48 seats, is the representation for the counties (national subdivisions), with each county getting two Senators. Senators serve four year terms, but elections are skewed so that there is a Senatorial election every two years. The Legislative Assembly, with 440 seats, is half proportional and half constituencies. There are 220 constituencies, each containing about 500,000 people. Every four years a representative from each one is elected. There are also 220 proportional seats elected along with them. The president is the head of the Executive Branch and their cabinet, with different ministries, form most proposals for legislation. There is also the supreme court, and the Independent Electoral Commission, overseen by the supreme court, which carries out elections, draws constituencies, and also performs government checks. Hyonaland is one of the most democratic countries in the world, despite democratizing in just 2000. Hyonan politics can be divided among two "sides", liberal and libertarian. However, his simplification is considered offensive. The main divide between the "liberal" parties (ranging from left-wing to center) and "libertarian" parties (center to center right) are the handling of Hyonaland's dependence on petroleum exports. Liberal parties, which have been dominant for decades via the People's Liberal Democratic Alliance and the Coalition for Hyonan Values, often focus on climate justice and straying away from petroleum dependency, that we can fall back on Hyonaland's other huge economic sectors and utilize alternative energy, which already has a huge presence especially in the automobile industry. They still acknowledge and wish to keep Hyonaland's petroleum monopoly. Libertarian parties, which are less popular but still have a strong presence, believe that downsizing petroleum extraction would still result in the loss of tons of jobs and the collapse of a chunk of Hyonaland's economy. Therefore, they are more popular in northern territories and counties. | |
Liberal Democracy | Social Democracy | The Izstanni government uses a preferential voting system, allowing all members of society over 16 years of age to form a list of their most and least favourite candidates for leading revolutionary, along with the following members of the government who will choose to implement further policies and mandates promised by the elected members. If at least 20% of the policies are not enacted within the first year of this members time in the government, then the voters are given the option to replace them for the second most preferred member. | |
Federal | Liberal | President Heads the Executive Branch Congressman-General heads both upper and lower house while Assc.Congressman-General of the House of Reperesentatives of The Federation and Assc. Congressman -General of The Senate of the Federation of Labodiastan heads there respective houses | |
Guided Democracy | Officially all legal Political Parties in Linkers Sha must recognize the superiority of the National constitution "Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara [GBNH] / the outlines of the country's course / direction" the GBHN currently being MANIPOL USDEK manipol meaning "Political Manifesto" and USDEK meaning [LInkers Shan Constitution of 1926, Linkers Shan Socialism, Guided Democracy, Guided Economy and Linkers Shan personality / identity]. Currently the Linkers Shan government is officially a Coalition Government between the Linker Shan Communist Party [PKLS / Rikardist], The National Party of Linkers Sha [PNLS/Marhaenist], and Religious parties in Linkers Sha but the coalition is dominated by the Rikardist PKLS. Officially all Political Parties and organizations in Linkers Sha must be "An extension of MANIPOL" but Linkers Shan law tolerates the practice of other ideologies as long they are not in violation of the MANIPOL and the constitution and also must adopt Political correctness being seen as crucial to National Unity. Unitary state, Republic, Full presidential system, Indoctrination on MANIPOL and National Unity, mass surveillance, and Political correctness | ||
Constitutional Monarchy | Constitutional Monarchy | Sames as italian government with added royal figure for ceremonial, diplomatic and representational duties. | |
Modified parliamentary Democracy | The Progressives, overall center-left. | The nation has a four-branch government (Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Referendial), which is led by the Prime Minister, who is the elected head of state. The Executive Branch is made up of the Prime Minister and his cabinet, along with the Second Minister. The Legislative Cranch is made up of the Parliament and the House of Governors. The Judicial Branch is made up of the Supreme Court and other federal courts. Lastly, the Referendial branch consists of the Referendial Manager and those who work in the Bureau of Referendial Affairs. | |
