by Max Barry

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by The Imperio Constitucional of Novo Wagondia. . 28 reads.

A Note on Geographic Terms

- Santa Catalina Main Factbook
- Santa Catalina Civil Parishes

As a predominantly lusophone city, Santa Catalina follows Portuguese naming conventions for many geographic features, though Spanish and Italian terms may also be used. The following list is provided as a guide for English translation.

    - Alameda: In Santa Catalina, these are broad, tree-lined boulevards. (ex: Alameda da Paz, Alameda das Índias)

    - Autoestrada: A high-speed motorway with uninterrupted traffic. (Autoestrada A7, Autoestrada A10)

    - Avenida: A larger road intended to connect neighborhoods. (Avenida Guanahaní, Avenida Kapronezai, Avenida das Azeitonas)

    - Bairro: An urban neighborhood; there are between 2-5 defined within each administrative parish. (Bairro do Carmo)

    - Beco: Narrow alleyway, often closed to traffic altogether. (Beco de Afonsinho)

    - Bosque: A woodland, somewhat smaller than a forest. (Bosques de Venegas)

    - Brenha: An area of dense vegetation; a thicket. (Brenha de Seixal, Brenha de Tomar)

    - Cachoeira: A waterfall, sometimes also called cascada or catarata. (Cachoeira de Pajeú)

    - Cais: A quay or wharf; place for the mooring of watercraft. (Cais de Natal, Cais da Páscoa)

    - Calçadão: A wide pedestrian promenade, often lined with shops and featuring Portuguese pavement. (Grande Calçadão)

    - Colina: General term for a smaller hill with a gentle slope. (Colinas de Lavanda, Colinas do Cristóvão, Colinas de Magalhães)

    - Condado: An early administrative division of Santa Catalina, later divided into freguesias. (Condado de Iraí)

    - Córrego: A slow-moving creek, smaller than a stream. (Córrego da Vigia, Córrego da Prata)

    - Escada: A stepped pedestrian passageway, typically used to connect higher and lower elevations. (Escadas Siqueiros)

    - Estrada: Small rural highway servicing farms and ranches. (Estrada de Joaíma, Estrada de Mombuca)

    - Estrada Nacional: Wagondia's original intercity highways, typically smaller than an autoestrada. (EN-903)

    - Fazenda: A large rural plantation, typically cultivating sugar or coffee, although livestock may also be present. (Fazenda Montenegro)

    - Freguesia: Municipal district similar to an arrondisement; referred to as a civil parish in English. (Freguesia de Almenara)

    - Ilha: Island, usually accessible to foot traffic. (Ilha Garajuva, Ilha Anacoreta, Ilha Cimino)

    - Jardim: A public garden, or a heavily landscaped park. (Jardins de Itapipoca)

    - Ladeira: A very steep hillside street. (Ladeira Santa Alexandrina)

    - Mata: A region of dense vegetation akin to a forest or shrubland. (Mata da Corda, Mata Escura)

    - Miradouro: Scenic overlook, usually located in the hills. (Miradouro dos Marmeleiros)

    - Morro: A large hill, bordering on a small mountain. (Morro do Cruzeiro, Morro do Montijo)

    - Parque: A public green space. (Parque Tabarro, Parque Caneleiras, Parque Humboldt)

    - Pedra: A large monolith with a steep, exposed rock face. (Pedra Grande, Pedra Azul)

    - Poça/o: A natural hot springs or thermal bath; also termas (Poça de Chaleria, Poça de Alexandra)

    - Ponte: A Bridge. (Ponte Panamá, Ponte Vigia, Ponte Alberto I)

    - Praia: A Public beach. (Praia da Choupana, Praia da Quixabeira, Praia do Sapim)

    - Praça: Larger city square or plaza. (Praça da Tribuna, Praça Cornelia, Praça Heitman)

    - Praceta: Small plaza or open space between buildings. (Praceta Pedro Ivo)

    - Riacho: A tributary stream, somewhere between a stream and a river in size. (Riacho de Panela, Riacho de Farinha)

    - Rio: Standard term for a river. (Rio Sanlúcar, Rio Rubim, Rio São Francisco)

    - Rua: Most common name for a street or road. (Rua Fernanda, Rua Madalena, Rua Miranda)

    - Serra: A rugged highland ridge, similar to a mountain range but not as prominent. (Serra da Rainha, Serra da Feijoa)

    - Tapada: A fenced-off parkland historically reserved for hunting. (Tapada Galesa)

    - Trilha: A trail or footpath. (Trilha Transcaparáo)

    - Travessa: Short, narrow residential street with light traffic. (Travessa Princesa Isabel)

    - Vale: Valley between high ridges. (Vale do Caparáo, Vale do Cedro, Vale de Higabra)
