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Nohol Legislature and Executive WIP
The Parliament of the UFPR:Political Parties of Nohol
The Legislatures with in bold, the coalition holding Government
Legislature, Government and dates | "Ultra-Radical Coalition" | "Radical Coalition" | "Moderate Coalition" | "Liberal Coalition" |
Ist Legislature, 1st Gov.: Sept. 2021 - Nov. 2021 | PRS-FRR-PNpC-GP, 91 seats | UPS-PMM-FML-LA, 104 seats | AL-PSL-Neutral: 40 seats | |
Ist Legislature, 2nd Gov.: Nov. 2021 - Feb. 2022 | PRS-FRR-PNpC-GP(-SNAJ), 91 seats | UPS-AL-PMM-FML-LA-PSL-N, 144 seats | ||
Ist Legislature, 3rd Gov.: Feb. 2020 - Apr. 2022 | GP-SNAJ, 7 seats | PRS-FRR-PMM-FML-PNpC, 127 seats | UPS-LA, 61 seats | AL-PSL-N: 40 seats |
IInd Legislature, 1st Gov.: Apr. 2020 - June 2023 | GP-SNAJ-UC, 4 seats | PRS-FRR-PNpC-PMM-FML, 99 seats | UPS-LA-FJS-PSL-N-UCA-AL, 120 seats | PSP-MP, 12 seats |
IInd Legislature, 2nd Gov.: June 2023 - Ongoing | GP-SNAJ-UC-FRR (dissident), 9 seats | PC-FRR-PMM-FML-PSP-MP, 216 seats | UPS-LA-PSL-UCA, 214 seats | FJS-PSL (dissident)-AL-N, 49 seats |
(actual Legislature)
Fully darkred: PC (Radical): 107
Darkred and Red: FRR (Rad-Revolutionnary): 10
Darkred and Black: GP (Radical Isolationist): 1
Darkred and Darkblue: SNAJ (Jacobinism): 1
Darkred and Orange: UC (Communard): 3
Fully Red: UPS (Syndicalist): 104
Red and Black: PMM (Militarist-Marxist): 32
Red and Green: FML (Marxist-Isolationist): 51
Red and Yellow: LA (Agrarian): 49
Red and Darkgreen: FJS (Youth): 11
Red and Darkblue: MP (Thinker): 4
Red and Grey: PSP (Rikardism): 16
Fully Gold: AL (Liberal): 28
Gold and Red: PSL (Capitalist-Socialist/Labour): 47
Gold and Black: N (Neutral): 7
Gold and Blue: UCA (Christian-Agrarian): 17
The Parliament
The "Federal Assembly" of the UFPR is the unicameral legislative house of the Union of Francophone Republics. It is currently made of 488 Members of
The Chairman, the Speaker and the VCDU
The Federal has a Chairman, elected after any change in the coalitions by Parliament at the beginning a normal session
The Chairman choose a Speaker he can revoke at anytime
In a ceremony, the Chief of the Union (head of state), came in front of parliament and has to endorse the Chairman as "Legitimate Head of
-------->Current Chairman and VCDU: Fańc'h Kermaria
-------->Current Speaker: Jeanne Elmoy
The nomination of a Government
Chairman proposes candidates to become Members of Government (MG), the Chairman may choose a Ministry for himself
Parliament approves/rejects the propositions of MG
The Chief of the Union also has to appoint the newly made government
After all these steps, the Government is formed, the Chairman become Vice-Chief of the Union (VCDU)
Relation between the Parliament and the Government
Government proposes Bills, Parliament approves/rejects them
Government is accountable to Parliament and is the armed wing of the Legislature
Parliament can dissolves the Government at anytime; or support it with a Vote of Confidence
Parliament can fire the VCDU at anytime; It can also hold a Vote of Confidence to keep the current VCDU
At every Parliamentary Coalition's Change, a Vote of Confidence for both Gov. and VCDU will be held
If a Deputy is chosen at the Government, they must abandon his charge of Deputy; Their colistier takes their place
The UFPR is indeed a Parliamentary Regime, but has been for centuries a Monarchy where the Executive had a lot of powers but was almost independent of the Parliament. Consequently, the Union's Socialist Government has inherited of these monarchists traditions: it can passes ordinance laws, in rare cases, without parliamentary support. However, 3 days to 2 weeks after this decree-law passes, the parliament must meet and approves/rejects it.
The Government of the Union:
The Government of the UFPR is the Executive Branch of the Union, it is appointed and headed by CDU but its members are elected by the Parliament after proposition of the Chairman
Once a Government is appointed by the CDU, the Chairman becomes Vice-Chief of the Union and Vice-Head of the Government
In a ceremony, the Chief of the Union, the Vice-Chief of the Union and the Speaker take an oath and next day, political life can go back to normal
Different members of Government
Minister: Ministers are the highest and most important Members of Government, a Minister can't hold several positions in the Administration at the same time, the only exception being the Vice Chief of the Union who is a Minister.
State's Secretary
State's Secretaries are subordinates to Ministers and are in charge of, smaller, but more specific affairs. For example: the State's Secretary of Police works for the Minister of Defense and Order
Comissars are members of the Military appointed to a position in the Government and only concern the Commissar-Ministry of Armies and its subordinates (e.g Commissar of Navy, Commissar of Air Defence)
(Ist Legislature (Sept. 2021 - Apr. 2022))