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by The Dispatch Office of FNR. . 84 reads.

FNF | The Executive Succession Act

Master DispatchThe Legislative BranchLegal CodeThe Executive Succession Act

Name: The Executive Succession Act
Serial Number: RL-010

Date of Passage: 2021/06/26
Brief Purpose: To establish procedures for filling vacancies within the Executive Branch.

The Executive Succession Act


  1. For the purpose of this act, “seniority” shall be defined as the length of time a nation has held citizenship within the Free Nations Region.

  2. For the purpose of this act, “simple majority” shall be defined as 50%+1 of all non-abstaining voting nations.

  3. For the purpose of this act, “supermajority” shall be defined as two-thirds of all non-abstaining voting nations.

Section I: Presidential Succession

  1. A presidential succession will occur when the President’s nation ceases to exist or the office of the President is vacated by any means.

  2. The Vice President shall be first in the Presidential line of succession.

  3. Should the Vice President be unable or unwilling to fill the office of the President, the line of succession shall continue as follows until a successor is determined.

    1. Ministers, by order of seniority

    2. The Speaker of the Citizens’ Assembly

    3. The Chief Justice

    4. Citizens, by order of seniority

  4. The designated successor will become the new President and shall hold all legal privileges afforded to the office until either a special election is held or the end of the term.

  5. The new President may appoint a Vice President with approval by a simple majority of the Citizens’ Assembly.

Section II: The Cromwell Protocol

  1. The Cromwell Protocol is a mechanism that may be activated in the occurrence of a vacancy in the Executive Branch.

  2. Upon activation, the Cromwell Protocol shall initiate a Special Election which will function in the same method as a normal Election Season.

    1. If the Special Election would begin less than thirty days before the Election Season, the normal Election Season for that position shall be called off.

  3. The Cromwell Protocol may be activated by a simple majority vote of the Citizens’ Assembly and must be sponsored by a minimum of five citizens before going to vote.

Section III: The Crisis Protocol

Sub-Section I: The Crisis Corps

  1. The Crisis Corps shall act as the staff in the Office of the Chief Administrator and the premier advisory body of The Free Nations Region, responsible for protecting the region during emergency situations in cooperation with the Chief Administrator, President and other offices as designated by law and helping the Chief Administrator in their daily tasks that includes assisting the government with the permission of the President.

  2. The Crisis Corps shall be composed of the Founder and a maximum of six Crisis Corps Members.

  3. Crisis Corps Members must be citizens of the Free Nations Region, with no criminal offences within FNR within four years or valid out-of-character issues, and must have subjectively shown positive merit through their actions towards FNR.

  4. The Chief Administrator may appoint a Crisis Corps Member with approval by a supermajority of the Citizens’ Assembly.

  5. A Crisis Corps Member may be removed from the Crisis Corps via unanimous agreement of the Crisis Corps (excluding the Crisis Corps Member in question), a simple majority Vote of No Confidence of the Citizens’ Assembly, or following a period of inactivity exceeding fourteen days without a prior public notice of inactivity.

Sub-Section II: The Crisis Protocol

  1. The Crisis Protocol is a mechanism that, if activated, gives the Crisis Corps authority to collectively hold vacant position(s) in the Executive Branch of the government.

  2. The Crisis Protocol can be activated by the legislature in the occurrence of a vacancy in the Executive Branch when there are no eligible replacements or it must be filled immediately.

  3. The Crisis Protocol may be activated by a supermajority vote of the Citizens’ Assembly and must be sponsored by a minimum of five citizens before going to vote.

    1. If the vote fails, another activation vote cannot occur for a period of thirty days following the vote.

  4. Following activation, the Crisis Protocol will remain in place for a period of thirty days, after which the vacancy may be filled by a replacement or the Crisis Protocol may be reactivated by a supermajority vote of the Citizens’ Assembly.

  5. The Crisis Corps shall be under the jurisdiction of the President while holding ministerial position(s).

  6. The Crisis Protocol may be deactivated by a simple majority vote by the Crisis Corps.

Sub-Section III: Limitations

  1. The Supreme Court may reverse actions taken by the Crisis Corps outside of those vested to them within the law.

The Dispatch Office of FNR

