by Max Barry

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by The Support Ukraine of Jammlandia. . 7 reads.

Democratization of Jammlandia


Due to increased pressure from the international community and his own people, the King of Jammlandia has allowed for the first democratic elections to take place in the Jammlandian parliament, which is referred to as the “Upper Senate”, which used to be appointed by the monarch, with people only being able to vote in the “Lower Senate”, which had very little power, and was split into several subdivisions to further limit its power. The “Lower Senate” has been reformed into the “Provincial Governing Counsels” (PGC), which was intended to act as a local government of sorts.



After a popular referendum, the King of Jammlandia has agreed to forfeit some of his power to the Parliament, as well as creating the new elected position of the Prime Minister. The Parliament now has the ability to levy, remove, and otherwise alter taxes in the nation. The Prime Minister will be approved by, and can be fired by the King. Political parties have also been legalized.
