by Max Barry

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by Livernburg. . 9 reads.

New Anthem

We are standing at the post, according to the platoon and company.
Immortal as fire, Calm, as granite.
We are the army of the country, We are the army of the people.
Our great deed, will be saved in history.

Not in vain the banner grows red.
Not in vain the country is counting on us.
The sacred words "New Haven stands behind us!"
We remember from the times of Borodino.
The sacred words "New Haven stands behind us!"
We remember from the times of Borodino.

Our Fathers handed us an all-powerful weapon.
We brought the homeland our path.
And in life we are given the only duty:
To save from death the future of the Earth.

Not in vain the banner grows red.
Not in vain the country is counting on us.
The sacred words "New Haven stands behind us!"
We remember from the times of Borodino.
The sacred words "New Haven stands behind us!"
We remember from the times of Borodino.

No need to scare us, brag haughtily, you should not threaten us again and play with fire.
After all, if the enemy dares to test our strength, it will be the last thing he checked anything.


Not in vain the banner grows red.
Not in vain the country is counting on us.
The sacred words "New Haven stands behind us!"
We remember from the times of Borodino.
The sacred words "New Haven stands behind us!"
We remember from the times of Borodino.

