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by The Republic of Meercovo. . 389 reads.

Constitution of the Orange Order



The Second Constitution of the The Orange Order

The member nations of The Orange Order hereby do inaugurate the constitution to define the institutions of government; prescribe their composition, powers, and functions; and regulate relations between them. In order to form a more perfect region, the residents of The Orange Order do promote the values of democracy, freedom, inclusivity and friendship between all nations, whatever their beliefs and values may be.






















Article 1: Residency and Governmental System

1.1 Preamble
    1. All new nations become part of The Orange Order when they join the region, all laws, rights and freedoms are immediately afforded to them upon joining.
    2. Nations that become part of The Orange Order are committed to the welfare of the region and all other nations within it.
    3. All nations in The Orange Order region shall have the freedoms of speech, religion, defence and representation.
    4. All nations that ascend to the region swear to uphold this constitution for as long as the region may exist.
1.2. Residency
    1. Residents are defined as nations residing within TOO
    2. Residents are permitted to run for office and may receive positions within the Cabinet.
    3. Acknowledging the existence of Puppet States, residents must declare puppets within the RMB or face ejection. Puppet states are residents of TOO, and are afforded the same rights.
    4. Allowing residents to obtain Puppets, a cap is set on 3 puppets, any others will be ejected.
    5. Nations belonging to other regions with Puppets in TOO must telegram the Founder or Worshipful Master, or face banning and ejection of any puppets.
    6. All nations, be they WA or non-WA, shall have equal status and privilege within the TOO as residents.
    7. Any nation gains residency immediately upon accession to TOO.
    8. All residents are allowed to vote in regional elections, polls and referendums. No resident may be prevented from doing so.
    9. Safeguarding the region, all nations within TOO are residents, with residency only being relinquished upon departing the region, or being banned/ejected.
    10. Nations that lose their residency may regain it upon assessment by the opposition of TOO.

    This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

1.3. Government System of TOO
    1. Accepting TOO has a unique democratic style of government, that must be retained.
    2. The region has four branches of regional power: The Opposition, the Cabinet, the Founder and the Regional Parliament (headed by the speaker). The Opposition acts as the Judiciary branch, as well as the balance to the government. The Cabinet acts as the Governmental and semi-legislative Branch, headed by the Worshipful Master. The Regional Parliament is the main legislative body of the Region. The Founder acts as the balance between the three.
    3. In the event that there are not enough Residents to fulfil the democratic process, a political state of emergency must be declared (this is different to the State of Emergency outlined in Article 5.3 ). In the event of this, the Founder or next highest-ranking resident gains all powers usually afforded to the Worshipful Master. To do this, the following points must apply, and the remaining nations must unanimously approve:
      - There are less than 5 members of the region.
      - There are not enough members to fulfil all cabinet positions.
      - The Founder has capitulated, or there are no WA residents within the region.

    4. Recognising the significant power of the Founder, the Orange Order (nation) must play a role in defending the constitution of TOO.
    5. This constitution establishes a regional parliament which will have legislative powers. This will be amended and legislated in the future.

    This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

Article 2: Governance of TOO

2.1 The Cabinet
1. The Cabinet is the primary legislative body of the region. The Cabinet is appointed by the Worshipful Master upon their election to the region, and each member of the Cabinet may be removed at the Worshipful Masters discretion. The Cabinet must consist of: Master-at-arms (Defence/Security); Deputy Master (Diplomatic Relations); Chaplain (Home Affairs/Activity).

