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EPNS September & August 2021 Issue
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Editor's Note: This article was edited especially for dispatch readers. The original, unedited version may be seen here.
New Ally Spotlight: The Alstroemerian Commonwealths
FEATURE | BY: Albrook | Edited by: Zukchiva | You can read more about our authors by clicking on the "Our Staff" tab at the top
The Alpaca Accords allies the Alstroemerian Commonwealths (AC/Alstroemeria) – featuring The Glorious Nations of Iwaku, Eientei Gensokyo, and Yggdrasil – with The East Pacific.
As a long-time Alstroemerian community leader, I can provide a background on these regions and summarize the events that built up to our eventual alliance.
On November 1, 2012, Vando0sa founded Iwaku to serve as a NationStates satellite community to the Iwaku Roleplay Forum. In Fall 2013, this region quickly became the largest anime UCR following the ever tag:all recruitment. This region then grew a culture of “spammy” improv RMB RP with minimal focus on government or gameplay aspects.
On April 2, 2016, in response to mass moderation action, Vandoosa’s original nation became DEAT. Iwaku eventually refounded, and several community members – including myself – wished to continue “a more serious” version of Iwaku in Eientei Gensokyo, which served as a holding region for the community during the refounding. Iwaku and its now sister region EG, along with Iwaku’s territories and smaller splinter regions, became known as the Iwakusphere.
In March 2020, TEP Chief Minister of Foreign Affairs Libertanny reached out to Eientei Gensokyo as it was an in-game embassy, but had no official relations. This event marked the beginning of more interregional cooperation and activity from the Iwakusphere, eventually leading to it joining The Consortium as a founding member in August 2020.
The AC assumed its present form and name after admitting Yggdrasil as a member region in November 2020. Yggdrasil has been Commended in SC Resolution 221 in 2017 for the efforts of the Yggdrasil Defense Services, promotion of gameplay activity and cooperation in diplomacy and WA authorship, and its long life and history since 2003. It joined the AC after its founder, Goddess Relief Office, had retired from NS and left the region in Vandoosa’s custody.
The AC also includes the regions Alstroemeria, Tsumonrin, Hetalia, and Slavija. These smaller regions are either Iwaku splinter regions or territories that formed their own communities. These are not “public/FA-facing regions” due to their smaller size and puppet leadership.
As a fellow Consortium member, Alstroemeria frequently chatted and shared experiences with TEP in both Consortium and TEP public FA channels, participated in N-Day 2020 with ATOMIC, and even welcomed Delegate Zukchiva’s cabinet to “coup” the Alstromeria Discord Server on April Fools 2021.
Our new treaty promises to continue this activity by opening all cultural and social events we host to each other and continue our exchange of diplomats to our communities.
Alstroemeria Above All, and Hail Pacificum Orientalis!
TEP RMB RP's Most Popular Map Faces Change: The Overview
FEATURE | BY: Zukchiva | Edited by: Albrook
The title says it all.
For those unaware, TEP has a very active roleplay community on the Regional Message Board. While it does not have an official map (moreso a slew of unofficial ones), there has always been one clearly dominant map on on the roleplay community: Valsora. But recent announcements to the map have caused somewhat of a turmoil within the RMB.
But first, to explain the context.
Valsora as a roleplay map has existed for almost two years. The initial map team focused on creating a fleshed out map for the RMB. However, the project was later abandoned due to extensive backlash related to the then-dominant map of the time, Dibergia. A former map team member, Nova-Columbia, would later revive the map as a passion project. Ironically, the drama initiated by Valsora’s first release caused Dibergia to shut down, which led to many players flocking to Valsora and cementing its status as the new main map.
Valsora was a roleplay focused on warfare geopolitics with a lack of mechanics; player interaction guided most Valsora-based roleplays. Despite this, Valsora did extremely well during its first two years, with multiple large-scale wars and political dramas taking place. This intensive roleplay marked a long period of activity for the overall community.
However, things would not remain so cheerful as Valsora began its third year of existence. Roleplay transitioned from grandiose plots to smaller-scale warfare and character roleplay, driving many older players from the map. Nova’s dwindling interest in NationStates led to the appointment of successive “temporary cartographers”, whose actions were sometimes opposed by the community. The map began witnessing overcrowding in close-to-shore areas, while landlocked areas remained largely unclaimed. These issues and more saw a decrease in quality and activity of Valsora’s roleplay scene.
To fix this, a nation known as Merlovich (a former Valsora temporary cartographer) released a new proposal- in short, the community would hold a poll on whether Valsora should be replaced by a new map. Alongside an increase of map size and the re-shaping of certain continents, Merlovich proposed the creation of a “cartography team” who would equally own the map, as well as having major map decisions be decided by community vote.