Buddhist Theocracy | Military Junta: Uncertain Prime Minister: Mongolian People's Party (Social Democrat) | Despite its theocratic system, Mongolia maintains a unicameral parliament and a prime minister. Although Mongolian authorities recognize Mongolia as a Buddhist theocracy, the truth is that this system has been in decline since the advent of the constitutional monarchy, and the country is now more of a Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy than a Buddhist Theocracy. | |
Unitary Decentralized Constitutional | Socialism of Syndicalist Influence | The Parliament and the Chef de l'Union or CDU (head of state and gov.) Are elected the same month for 6 years and can impeach/dissolve each other. | |
Federal Technocratic Republic | Progressive Orvosian Technocracy | At Federal Level only the people with a Doctorate can vote and run for political office while at Duxturs/States and The Ethnic Councils level you need to have had high grades at school. Orvos is generally pretty progressive in it's policies, No death penalty, same sex marriage, legal abortion, huge investment in education and welfare, especially health etc, it doesn't officially recognize any genders at Federal Level other than for health purposes and most Orvosians due to their culture generally don't identify with a single gender and try looking androgynous. | |
Democratic-Republic | Currently, The democratic party is striving to try and progress the nation's civil stability by improving social life | The government has a President, Vice President, Main Departments with their sub departments as executive Legislation has: Senate and House of Representatives. HoR makes the laws while the senate confirms it to send it to the president Judicial has three branches: The Supreme court that sees if there is a violation in the constitution and is the very highest court, National Appellate Court is the second highest court as it usually reviews things that are serious and of course- will also review cases to see if it is worthy to pass for the Supreme Court, The National Lower Court is the third highest court and it's task to ensure and hear the smaller courts decision while also looking to see if some cases are worthy to pass to the National Appellate Court | |
Federal Parliamentary Republic | The governing party's ideology is on center right. Mixed if it's a person and a group. | Philmuza is a Federal Parliamentary Republic. Parliamentary, as in the President is the head of state and the Prime Minister the head of government. Federal, composed 19 federal state and 1 federative administrative region (Manila) due to it's diversity of languages and ethnicity. The Parliament is composed of the house of representative and the senate, the house of representatives is the one who makes the bills, while the senate is the one who checks the bills before passing it to the President. | |
Constitutional military junta | Risveglio is structured into four main bodies in it's constitution: the Senate (executive power), the Praeviis/Trade Unions (legaslative power), the Communes (regional representation) and the Magistratus (judicial power). The main policy that the Senate has been pushing forward is the "Nova Cultura", which is an attempt to turn the country into an examplary country holding the values of Avant-Garde culture and art. | ||
The Russian Empire | Constitutional Monarchy | Center-left | Parliamentarian democracy with a figurehead monarch |
Democracy | The Democratic Party | ||
Constitutional Monarchy | Libertarian | Generally similar to Britain, but with more of a libertarian focus and the monarch has more power | |
Skaristan | Hereditary Monarchy | Partial Liberalism | The topmost position is that of the emperor, who holds most of the Political power. |
Democratic Federation | Liberalism | The government aims to create efficient infrastructure, provide benefits for disabled or unemployed people, and subsidize new businesses and sustainable projects. | |
Tonatuitlan | Federacy (Federal Republic de jure, One party state de facto) | Civic nationalism and big-tent views | Tonatiutlan is a Federal republic whereby each major ethnic group is given their own republic to determine laws and govern itself. The Federal government and each of the republics are governed by a single party and their respective branches, who have strong ties to the military command. Their stated ideology is promoting peace and stability among the people to ensure their well-being. In practice, they mostly serve to preserve the status quo and unintentionally serve Nahua interests, the dominant people group. For foreign policy, they are mostly concerned with ensuring they have accessible markets for their agricultural goods to maintain the economy. |
Representative/Direct system with autonomous republics | Marxist-Leninism | The lowest form of government is the communal/county/city councils. Then there's the reginal councils. Then there are representatives that create the People's Councils. These elect the upper heads of government. There are other groups but this is the basic/main one. Policy is mainly socialistic and progressive | |
Presidential Republic with Federal Districts | Far right, Populist, Conservative, Republican | ||
