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Prince Pierre de Frile-Grininr wasn't born a Prince. Born 3 years after his brother: Prince of the Crown Robert, Grand-Duke Pierre has always been the second son to the eyes of his father. Very close to his mother, Pierre has had a calm childhood, living in different palaces, far away from all the hatred the people had for his family, While his brother studied at the ESM of Frédéric, the prestigious military school, Pierre studied civil-engineering in Nouvelle-Nantes.
At 23, in 2007, he ended his studies and was employed in the Ministry-General of Infrastructures and Transports, for 2 years, before it merges with the Ministry of Housing to create the Ministry-General of Housing and Public Transports.
Pierre de Frile wasn't a hard worker and his participation in the ministry only consisted on getting more funds, via his network of contacts.
In 2009, he married his wife, Henriette, the daughter of a bourgeois-baron
In 2014, he left the ministry and join the military as warrant officer for the horse cavalry, in 2015 he became Lieutenant of the 5th Regiment of Hussards. The 2010's wasn't a peaceful period for the Military, the 5th, 6th and 13th Regiments of Hussards were frequently sent to keep peace in several regions of Nohol. After 2018, the nation was near Civil War and Pierre left his regiment to join the 3rd Horse-Guard as Major.
This post at the Guard makes him in charge of protecting monuments and royal houses. In 2020, when the Revolution began, Pierre was in New-Nantes, keeping the city hall (a princely palace "given" to the municipality).
Despite asking his brother, the prince, to join the front and stop being a reservist, he stayed in New-Nantes, considered to be safe.
Powerless, he asisted to the many battles lost until the Red Militia came near New-Nantes, the people, hearing about the communist begin near, revolted and stormed the city hall.
Pierre was captured, judged with his family in August 2021, and joined his brother in Saint-Cyrien Castle, known as the Princely Jail.
In September he was exiled by the Socialist Government of Kernoz and his brother, the Prince-Pretending died with his family while going in Russia.
Thus, Pierre became Prince-Pretending and was anointed by an exiled bishop, in his boat in the middle of the Matindi Ocean.
Since then, he lived in Russia as exiled, in a palace he bought
Solomon Bouranger
Solomon Bouranger (born in 1985) is the third son of Isaiah Bouranger, famously known for being one of the introducer of modern syndicalist-socialist thoughts in Nohol in the 60's. The Bouranger family is one of the most ancient Jewish family in Nohol, having been here since the first centuries (their ancestor arrived in 1602 on the Island) which Gallicised its name in the XXth Century to avoid persecution.
Despite being an atheist, he was, and still is a fervent defensor of the Jewish community in Nohol Isles (~100 000 individuals), having been mayor of Casteljuif (literally: Castle-Jew) in the Oceania Province, the largest "vicus judeorum" (village for jews) established in 1628 still today mostly inhabited by people of Jewish descent (even if now they are not legally forced to inhabit the vicus judeorum).
Under his term as mayor (between 2014 and 2020) the city saw its improvement on many points. Indeed, Bouranger used his connections with his superiors to unlock more funds for the town, largely upgrading its public infrastructures, building a new hospital (Hôtel-Dieu de Casteljuif, which has been renamed Hôpital Bouranger de Casteljuif in 2022 to honour him even though he was against that), and renovating the schools. He also abolished the last, often considered absurd and non-applied, segregation laws between Jews and non-Jews in the city. By the end of his term, as he didn't present him again, he took part in bolder moves, like a large protest to demolish the statue of the controversial General and Marquess Thibault-Honoré Pierre Jacques de Tirmont de Rusinie, 1st Marquess of Rusinie, well known for having crushed a Jewish rebellion in the city in 1716.
In November 2020, he joined the Syndical Union, the main Syndicalist Party and took an active part in the Revolution. He didn't fight in the cold North but instead plotted to free Casteljuif, his city, which he did in July 2021. In September of the same year, he entered the Socialist Parliament of Nohol as an MP representing the ward his city is in. The 30th of November 2021, he was appointed Vice Chief of the Union, second most important position in the Government as the Head of the Parliament, and a "Primus inter pares" Minister in the Government.
His two terms as VCDU (November-February 2021/2022 and April 2022-June 2023) saw large improvements of the nation, which is now closer to the Communist Autarkic Utopia (or Noholian Model Utopia), thanks to large Housing Projects, improvements of transportation infrastructures, more stability in the nation, and a bountiful harvest
Solomon Bouranger motto for his term was: "under the auspices of Stability and Peace".
However, the Winter of 2023 saw a national shortage of Coal and the Frozen Death killed thousands. He was forced to resign after he lost the trust of Parliament in June following several corruption scandals within his administration even though he was found unguilty of all charges.