This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

2.2 The Worshipful Master
    1. The Worshipful Master is the Head of Government of the region.
    3. The Worshipful Master can supress posts on the RMB and has the constitutional authority to eject residents at their pleasure. However, this must be for a period of only 10 days. The Worshipful Master does not have the power to ban residents.
    4. The Worshipful Master does have the power over embassies, polls, communications, appearance and border control.
    5. The Worshipful Master can vote in any elections.
    6. The Worshipful Master does not have the power to lock the region (see Article 5).
    7. The Worshipful Master shall be elected by the last day of the second month after the previous election. However, the incumbent Worshipful Master may call an election anytime during the term, provided that they provide one week of campaigning to do so. This effectively gives each WM a 60 day term, depending on the time of year.
    8. The election of the Worshipful Master begins when a poll is introduced by the Founder or WA delegate, with a one-week deadline for campaigning and time to allow all residents to have the opportunity to vote.
    9. The vote takes place in the regional polls. The question must be clear and fair to all candidates and residents,
    10. Any resident can stand for election to become Worshipful Master, provided they are not WA delegate. Any number of candidates may stand. Even if there is only one candidate, there must still be a vote- albeit with an approve/disapprove question.
    11. The Worshipful Master does not have executive power, and must not be WA delegate.
    12. The Worshipful Master takes office as soon as the Founder and Speaker has certified the results and appoints them. The certification is purely ceremonial, and the Founder is constitutionally bound to do so.
    13. The Worshipful Master has the power to change the composition of the cabinet during their term.
    14. The Worshipful Master does not have the power to choose the opposition or WA delegate.
    15. The main role of the Worshipful Master is to introduce legislation, increase regional membership and help promote international relations.
    16. The Worshipful Master has the power to veto or repeal up to one law per term. For further information see '1st Amendment to the Constitution' on the legislation page

    This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

2.2.1 Other Cabinet Members
    1. The Master at Arms will be responsible for regional security and common defence policy. They are appointed by the Founder on advice of the Worshipful Master. They have the power to suppress posts on the RMB. Their authority must include appearance, border control and communications.
    2. The Deputy Master will be responsible for diplomatic relations. They are appointed by the Founder on advice of the Worshipful Master. In the event that the Worshipful Master leaves the region or ceases to exist, the Deputy Master becomes Worshipful Master for the remainder of the term, and is awarded the same powers. Their authority must include Embassies, Communications, and polls.
    3. The Chaplain will be responsible for domestic affairs. They are appointed by the Founder on advice of the Worshipful Master. They have the power to suppress posts on the RMB and eject residents. They can advise the Founder to ban a resident, but do not have this power themselves. Their authority must include Appearance, Communications, Polls and border control.
    4. The Speaker of the Regional Parliament is responsible for overseeing the Regional Parliament, the secondary legislative body of TOO after the cabinet. They are appointed by the Founder on the advice of the Worshipful Master.. For more information see the 3rd Amendment to the Constitution (REPEALED).They have the power to call polls relating to certain issues. They are responsible for deciding if a piece of legislation should be put forward for a vote or should be passed simply by the cabinet.

    This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

2.3 Adoption of Laws
    1. Any resident can propose a law. Constitutional amendments will be added to the Constitution. It is illegal for the Cabinet to pass laws that undermine the construction.
    2. A law must first be approved by at least 2 Cabinet members, declared constitutional by 2 judges of the opposition before it is either approved or put into a poll. The WA Delegate should decide if a law can be passed just by the cabinet, or whether it should pass to the Regional Parliament to approve. The WA Delegate's decision can be overturned if 25% of the residents telegram the Founder with this intent.
    3. The Speaker of the Regional Parliament will then organise a poll with a clear question, and then declare the results to the whole region.
    4. Laws must be kept in a dispatch pinned on World Factbook Entry for all residents and would-be residents to see.
    5. If the law is not passed, any resident can present a new similar but amended bill.
    6. A law that is unconstitutional but approved by 2 members of the cabinet and 2 judges can be vetoed by the WA delegate.
    7. Constitutional amendments must be approved by 3 members of the cabinet and all 3 judges (inc. the WA delegate), after which it must be put to a poll in the Regional Parliament. Specific sections and articles of this constitution may require different votes. That will be clearly outlined in that section.
    8. An unamended version of this constitution must be available, while the amended version must be updated by a judge of the opposition.
    9. Any legislation cannot be discriminatory, racist, xenophobic, sexist or be deemed in any way offensive towards any residents.
    10. Ordinary laws can be repealed with a simple vote by the cabinet and opposition, in which case 50% of the cabinet must vote to repeal, and 2 judges must vote to repeal. This is unless specified otherwise within the specific legislation.
    11. Residents can repeal legislation by a simple majority of those who vote, in a poll that has been approved by the Worshipful Master and WA Delegate. This is unless specified otherwise within the specific legislation.
    12. If a nation does not vote, its vote will count as an abstention.
    13. Ordinary legislation must be approved by 20% of TOO's residents at the time the poll was introduced, regardless of what the specific legislation says.