Varduvan | Presidential republic | radical, although the radical party itself has currents closer to socialism, as well as social liberal currents | The country is a presidential republic, whose functions are divided into 3 branches, executive, legislative and legislative. Most of the country's history, which continues to this day, is marked by a two-party system between the radical/socialist centre-left People's Party (ZK) and the liberal/anarchist Igityan Party (IK) (named after its founder Vagharsh Igityan), which some say is on the right and others on the extreme right, the latter of which is now part of the New Varduvan Front (NVC), made up of parties of similar ideology. Apart from the two-party system, the country has an ethnic conflict, the southernmost region of the country, the Tkvaruri Autonomous Region, is largely inhabited by the Tkvaruri ethnic group (92% of the population) and has been demanding independence from Varduvan for years. This has led to frequent skirmishes and violence in the region that are referred to in the country as the Tkvaruri War. At one point, this conflict reached such a point that Ioseb Undiladze, leader of the Tkvaruri Liberation Army (TGA), threatened a coup d'état. The "war" continues to this day. |
Vietnesia | Unitary Parliamentary Semi Presidential | Democratic Socialist | The President is the leader of the nation and takes care of the every day affairs while there is a parliament |
Westport | Federal Democratic Republic | Democratic Party IRL | Power divided equally between the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative Branches. |
Savoril | Consular Theocracy | Liberal-Socialist | A group of religious elders run the nation and can be vetoed by the Primarch |
Nation Name | Continent | Terrain/Climate | Largest Cities | Languages | Religions | Ethnic Makeup |
Storveld | Mountains in the north | Ascubi | English | Native Ascoobian | Indigenous Ascoobian | |
Storveld | Tropical int he gulf | Los Salepaso | Hebrew | Christianity (32.4%) | In the western part of the nation and its coast: In the eastern part of the nation: In the Central part of the nation: In the Southern part of the nation: | |
Garalie Major | Cfb | Bəkhşıvan | Ceranian | Agnostic | Ceranians | |
Vetem | Tropical | Cherrygrove City | English | -Christianity: 37.8% of the population | -70% Cherryian | |
Garalie Minor | Primarily Suptropical | Žieždas | Dongerlandian | Catholicism | 60.3% Dongerlandian | |
Garalie Major | Primarily temperate, dry summer | El Nido | Eluthanian (Spanish) | Protestantism (Majority) | 89.2% Eluthanian | |
The Free States | Palena | Similar to Australia's/NZ's based on location. | Phoenix | English | Free Staters-75% | |
Andere | ET Tundra in the Far North | Mogadijana | Hyonan | Atheism/Agnosticism - 42.1% | Hyonan - 95.36% | |
Garalie Major | Oceanic | Stania | English | Izstanni - 62% | ||
Storveld | Am | Thaddues City | English | Catholic | Labodian | |
Storveld | Tropical Rainforest | Jayakarta | Rharisian | Kejawenn [Abangan people] | Javanese | |
Dunia | Cold, snowy winters | Vilnius | Lusakyan | Ijinism | Lusankyan | |
Storveld | North-center of the mainland is savanna | Parlavak | Mikalan | Mostly Athiest | 67% Ardosian | |
Storveld | Ulaanbaatar | Mongolian - 95% | Tibetan Buddhism - 88% | [b]95% Mongolian 5% Turkic minorities[/b] | ||
Andere | Subarctic in the north | Frédéric | Noholian French | Roman Catholic (90%) | Caucasian | |
Transcontinental | Besigheid | Orvosian/Caxalautian | 65%:Atheist or Agnostic | Takutans - 16% | ||
Andere | Franklin City | 55.2% Regular (English) | 64.1% Path of the Light | |||
Storveld | Af/am | Davao | English | Chrisitianity | 33.7% Visayan | |
Storveld | Csb | Levit | latin | 61% Gnostic | Italian | |
The Russian Empire | Dunia | Humid continental climate | Chelovka | Russian | Russian orthodoxy | |
Dunia | Bwk in south | Seprum City | English - 52% | Christianity - 43% | White - 49% | |
Garalie Minor | Temperate | Geĺdi | Serikaian | Christianity | Serikaian: 63.2 | |
Skaristan | Andere | Mostly Continental range (D) | Novisburg | Skaric | 54% Julianist | Skari (44%) |
Storveld | Tropical | Bermia | Bermian | Paganism | Homogeneous | |
Tonatiutlan | Dunia | Mountainous and tropical wet savanna | Tenochtitlan | Nahua | Mesoamerican Folk Beliefs | Nahua (plurality) |
Andere | Coastline areas: Mediterranean hot summer climates. Generally flat with slight slopes | Morina | English | Agnostic | Indigenous | |
Garalie Major | Majority Continental, Like Canada | Nomor | Canadian English | Atheism - 100% | 74% Anglo Starsians | |
Varduvan | Storveld | Tropical savanna | Akhtijan | Armenian | Armenian Apostolic Church - 94% | Armenian: 93.82% |
Vietnesia | Delaia | Subtropical | Hanoi | Indonesian | Muslim | Majority Indonesian |
Westport | Vetem | Csa | Westport City | English | Orthodox Christianity | Slavic |
Savoril | Palena | Tropical | Lamira | Latin | Solavist | 95% Savorili |
Nation Name | Notes |