When first proposed, the idea gained much support with around 60% of 32 poll respondents agreeing with a new map in the aforementioned poll. Roleplayers noted that the existence of many old yet inactive nations clogged the map, and the balance of power was shifted much in favor of older players- both issues they believed could be resolved with a massive edit of Valsora or just a new map.
However, questions would soon begin to arise. Many roleplayers were worried about the change too being drastic, with some being reminded of a previous attempt to remake Valsora without Nova’s consent- a remake that ultimately fell apart. Others worried about their lore being lost and having to redraw national maps, as well as losing their old-time roleplay partners due to the change.
To address concerns, Merlovich released another dispatch further detailing the process, alongside directly addressing concerns on the RMB. A Discord was also created to help stir further discussion about the possible new map without clogging the RMB as Merlovich began work on the project.
While discussions are slowly progressing, the proposal itself has had a notable impact, being that it has deterred many roleplayers from roleplaying for the time being. Said roleplayers have announced an indefinite “break” from Valsora RP as they wait to see what happens next. Besides the practical concerns of further worldbuilding being wasted if a new map is made, many such roleplayers are also just seeking a break from the stress this situation has created.
In the meantime, discussion slowly continues in said Discord server as Merlovich labors on this new goal. Whether it will come to fruition and take Valsora’s place, or slip into obscurity, is only something time can tell.
Residents Deserve Rights Too: An opinion, a story, and written completely in-character
IN-CHARACTER | BY: Emjay Moon (East Malaysia) | Edited by: Albrook
The East Pacific is an ancient yet vibrant confederacy. It has many groups of nations that all have different yet all equally important roles within its territory. You have nations that run the Confederated Government, others that tell deep stories filled with lore from a faraway land called Urth, those that tell of the glorious battles of Valsora, and many that represent The East Pacific across the Planet Gameplay.
Since the beginning, as our grand confederacy was being established by the Steveithicus Brothers of 1 Infinite Loop, it has had a Citizen class and Resident class of nations. Citizen nations were the ones that ratified the Concordat of the confederacy and enjoyed prominent status over the Resident nations. Not too far in the distance from where we are today, Resident nations had no legal protections, and were not seen in the best light compared to Citizen nations. Resident nations came forward, they ratified the Concordat, and they became Citizen nations. They sent representatives to the Magisterium and to the Confederated Government at-large and fought for very basic rights for fledgling Resident nations.
In Rilanon, Christie Island where the seat of the Confederated Government lies, a gaggle of Citizen nations joined hands together and led the fight on behalf of the Resident nations. Eventually Resident nations gained some acknowledgement in the Concordat but for gaggle of Citizen nations that simply was not enough. To those pioneers of Residents Rights, the Resident nations were just as important as the Citizen nations, and they deserved not just rights but equal rights. A united citizenry of nations, equal, and indivisible with a common goal of the betterment of the Confederate States.
The most active nations within the overall interior territory of the confederacy and the RMB Stock Exchange are undoubtedly Resident nations. Citizen nations make up a minority of activity in these areas of the confederacy but make it up elsewhere with the continuity of government, defense and maintaining all services that are available to all nations within the bounds of The East Pacific. Citizens and Resident nations both put in a lot of work for the betterment of the confederacy. Each dedicating countless hours of workforce to The East Pacific to keep it a beautiful, safe and active confederacy. The solution is simple: residents deserve rights too. This shouldn’t be based on their status but what their contributions are to the confederacy.
As a member of the East Malaysian Non Voting Delegation to the Magisterium, I submitted a proposal for a United Citizenry Concordat on April 22, 2021. After countless hours of debate between Magisters and other Non Voting Delegation members it went to a vote and was passed by the Magisterium on August 12, 2021. Finally on August 20, 2021, with a two-thirds majority it passed among the Citizen nation’s representatives. I believe that this will make The East Pacific a leader among the Feederland regions of Planet Gameplay, for a safe and secure society, by promoting unity and the common goal of simply being the best.
Against East Malaysia's Citizenship System
OPINION | BY: Nociav | Edited by: Zukchiva
(Editor's Update to the Author's Note: The situation in TEP has changed since time of writing. The proposed system has been passed. This article was originally slated to launch late August 2021.)
I write as a concerned citizen, concerned for the future of The East Pacific. Everyone in the region should be able to remember the many times TEP has been in mortal danger. Those around during those times of turmoil would never wish such a thing again. TEP has learned much from its history. Monarchical rule ended when Gnidrah proved the failures of said system in 2008, and the Viziers were reorganized into a fourth security branch following the Fedele coup attempt.
The latest attempt to protect TEP is East Malaysia's citizenship system. EM has been around since early 2004 and has experienced all the trials and tribulations TEP has gone through. He, of all people, knows what security TEP has been in desperate need of. The latest citizenship system overhaul is a baffling turn. I, for my part, have dissented against the otherwise mostly supported proposal.
