by Max Barry

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by The Democracy of Heaveria. . 24 reads.

FNR | Q2-2021 Presidential Transparency Report


Founded January 15, 2016 - United December 25, 2016

Presidential Transparency Reports (Q2-2021)

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The term only began a few weeks ago, and the majority of the time has been spent waiting on various election results and preparing agendas of both terms.
Now that all the planning has concluded, it is time to get to work and deliver results!

Here's what has happened/will happen soon:

  • 🧾 We published our monthly foreign affairs update which can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=462459&start=100#p38620284

  • 🚩 Regional calendar contest is still ongoing! Results are expected quite soon. There were many submissions! We shall see which citizens' flag will become the next one of FNR.

  • 🤝🏼 Vice-President Tyuleniy and I have met with all of our ministries and communicated our expectations and let each minister say what they wanted to accomplish this term. Together, we were able to craft an agenda and a plan for this month of May. The regional calendar has been filled up with even more to come! You can visit the calendar at any time here: Link

  • 🎥 Movie ideas have been submitted! MoC Obets has posted a regional poll here where you can vote on which movie: page=poll/p=173453. This Saturday we will be watching the movie! We'll be using Teleparty to watch the movie over Netflix legally. Participants require their own Netflix account.

  • 📧 With the MoI My Nation, I have set out dates to review both the Welcome Telegram (and draft a new one) as well as the Recruitment Telegram.

  • 📃 VP Tyuleniy will start working on a centralized Jobs & Opportunities System/Dispatch with the MoIA.

  • 📅 More to come! Please stay up-to-date with the regional calendar for the most current plans.

The Democracy of Heaveria