historically Central Indo was never a concept to begin with, the idea of a state uniting 4 religions never really existed. Throughout history these 4 religion rival each other, Western regions are often more richer because culturally they were known for sailing, merchants, and navigators who had experience in business favoring policies of free trade and liberalism while in the east which have nice beaches and more progressive architecture was generally because the Jewish population were intellectuals who were easy to adopt and speak French, Hebrew, and a mix of Persian-Hebrew tounge and like its western counterpart they were excellent navigators. The Jews along its Western counterpart would be fundamental in creating the instruments and insitutions to a modern state. The Central region looked more tribal and made up of agriculture which the reason was that the population mostly consisted of mountainous Shia tribal people who were known to be warriors and excellent horse riders and contributed to much of the nation's architecture as well as knowledge and even instrumental despite being religiously shia created a modern philosophy of religious moderatism and secularism. The last people group of the Southern tribes were mostly farmers who specialize in growing herbal plants and questionable medicine they were even known to be warriors who specialises in mountain warfare and guerilla warfare, for as long as the state existed these people group were very resitant to the central government and long sougth more federal autonomy and less powers to the federal government. Througout history these people made alliance and backstab each other, the idea of a modern state didn't existed until the 1800's when revolutionary ideals and the demand to be a eurocratic like state became more apperent force them to work together willingly. | |
The people are very pro diversity and care about general rights of humanity and other living countries. | |
Eluthania has recently encouraged immigration into the country, as demand for a larger workforce grows and with fertility rates not having risen for several years, though the government is sponsoring programs to increase this. Immigrants are expected to adapt to Eluthanian society and culture, though not at the expense of their heritage, to preserve national unity and at the same time, promote diversity. It definitely helps that most Eluthanians are not ethnocentric, thanks to prevailing "civic nationalism." | |
The Free States | |
There will be a lot more information in dispatches that will be released in an indefinite period of time. | |
Izstanna has only joined the global market a decade ago, after slowly rebuilding after a nation. This nation had to fight a 2 way way against Orvos and Hyonaland for it's independence as a nation, eventually ridding them from the Izstanni land 40 years ago. They have recently been experiencing an economic boom on the global market due to the unique resources they possess that can't be found in many other places, allowing them to turn great profits on the market. | |
we have a based road network | |
Before the role restarts, the tenth Jebtsundamba Kutuktu and reigning Bogd Khan of Mongolia falls ill due to several aneurysms in his body. Bogd Khan dies on a fateful August 20, 2022 at the age of 97, and to the great misfortune, no other Jebtsundamba Kutuktu is found in Mongolian territory, putting in check the descent of the throne. The death of the greatest figure of Buddhism in Mongolia brings several questions to the 88% of the Mongolian population who practice Buddhism, the Buddhist House of Mongolia (something like the Catholic Church of X country) predicts that a new Jebtsundamba Kutuktu will be found in 10 years, but, then, who will be the Bogd Khan in those 10 years? The Prime Minister, belonging to the Mongolian People's Party (social democracy) sees an opportunity to unify the powers in Mongolia and create a republic, but both the Mongolian Civil Guard (Mongolia has no armed forces) and the 88% of the Mongolian population who believe in Buddhism fiercely oppose this action. Then comes the "Ulaanbaatar Massacre", on August 22, several Buddhist believers take to the streets in a form of refusal to the unification of powers, and the Prime Minister sends the Civil Guard and suppresses the peaceful protests, resulting in some 33 dead and more than 100 wounded. Following these incidents, the Buddhist House of Mongolia declares a state of "unanimous conflict against the Mongolian state" and in response, the Prime Minister suppresses Buddhism as an official religion. Finally, on August 25, a citizen-supported coup d'état overthrows the Prime Minister and ends up confirming an imminent political crisis in Mongolia. | |
