by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 139 reads.

Vote Against SC resolution Commend Imperium Anglorum

Security Council Vote Recommendation

Part of the Information for WA Voters program

Resolution at Vote: Commend Imperium Anglorum
Vote Recommendation: Against

Resolution Analysis
This resolution seeks to commend Imperium Anglorum for a second time for a variety of reasons. The author goes first into their technical expertise and prowess and how their skills have greatly improved the efficiency of delivery of Europe's government services. Second, this resolution goes into their myriad new contributions since their first resolution to the World Assembly before underscoring their administrative and legal impact on Europe.

IA is undoubtedly worthy of commendation, which is why he has been commended previously. The proposal at vote would incorporate the achievements and exploits that he has accomplished in the time since the previous commendation, which is precisely the sort of thing that becomes necessary when someone is commended early in his career. Typically this is remedied by repealing the existing commendation and replacing it with an updated one. The author of this proposal chose instead to commend IA *again* by essentially continuing the same list from the first proposal, and defended this choice by asserting that IA "deserves" to have two commendations, a feat that has never happened before. IA, it should be noted, is a player with much left to do, and he shows no sign of stopping. Should he eventually retire, this author has stated he would repeal this resolution and write a replacement. We believe that is the proper course of action *in the present*. Commendations should comprehensively cover the highlights and worthy accomplishments of a nominee's entire career, and be updated as needed. Those with more than one earn them under different nations, for very different and diverse reasons. Passing this resolution would set a bad precedent that will further cheapen commendations in the future.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote Against the General Assembly Resolution at vote, "Commend Imperium Anglorum"

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