by Max Barry

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by Destyntine. . 14 reads.

Safety Statistics

Destyntine is revered as the safest nation on planet Earth with the lowest crime rate out of any nation on the Homeworld. The citizens put great trust in their government to withhold standards set in the constitution. A strong border, a large safety net of welfare, an extremely tight immigration system, heavy social standards, and therapeutic rehabilitation for those who have done wrong all factor in to allow this to work for everyone. Citizens are rarely paranoid, most even leave their doors unlocked at night. Parents feel safe to allow their children to go out in public, with extensive security being able to keep a heavy monitor on the cities for the protection of the citizens.

Vehicular safety is at an all time high, with accidents being extremely rare, advanced AI navigation allowing for inhuman speeds of maneuvering through the sky. Mental health is taken seriously as well, with therapy being free to all citizens in need. The intelligence of the population has led to therapists being able to pinpoint problems with ease, a high intelligence also allows for the general population to make better decisions overall. The citizens live quite equal, mitigating the jealousy and hunger for wealth. Although citizens do envy each other, it normally isn't because of wealth, there is no lower class.

[b]Crime Statistics (Rounded to the hundred thousand):[/b]
Homicide rate: 1/5,000,000 (0.02 per 100,000 people)
Sexual Assault rate: 1/1,500,000 (0.06[u]6[/u]) per 100,000 people)
Physical Assault rate: 1/1,200,000 (0.08[u]3[/u] per 100,000 people)
Theft rate 1/1,000,000 (0.01 per 100,000 people)