    This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

2.4 Aim of Laws
    1. All legislation passed by the cabinet should be constitutionally legal according to the judges of the opposition.
    2. Laws should aim to promote unity between residents.
    3. Laws can exclusive to some nations. All ordinary legislation applies to every nations within TOO, although there are opt-out clauses for nations in matters that effect sovereignty and independence, for example a regional currency or regional army.
    4. Laws are recommended to concern areas such as defence, economic policy, regional unity, trade and commerce and foreign policy.
    5. Laws that are not constitutional amendments do not get included within the constitution.
    6. Legislation must never expire, unless related to a State of Emergency (see Article 5.3), or unless stated otherwise within the specific bill, which then must be put to a poll.
    7. Laws must not extend the powers of cabinet ministers unless they are constitutional amendments.
    8. Laws must preserve and protect the constitution.
    9. The aim of the Worshipful Master and Cabinet should be to pass legislation according to their policies during the election period.
    10. Legislation should be clear and direct. All nations should have the opportunity to read legislation before it is implemented.
    11. While laws can be passed without the consent of the region, residential consent is always recommended.
    12. Laws should be coherent with other previously passed laws. Clarity is essential.

Article 3: Administration

3.1 Role of the Founder
    1. The Founder is the Head of State and the protector of the region, meaning that they have the right to intervene on behalf of resident nations, if:
      - an official State of Emergency is declared and acts as directed in Article 5.3 of this Constitution.
      - a democratically elected Worshipful Master abuses their power
      - residents rights are neglected
      - the Constitution is overlooked by both the Cabinet and Opposition
      - unelected nations take over the government.

    2. The Founder must appoint the nation that has won the election as Worshipful Master.
    3.The Founder must appoint the members of the cabinet chosen by the Worshipful Master.
    4. The Founder must appoint the members of the opposition chosen by the WA delegate.
    5. The Founder can eject or ban nations, but only on the advice of the cabinet members outlined with this power in Article 2.1.2.
    6. The Founder must abide by the decisions of the region
    7. The Founder cannot take the decision to open or close borders, except in the case of a declared State of Emergency.
    8. The Founder does not have the power to choose their own Worshipful Master or cabinet members.
    9. While the Founder does have executive power, this must be used responsibly.
    10. The Founder must remain politically neutral and should abstain from Worshipful Master or WA delegate votes- despite still having the right to vote. The Founder should be responsible for ensuring elections take place on time. The Founder should not belong to any political party.
    11. The Founder must abide by the constitution and should always seek to defend the constitution in the face of any threat to it. The Founder should aim to keep peace within the region.
    12. The Founder shall be known as Queen Elizabeth II

    This section may be amended, with a poll that requires 50% of TOO residents to vote to do so. This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

3.2 World Assembly Delegate
    1. The World Assembly delegate is elected by the first day the second month since the last Worshipful Master election, with the same election process as the Worshipful Master. This also gives them a 60 day term, but with their term overlapping two WM terms. The term depends on when the WM calls an election, as the WA Delegate is always elected by the first day of the second month since the WM's election.
    2. The Delegate Position is to remain non-executive.
    3. The WA delegate is not only the regions representative in the WA, but acts as the Cabinet's opposition- keeping the Worshipful Master and other cabinet members in check according to this constitution.
    4. No nation may surpass the delegates endorsement count, or they must be temporarily ejected to eliminate their endorsements.
    5. The WA Delegate must have the authority of Polls, Appearance and Communications.
    6. As soon as the WA delegate has been elected, residents are encouraged to endorse them immediately, or withdraw endorsements from the previous delegate.
    7. The WA Delegate must appoint 2 other opposition ‘Judges’. See 3.3 for further information.