Each ethnicity has their own, even if interconnected, cultures, due to the Gods of the Local pantheon being genderless all or most of these ethnies don't identify with a single gender and try looking androgynous, they also share a local pantheon called the Lautan Pantheon, with most of these ethnies being associated with 1 God of this Pantheon, although by modern day most of Orvos is atheistic or Agnostic due to the First Technocracy heavy anti-religion campaign, The above cultural traits don't apply to the Sarixains, who due to geographic proximity to Garalie and a past long rule by the Latinum Empire first and Serikai Later, are much more Garalien/European Culturally despite having a Austronesian language like all (except the stateless one) Major Ethnies of Orvos, specifically they are much more German and Latin culturally and those who aren't atheist or agnostic are generally Christian. A problem in Orvos politics are the separatist sentiments among a sizable parts of certain ethnies Orvos is a huge naval power to protect it's huge maritime territory and exert power around the world, it also has a good or decent airforce and a relatively small land army In foreign policy Orvos generally doesn't act ideologically but instead pragmatically, it's closely allied with Starasia, it also tries to estabilish various organizations, like for technocracies or Austronesian nations. There is currently tensions over whatever to give the stateless ethnicity a Duxtur within Orvos or not and if to upgrade the Federal territory to Duxtur status to give it representation despite it's very small population (A Duxtur usually require at least 4 milion people within it) Other than the Federal States/Duxturs there are the ethnic Councils administrative subdivisions, Basically the Federal States/Duxturs that share the same ethnicity also have another layer of shared governance trough the council's, basically think of the council as a lesser Federation within a Greater Orvos composed by the same ethnicity within the Greater, multi-ethnical Federation of Orvos, basically it was a IC compromise between having smaller states so that no single Federal state is too powerful but at the same time not fully separating politically the people of the same ethnicity. | |
The nation LOVES sports, a good chuck of sports information is in my Dispatches. Not only that, I tried to make it as near as Finland a bit. | |
Philmuza is a family oriented country, it's cultural practices inherents to it's Latin colony Eluthania. | |
Risveglio, being a newly created, revolutionary country; is the vanguard of anarchist, syndicalist and republican ideals. It holds a very dubious foreign policy and may fund foreign organisations that hold the same values. Although being borderline aggressive, the country still knows it's limits - as it does not want to self-destruct. It has learnt to co-exist with other nations nearby. It is now trying to pursue an alliance of like-minded states that wish and are willing to cooperate to achieve a common goal. | |
The Russian Empire | |
Serikai has a rather friendly outlook to other nations, but does have some controversial laws | |
Skaristan | |
Tonatiutlan | Mexico but no Spanish and Imperialist Aztecs |
the USR is a nation that despites its strict ruling is very advanced and wants the best for its people and its region at all times. They also see Dongerland as friendly rival though in modern times good relations are there between the two. | |
Varduvan | |
Vietnesia | The entire archipelaho of Nusantara/Vietnesia was once a flourishing palm oil society, with at one point, on each island atleast 700 kingdoms and princely states existed, before they were all united under the Vietnesian Constitution of 1200, which set out to conquest and unify the region. |
Westport | |
Savoril | Savoril desires to be the seat of a worldwide peace conference |
Overseas and Autonomous Territories
Name | Nation | Status | Capital | Population |
Organizations Dispatch - This is a reference list of international alliances, organizations, unions, treaties, etc. in the RP, along with their members.
Below are all of the alliances, unions, organizations, treaties, and the like in the RP. Some are marked as closed, meaning that any nation cannot join. There are also specifications for which nations are targeted by a certain alliance, so take that into account if considering which to join.
If you would like your alliance to be added to this dispatch, please DM Obets at Senatorialism#9215 on Discord.
Name | Purpose | Target Nations | Headquarters | Members |
The Zeroth World Council | A organization for Technocratic Sovereign States and Political Parties for the purpose of strengthening Technocracy all around the world, | Open to only Technocratic Nations or Political Parties | Besigheid | Doctors Orvos |
The Garalien Mutual Defence Accords | A mutual defence alliance of Garalien Nations | Open to Garalien (Nations in Garalie Major and Garalie Minor) Nations | Doctors Orvos | |
The Hiyokukawa Accords | Economic Restoration, Human Rights, Self Defence | Democracies in Vetem and Urus | Yakusoji | |
The Cooperative Organization of the Yalagch Gulf | Military and Economic Cooperation | Nations in the Yalagch Gulf |
Tech Claims and Military Guide - This guide documents nation's claims on military tech, explains the RP's technology system, and lists approved military factbooks. It also has the templates for military factbooks and custom equipment applications.
