by Max Barry

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by The Administrator of Ganot. . 779 reads.

Regional RP



Role-Play of Coldonia (1950-1964)



From left to right: Soldiers of the Galayarese Land Forces (1960). Delegates during a session of the OCS Assembly (1956). A beachside resort in the Aetheodish colony of Edwardia (1963). A pair of Schweitser Mb-102 "Korsar" jets during Operation Donnenkreuzfahrt (1963).


The Grand Game:

As a region, Coldonia has a long tradition of role-playing, known as the "Grand Game". Coldonian RP tends to focus on diplomatic, political and military events. RP is a good way to build your nation's history and interact with other members, and all RP events contribute to the region's history.

Timeline Background (Newbies Read This):

The 3rd and current RP timeline begins in the year 1950 (January 2023), nine years after the Coldonian Great War (1933-41). The Great War was fought between rival factions called the Entente (Oncadia, Styldavia) and the Old Alliance (Monpravia, Aetheodaland, Schweitser, Volska, The Fire Born), beginning with a Monpravo-Oncadian border dispute that escalated into a continent-wide conflict. In the opening years, Styldavia's armies successfully invaded Schweitser and Volska, while Monpravia and Oncadia quickly became bogged down in brutal mountain warfare. Timely Aetheodan intervention halted the Entente's advance and gradually turned the tide. Repeated attempts to broker a peace failed, causing the war to drag on for eleven years until the Entente's ruling monarchies were overthrown by republican revolutionaries. The new regimes made peace overtures to the Alliance, which had also lost the will to fight due to the devastating occupations of Volska and Schweitser, as well as the collapse of the Monpravian Empire in a republican rump state and the secession of Porturhev and Enzokra.

The Great War was finally ended through strenuous negotiations that resulted in the Coldonian Accords. Aside from minor territorial shifts, the agreement most restored the status quo ante bellum. However, the world had been forever changed by the conflict, and the survivors were determined to prevent a second conflict from erupting. To ensure international stability, the Organization of Coldonian States was founded (more details below).

The peace created by the Accords has lasted for over a decade, but can it continue?

General Principles For RP:

Nuclear technology exists in this timeline (see 1961 Kladentsi disaster) but nuclear weapons are not allowed in RP (in-universe, scarcity of necessary resources makes them exorbitantly expensive to develop). Non-nuclear WMDs such as gas, weaponized diseases or high-yield cruise missiles are considered viable by the admins.

1 IRL Month = 1 Year in RP (Linkclick here for list of weeks/years)

All RP posts must be at least 3 sentences long, with a title. Substance is more important than length.

Rules For Warfare:

1. War is waged by consent.

2. Before a nation can participate in war, it must publicly state the strength, size and deployment of its military (secret forces/projects can be shared with mods if there are fog-of-war concerns)

3. Each participant makes one post (or series of posts if deemed acceptable by mods and other participants) at a time, until each participant has either made a post, or 12 hours have passed. "Machine-gun" posting is banned.

4. Outcomes of engagements are either agreed upon by both sides or settled by a neutral party (uninvolved member or moderator) in a way mutually agreed upon by the participants.

The Organization of Coldonian States


Організація колдонських держав • Organisation des États Coldoniens • Organisation Koldonischer Staate • Organización de los Estados de Coldonia • Organizacja państw kolońskich

The flag of the OCS. The torch, representing liberty and peace, is defended within the walls of a fortress.

The Organization of Coldonian Nations is an international body that aims to uphold the international order created in the aftermath of the Great War. Its members are expected to abide by the Coldonian Accords, which established a system for settling intergovernmental disputes through diplomacy rather than armed force and protecting every member's right to self-determination. In order to join, a nation must ratify the Accords and be approved by a majority vote of current members. Membership is intended to be non-ideological and encompasses a wide variety of government types (monarchy, republic, authoritarian dictatorship). In addition to the Assembly of signatories, the more selective Joint Security Council acts as a mutual defense pact that can conduct armed action on the organization's behalf. It originally consisted of the victors from the Great War, although Styldavia was later added by unanimous vote.

The most significant action of the OCS in recent history was the 1956 Monpravian Crisis, prompted by the collapse of the ultranationalist "Social Empire" of Monpravia. The sudden anarchy triggered military actions from Monpravia's neighbors and created a standoff between expansionist members of the OCS (Oncadia, Volska, Porturhev) and moderates (Styldavia, Aetheodaland, Schweitser, Woseka). Ultimately, the standoff was resolved by OCS Resolution No. 4 - Proclamation of International Mandates and Humanitarian Zones of Administration, which divided Monpravia into zones of occupation by OCS members and formally established an international mandate to administer the remainder. The puppet states of Las correlias and Zenetauki were established by Porturhev and Oncadia respectively, while Woseka and Volska opted to directly annex their mandated territories (Volska would later grant independence to its concession, creating the independent Republic of Vulpascia). The remainder occupied by a joint OCS taskforce would be organized into South monpravia, in accordance with Resolution No. 5 - Future Government of South Monpravia. The crisis was the first major test of the OCS's unity and revealed key fault lines in its membership, while successfully preventing a war between Coldonian nations.

Accords Signatories:

The Fire Born

Joint Security Council:


LinkOfficial OCS Discord (Non-members are welcomed as Observers)


The Administrator of Ganot