    This section may be amended, with a poll that requires 50% of TOO residents to vote to do so. This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

3.3 The Opposition
    1. The WA delegate is the Chair of the Opposition.
    2. As outlined in Article 3.2, the WA delegate must appoint 2 other opposition judges.
    3. The role of the opposition is to defend the constitution, protect rights of residents and ensure legislation is fair and constitutional, as outlined in Article 2.2
    4. The Opposition does not have the power to remove the Worshipful Master without taking the steps outlined in Article 7.2
    5. Once appointed, the judges of the opposition must remain in their place for the remainder of the WA delegates term.
    6. The Judges should be always visible on the ‘Administration’ page.
    7. The Opposition ought to ensure a smooth transition of power when a new Worshipful Master has been elected.
    8. There are no term limits on the Judges or WA delegate. Some opposition powers are outlined in Article 2.2.

    This section may be amended, with a poll that requires 50% of TOO residents to vote to do so. This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

Article 4: Political Parties

    1. Any nation can start a political party with permission of the founder.
    2. Political parties should outline policy positions regularly in Dispatches.
    3. Every party must have a Chairman. Parties have the power to form their own ‘mini-constitution’ to decide how and when their chairperson is elected, and what the rules are regarding membership.
    4. Every resident must have the right to belong to any political party.
    5. Extremist parties are not permitted. The Founder should refuse permission to any extremist party.
    6. Parties should aim to provide residents with a voice, and should take issues to the cabinet or opposition to be resolved. They could also provide legislation for the cabinet to debate.
    7. Parties must seek to unify the region and not divide it.
    8. Candidates for elections do not have to belong to a party, however parties may recommend their chairperson, leader or another member to stand for Worshipful Master or WA delegate. The same party must not hold these positions.
    9. Any party, regardless of membership size, has the right to a platform within the region.
    10. The Worshipful Master should consider appointing members of the cabinet from different political parties.

This section may be amended, with a vote by the cabinet. This section can only be removed if all 3 opposition judges vote to do so.

Article 5: State of Emergency

5.1 Preamble
    The State of Emergency is a declaration of a serious and unexpected threat to the region that will require regional unity and resolve to overcome.

5.2 Raids
    1. Friendly regions and allies of TOO have previously been raided. It is up to the Master-at-arms to ensure any unusual increase in endorsements or untoward behaviour is monitored and dealt with appropriately.
    2. In the event of a raid, a State of Emergency can be declared.

5.3 State of Emergency
    1. A State of Emergency is whenever new or extreme powers are temporarily gifted to the Worshipful Master. This includes the ability to create a regional password and to ban any nation.
    2. Any resident can ask for a State of Emergency, however it can only be approved when all judges of the opposition approve such action within 12 hours, or 2 approve within 24 hours.
    3. During a State of Emergency, non-Worshipful Master/WA Delegate elections, votes, polls and events are postponed for 1 week. The constitution is ‘put on hold’ for 1 week, i.e. some sections no longer apply. These sections include Articles [1.2], [1.3], [2.1.2] and [2.2].
    4. During a State of Emergency, any other new powers for the Worshipful Master can be suggested by or implemented by the opposition and the opposition alone.
    5. One week after the State of Emergency was declared, it must end. If it is necessary for the State of Emergency to continue, the same process of introducing the State of Emergency must go about.
    6. If the WA Delegate loses power or is compromised, the Founder automatically assumes their roles within the opposition until order can be established.
    7. The Cabinet or Opposition cannot implement a State of Emergency indefinitely- it must be renewed and cannot be renewed 3 times in a row.
    8. Once the State of Emergency ends, all emergency powers are removed, any legislation introduced during the State of Emergency is declared null and void, and any elections that were missed are set for their next date- either the last day of the month (Worshipful Master) or the second week of the month (WA delegate) .