Real Life Technology Claims and Custom Equipment
Roleplayers may apply to be the origin of existing military technology from IRL Nations, as a matter of expediency and consistency. Additionally, Roleplayers with strong enough economies and sufficient needs may develop their own custom equipment, either fully derived from another nation's claimed equipment or fully independently. The Military Factbook Template is linked below.
RP Player |
IRL Nation's Technology being claimed |
Blanket Claim on USA Tech |
Europan Union (Nihangok) |
Blanket Claim on Chinese Tech |
Blanket Claim on Russian Tech |
Blanket Claim on British Tech |
Nohol (UPFR) |
Blanket Claim on French Tech |
Blanket Claim on German Tech |
Glacierspine |
Blanket Claim on Greek Tech |
Blanket Claim on Yugoslav --> Serbian Tech |
Triboti |
Blanket Claim on Turkish Tech |
Blanket Claim on Indonesian Tech |
Blanket Claim on Japanese Tech |
Blanket Claim on South Korean Tech |
Blanket Claim on Filipino Tech |
Blanket Claim on Thai Tech |
Blanket Claim on South African Tech |
Blanket Claim on Argentinian Tech |
List of Approved Military Factbooks
Nation | Factbook | Approved By |
Empire of Serikai & New altheria | ||
Europan Union & Sarayevka | ||
Europan Union & New altheria | ||
nation=corisar/detail=factbook/id=1632094 Corisar Glćter Class Specifications | Europan Union & New altheria | |
Europan Union & New altheria | ||
nation=zennovia/detail=factbook/id=1946377 Custom Aircraft Specifications From Fuegrado | ||
WIP; will be developed as the RP starts.
It is recognized by the mod team that certain modern technologies require an incredible amount of resources and development. That often single non-superpower countries have been shown to have great difficulty with perfecting and affording. Thus, in order to balance custom equipment, we've locked certain technologies behind GDP and other requirements. Requiring and encouraging the procurement of advanced equipment to be international projects.
Fifth-Generation Aircraft:
At LEAST Two contributing nations and a combined GDP of $21 TrillionSixth-Generation Aircraft:
At LEAST four contributing nations and a combined GDP of $42 Trillion
Technology readiness levels (TRLs) are a method for estimating the maturity of technologies in RP. TRLs are based on a scale from 1 to 9 with 9 being the most mature technology. The movement of technology between levels may be appealed to and left to the mod team. Considerations for a nation or an international research organization to mature technology to a higher level are GDP, Budget dedicated to civilian research, and percentage of a military budget dedicated to R&D(10-15%, Max.).
Level |
Description |
Example Technologies |
9 |
Actual system proven in extensive usage in an operational environment. |
Fifth-Generation Fighters, Reconnaissance Drones/Probes, Electric Vehicles, Hydrogen Fuel Cells |
8 |
System complete and qualified. |
UCAVs, Reuseable Launch Systems |
7 |
System prototype demonstration in an operational environment. |
Self-Driving Cars, Quantum Supercomputers |
6 |
Technology demonstrated in relevant environment |
Naval Point-Defense Lasers, Fourth-Generation Tanks |
5 |
Technology validated in relevant environment |
Optical Computing, Human-crewed Mars vehicles, Caseless Ammunition |
4 |
Technology validated in lab. |
Rail Guns, Genetic Engineering |
3 |
Experimental proof of concept |
Nuclear Fusion, Generation IV Nuclear Reactors, Sixth-Generation Fighters |
2 |
Technology concept formulated. |
Permanent Moon/Mars Mission, Graphene Electronics |
1 |
Basic Principles Observed |
Asteroid Mining |
This is the Military Factbook Tamplate which is to be used if you need help organizing the information that you need.
Moderation - A simple list of the moderators of the RP, from the Delegate down.
The Free Nations Region offers a very advanced moderation team that keeps the RP together. At the top is the RP Delegate, elected during Ministerial Elections, followed by their deputy, then the RP Mods. Below the mods are the Military and Economic Advisors, along with the Cartographer and Dispatch Maker(s).
Role | Nation Name | As of |
RP Delegate | August 8, 2022 | |
Deputy RP Delegate | August 8, 2022 | |
RP Moderator | Ascoobis, Blaceris, Doctors Orvos, Khaldea, Thermendos, Weatherwand, Nohol | April 16th, 2024 |
Military Advisor | N/A | |
Economic Advisor | N/A | |
Cartographer | Forever | |
Dispatch Manager | August 8, 2022 |