by Max Barry

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by The Kingdom of Candanadium. . 9 reads.

Ranks of the Candanadian Defence Forces


Oseanian name (Oseanian abbrv.)/Kanadiaans name (Kanadiaans abbrv.) - alternative names - NATO code

Candanadian Army and Corps of Royal Candanadian Marines


Private (Pte.) | Soldat (Sdt.) - Trooper (Tpr.) | Reiter (Rtr.) in cavalry regiments and the KOER, Rifleman (Rfn.) | Jäger (Jgr.) in rifle regiments and light infantry regiments, Guardsman (Gdsm.) | Wache (Wch.) in guards regiments, Grenadier (Gren.) in the Grenadiers, Sapper (Spr.) | Pionier (Pnr.) in the Royal Engineers, Gunner (Gnr.) | Kanonier (Knr.) in the Royal Artillery Corps, Marine (Mne.) | Marinesoldat (Mst.) in the CRCM, Ranger (Rgr.) | Jäger (Jgr.) in the Candanadian Rangers - OR-1

Lance Corporal (L/Cpl.) | Lanzgefreiter(L/Geft.) - OR-2

Corporal (Cpl.) | Gefreiter (Geft.) - OR-3

Master Corporal (M/Cpl.) | Meistergefreiter(M/Geft.) - OR-4

Sergeant (Sgt.) | Feldwebel (Fdw.) - OR-5/OR-6

Staff Sergeant (Staff Sgt.) | Stabsfeldwebel (Stabsfdw.) - OR-7 - Colour Sergeant (C/Sgt.) | Fahnenwebel (Fnw.) in the Royal Marines and the Guards and Grenadier regiments, Ranger Sergeant (R/Sgt.) | Jägerfeldwebel (J/Fdw.) in the Candanadian Rangers

Warrant Officer Class 2 (WO2) | Fahnenjunker (Fhj.) - OR-8

Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1) | Fähnrich (Fnr.) - OR-9


Officer Cadet (Cdt.) | Offizierskadett (Kad.) - OF-D

2nd Lieutenant (2nd Lt.) | Unterleutnant (Unter Lt.) - OF-1b

Lieutenant (Lt.) | Leutnant (Lt.) - OF-1a

Captain (Capt.) | Hauptmann (Hptm.) - OF-2

Major - OF-3

Lieutenant Colonel (Lt. Col.) | Oberstleutnant (Obr. Lt.) - OF-4

Colonel (Col.) | Oberst (Obr.) - OF-5

Brigadier (Brig.) - OF-6

Major General (Maj. Gen.) | Generalmajor (Gen. Maj.) - OF-7

Lieutenant General (Lt. Gen.) | Generalleutnant (Gen. Lt.) - OF-8

General (Gen.) - OF-9

Field Marshal | Generalfeldmarschall - Captain General | Generalhauptmann for the Royal Marines - OF-10

Royal Navy of Candanadium


Junior Rate (JR) | Untermatrose (UM) - OR-1

Able Rate (AR) | Matrose (MA) - OR-2

Leading Rate (LH) | Obermatrose (OM) - OR-3

Petty Officer 3rd Class (PO3) | Unterbootsman (U/Btsm.) - OR-4

Petty Officer 2nd Class (PO2) | Bootsman (Btsm.) - OR-5

Petty Officer 1st Class (PO1) | Oberbootsman (O/Btsm.) - OR-6

Chief Petty Officer (CPO) | Hauptbootsman (HB) - OR-7

Warrant Officer Class 2 (WO2) | Fahnenjunker zur See (Fhj.) - OR-8

Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1) | Fähnrich zur See (Fnr.) - OR-9


Officer Cadet (Cdt.) | Offizierskadett (Kad.) - OF-D

Sub-Lieutenant (Sub Lt.) | Unterleutnant zur See (U/Lt. (S)) - OF-1

Lieutenant (Lt. (N)) | Leutnant zur See (Lt. (S)) - OF-2

Lieutenant Commander (Lt. Cdr.) | Kommandantleutnant (Kdt. Lt.) - OF-3

Commander (Cdr.) | Kommandant (Kdt.) - OF-4

Captain (Capt. (N)) | Kapitän (Kpt.) - OF-5

Commodore (Cdre.) | Kommodore (Kdre.) - OF-6

Rear Admiral (R/Adm.) | Konteradmiral(K/Adm.) - OF-7

Vice Admiral (V/Adm.) | Vizeadmiral (V/Adm.) - OF-8

Admiral (Adm.) - OF-9

Grand Admiral (G/Adm.) | Großadmiral(G/Adm.) - OF-10

Royal Air Force of Candanadium


Aircraftman (AC) | Flieger (Flg.) - OR-1

Leading Aircraftman (LAC) | Fliegerlanzgefreiter (L/Geft.) - OR-2

Senior Aircraftman (SAC) | Fliegergefreiter (Geft.) - OR-3

Master Corporal (M/Cpl.) | Fliegermeistergefreiter (M/Geft.) - OR-4

Sergeant (Sgt.) | Feldwebel (Fdw.) - OR-5/OR-6

Flight Sergeant (Flt. Sgt.) | Flugswebel (Flgw.) - OR-7

Warrant Officer Class 2 (WO2) | Fahnenjunker (Fhj.) - OR-8

Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1) | Fähnrich (Fnr.) - OR-9


Officer Cadet (Cdt.) | Offizierskadett (Kad.) - OF-D

Pilot (Plt.) - OF-1b

Flying Officer (Fg. Off.) | Fliegenoffizier (Fl. Off.) - OF-1a

Flight Lieutenant (Flt. Lt.) | Flugsleutnant (Fg. Lt.) - OF-2

Squadron Leader (Sqn. Ldr.) | Schwadronsmajor (Swd. Maj.) - OF-3

Wing Commander (Wg. Cdr.) | Jagdgeschwaderkommandant (Jdgsw. Kdt.) - OF-4

Group Captain (Gp. Cpt.) | Gruppekapitän (Gpp. Kpt.) - OF-5

Air Commodore (Air Cdre.) | Luftkommodore (Luftkdre.) - OF-6

Air Vice Marshal (AVM) | Vizeluftmarschall (VLM) - OF-7

Air Marshal (Air Mshl.) | Luftmarschall (LM) - OF-8

Air Chief Marshal (Air Chf. Mshl.) | Hauptluftmarschall (HLM) - OF-9

Marshal of the Royal Air Force of Candanadium | Marschall der Könglichen Luftwaffe Kandanadiums - OF-10

The Kingdom of Candanadium