    This section may be amended, with a poll that requires a majority of those who vote. This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

Article 6: Role Play and RMB Rules

    1. No RPing about certain events - no one can be comfortable enough to RP about certain things e.g. genocides, ethno-religious cleansing etc.
    2. Land Disputes are to be handled via telegrams or if it is unresolvable, then the decision shall be decided by the Worshipful Master, Map Creator, Founder and WA Delegate
    3. Civil Behaviour - civil behaviour is a must. TOO has a 0% tolerance policy on hate speech- any form of hate speech including but
    not limited to Homophobia, Islamaphobia, racism, transphobia will result in a verbal warning and/or ejection depending on the severity of the offence as to be decided by the Opposition, Cabinet and Founder
    4. Gain consent before including a nation in an RP.
    5. No flaming/trolling
    6. Do not post the same message on the RMB more than once, if this occurs, the offender may be asked to simply delete one of the messages.
    7. Do not spread hate speech nor hate symbols.
    8. Do not meta game
    9. No godmodding

This section may be amended, by the Worshipful Master at their discretion. This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

Article 7: Other

7.1 Elections and Term Limits
    As outlined, elections have set dates to take place and must be introduced by the Founder or WA delegate one week before.
    1.Elections must be free and fair for all to access.
    2. Every resident must have the opportunity to vote. If they miss the vote, that is their responsibility, and not grounds for a re-run of the poll.
    3. General Polls for laws must be in place for a few days.
    4. The WA delegate and other 2 judges have no term limits.
    5. The Worshipful Master only serve two consecutive terms at a time, but they can serve up to 10 non-consecutive terms.
    6. Cabinet officials can only serve one consecutive term in their position. If they change position on the Worshipful Master’s second term, than that is acceptable and doesn’t count as ‘consecutive’ as such.
    7. Anyone can stand for election as many times as they like- so long as they are conforming to the term limit laws regarding their position.
    8. A record of each Cabinet should be kept in a dispatch.
    9. Any law or poll that experiences turnout of less than 15% of the region is unconstitutional
    10. Polls or laws enacted before this constitution was adopted are constitutional.
    11. Polls relating to elections should include an Abstention option for the founder to vote.
    12. If during an election to choose the Worshipful Master that has more than 2 candidates ends up in a tie where a winner cannot be determined then a second round of voting must occur. In this second round of voting only the candidates with the most votes will be eligible in the poll. For more information view The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution

    This section may be amended, with a poll that requires 50% of TOO residents to vote to do so. This section can only be removed if 60% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

7.2 Impeachment
    1. Any cabinet official can be impeached by 2/3 of the opposition judges, unless they are Worshipful Master.
    2. To impeach the Worshipful Master, the WM must have served 30 days in office, meaning that they are half way through their term.
    3. The Speaker of the regional parliament must approve a vote on impeachment, and the founder must consent before a vote takes place.
    4. To successfully impeach and remove the WM, 3 polls must take place, lasting one day each. The poll must be "Yes/No" in favour of impeachment, with no abstention option. If the Yes option wins 3 times, then the WM is impeached and removed. If the Yes option wins 2 times, then the WM is eligible for impeachment pending on a final decision from the Opposition, in which they must approve impeachment with 3 of the 3 judges approving. If only one of the polls succeeds in carrying a Yes majority, then the WM is not impeached.
    5. Impeached nations may not hold office for 2 months after their impeachment.
    6. If nations attempt to impeach the WM and fail, the WM cannot be impeached for the remainder of their term.

    This section may be amended, with a poll that requires 50% of TOO residents to vote to do so. This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

7.3 Approving the Constitution
    1. This Constitution must be approved by a simple majority of those who vote.
    2. As soon as such a vote happens, this Constitution becomes legal within the Orange Order.

    This section may not be amended. This section can only be removed once the constitution has been approved.

7.4 Declaring the Constitution Void
    1. In the event that the constitution no longer serves its purpose, all members of the cabinet, all opposition judges and the founder must all vote in favour of abolishing the constitution,
    2. Then, a poll must be created for 1 week, and a fair debate must take place. A 60% supermajority of residents must approve the abolition with a simple Yes/No question. A new constitution must then be provided before this constitution is declared void by the Founder.