EM's proposal is meant to enhance security and expand accessibility to TEP whilst granting residents more rights. The method of granting residents more rights is by getting rid of the distinction between residents and citizens. Under the new system, everyone in TEP is a citizen. Citizens, however, can not vote in referendums and Delegate elections unless they register to vote beforehand. The registration system would involve telegramming a commissioner from your WA nation with the details of your TEP nation. This would then allow your vote to count. This process has to happen before every election. WA's can be located anywhere, from TRR to a puppet storage. To join the Magisterium and the Executive, you still have to ratify the Concordat.
The goals for a more accessible and secure TEP is admirable and one we all share. EM, being so active across two decades, has wisdom that most of us lack. But I fail to see this wisdom in the new citizenship system. I would never have expected such a strange thing to come from an esteemed member of our community. The proposal system hollows TEP's security and actively excludes some people from participating.
First I concede that WA verification does combat individual vote stackers but that is all I concede. It only defends against an individual who vote stacks using multiple accounts. I have to remind everyone that Fedele did not vote stack for himself with five different accounts he personally owned, he vote stacked with other people. This system does nothing to prevent against this form of vote stacking. The proposed system grants no practical advantage in this sector since the threat of one man pretending to be an army is low.
In addition to the above, EM's system mandates zero IP checks. The consequences are obvious. This lack of checks effectively nullifies Conclave bans since any individual could resign from the WA and join again under a new puppet. As it stands, Fedele could rejoin, and I would have encouraged him to do so to highlight the problem if such an action were legal. OOC bans also get effectively nullified now that no IP checks are done at the time of voter registration. IP checks may be done if there is suspicion that the person is Conclave banned or OOC banned but that is it, - there will be no checks on IPs outside of this. The extreme ease of avoiding OOC bans under the proposed system should be worrying to everyone. TEP should not regress.
A reasonable person might suggest keeping IP checks at some point in the new Citizenship system, but EM will not do this. To clarify the arguments against IP checks, IP checks were removed firstly because there are many supposedly commonplace methods to defeat IP checking such as switching carriers or ISPs, secondly because of the assumption that WA multying will be caught by NS, and thirdly because some people are not comfortable sharing their IP. The first is a legitimate concern but making it easier for evaders is not a solution. The second does nothing to allay my fears of Conclave and OOC ban evaders. The third is just unreasonable. There exist stringent laws on what can be done with IPs, these laws bind everyone uniformly.
For these reasons, I contend such a system does nothing to combat vote stackers such as those that helped Fedele. It cripples TEP's security and raises OOC concerns as well. What a disaster this system would have been if it was enacted under Fedele.
Secondly, the system actively excludes r/d-ers by mandating they disclose their WA regardless of operational security. EM's response has been that they should deal with it. This is not an acceptable response since a reason for many supporting this system was expanded accessibility. It fails here as it does in security. A solution has been proposed that commanders vouch for such individuals. Aside from opsec concerns, can such an important system be left to the trust of foreign military commanders? A commander that lies would be an invaluable tool for the same vote stackers the WA requirement actually halts.
Thirdly, the headache of reapplying every single election is guaranteed to annoy many people. This headache extends to the new commissioners as well since now they have to remask and reverify each and every single time there's an election or referendum. And what does TEP have to show for it? A gutted security system and reduced accessibility.
Fourthly, the consequences of such destabilizing changes will inevitably require changes to laws that otherwise would cause problems. The immediate concern is the RMBRA which in its current state would require every offender to be tried before being ejected and banned for RMB misconduct under the proposed citizenship system.
EM has demonstrated the problems of overhauling a legal system quite well. Just recently, EM put up a replacement for the Citizenship Act. First, it says multiple citizenships are forbidden. This makes it a crime for me to create a puppet for card farming if it spawns in TEP. Such a heinous crime bad RNG is. EM also cripples the Praesidium's ability to prohibit nations from entering TEP. Citizens can't be prohibited. Any prohibited nation can bypass it by spawning in TEP with a puppet and declaring that since they now have citizenship by lawful means, their prohibition is unlawful. They never entered TEP since their puppet was never outside to begin with, they were always in TEP. And with this, another security system is defeated by bad planning. All of this could have been avoided if things were left alone. Nothing was broken, nothing needed fixing.
I have to remind everyone of the severity of the issue. The citizenship system is not a toy for people to propose huge overhauls to. Changes have ripple effects and they can be disastrous for the region. The system before worked. It had kinks, but it had nothing that needed such dangerous reforms. Conclave bans, Praesdium prohibitions, and OOC bans now have zero weight. There has been no adequate justification for the railroading of a new system. In the name of accessibility, security, and resident rights, TEP has closed its doors to some, crippled some of the most important security systems the region has, and created a massive headache for everyone trying to iron out the many kinks of this unjustifiable system. Legislation is supposed to create an ideal version of TEP. This is not ideal. This is a solution that is searching for a problem.