by Max Barry

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by Southern caucasian. . 5 reads.

States of Southern Caucasian

As per the official name, Southern Caucasian is a union of seven allied states. These states were once independent but realized that they all have similarities in culture, history, and language. Thus on 28th December 1983, the seven states joined together to form the Allied States of Southern Caucasian. The seven states are now administrative divisions of the country. From the most populous, they are Erzurum, Erzincan, Urmia, Zanjan, Nakchivan, Qamishli, and Duhok. The most populous of these, Erzurum, is the capital of Southern Caucasian.

Officially edited by the Southern Caucasian Government by:
Charles Narek, Minister of Education
Elizabeth Brown, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Southern caucasian