    This section may be amended, with a poll that requires 60% of TOO residents to vote to do so. This section can only be removed if 60% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.

7.5 Rights afforded to Residents
    1. All nations within TOO, as expressed throughout the constitution, shall be afforded equal rights as residents.
    2. All nations outside the TOO are not entitled to the rights and privileges of residency.
    3. All residents must be able to post on the RMB bord.
    4. All residents must be able to stand for, or vote, in any election, unless they are unable to do so due to term limits (see Article 7.1).
    5. No resident may be prevented from accessing polls.
    6. Some polls may be open to all nations, depending on their consequences within the region.
    7. Friendly or allied regions, expressed through the form of Embassies, may post on the RMB board.

    This section may be amended, with a poll that requires 60% of TOO residents to vote to do so. In order to preserve and defend the rights of residents, this section may never be removed.

7.6. Trade
    1. All nations within TOO must be able to trade freely without fear of regulation or inspection, unless any legislation is passed differing to this sentiment.
    3. TOO shall have a Common Market, allowing all nations to engage in frictionless trade, only according to their own laws.
    4. Any regulations on trade must be approved by the entire region
    5. TOO should continue the path of ever strengthening the region and should adopt a Common Defence Policy to ensure stability and strength.
    6. Goods outlined within separate laws must never be tariffed or regulated.

    This section may be amended, by a vote within the cabinet. This section can be removed by the cabinet.

7.7 Sanctions
    1. The Cabinet and Worshipful Master have the power to sanction regions they feel do not act in accordance with the rights and freedoms provided by democracy.
    2. Regions that act aggressively towards TOO should be sanctioned.
    3. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to:
      -Withdrawing Embassies
      -Banning Leaders and Administrative nations of such a region.
      -Banning nations that engage in discriminatory language or actions.

    4. This constitution acknowledges that these sanctions may have little to no impact on aggressive regions, however they take a step in protecting the region and expressing anger towards any such region.

    This section may be amended, by a vote within the cabinet. This section can be removed by the cabinet.

7.8 Wars
    1. Nations within the region that wish to declare war on other nations may do so by issuing a statement in the RMB.
    2. Nations must be engaged in RP and also be on the map before they can declare war.
    3. Nations must not:
      -Attack nations without prior warning
      -Use nuclear or chemical weapons
      -Carry out military operations without first notifying the other nation privately

    If nations fail to follow these rules, other nations may be compelled to join the war against them
    4. Nations cannot go to war with nations if they are both part of the same alliance/pact, unless such pact states otherwise.

    This section may be amended, by a vote within the cabinet. This section can be removed by a vote in the region.

7.9 Bringing Amendments into line
    1. Noting that if one section is amended, it could impact the wording of the entire constitution.
    2. Accepting that to bring the whole constitution into line would take weeks of voting, endless debates and would deter the democratic will of the region.
    3. Therefore, this section allows one, single vote for the word change of certain subjects. For example, if the region ever wanted to change the naming of 'Worshipful Master', then one vote would allow a change across all Articles and sections.
    4. This applies for minor changes in roles as well, such as new powers, removal of powers and creation of new cabinet ministers.
    5. If there are wide sweeping changes, then the whole constitution must be removed, as outlined in 7.4.

    This section may be amended, by a vote within the cabinet. This section can be removed by a vote in the region.

Article 8: The Regional Parliament

    1. This constitution establishes the regional parliament of The Orange Order
    2. Each nation is awarded RMPs (regional members of parliament) as soon as they join the role play.
    3. Each nation is awarded RMPs based on the formula outlined by Niater on the RMB.
    4. The Parliament will be divided into:
    • The Government- consisting of all the RMPs from the cabinet.

    • The Opposition- consisting of all the RMPs in the opposition (WA and the Supreme Judges) as well as the Founder.

    • The Speaker- the one nation in control of the legislative agenda. Decides which laws should be brought to vote.

    • The Backbenchers- RMPs that are not members of the aforementioned groups.

This section may be amended, by the Speaker at their discretion. This section can only be removed if 50% of the residents of TOO vote to do so.



The Republic of Meercovo

