by Max Barry

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by Lumio magika. . 33 reads.

Lumio's TED talk rants

March 4th, 2021: I just heard the words: "Nobody you meet online is your friend. You haven't met them face to face, you don't know what they're like."

I wanted to slap the person immediately. They, in their archaic logic, forgot to take into account this age of growing interconnection. Via the wonderful technology of the internet, more people can come together and connect than ever before. It allows you to bond with people from all over the world, from all walks of life. It no longer requires a personal connection in which you see the person daily. Now, friends may live halfway across the globe from each other. We're not just nameless faces; we're people, living and breathing. Connections made online are just as strong - if not stronger - than those formed via traditional means. I can vouch for this personally. I've made more friends here in NovaL than I have in my entire life. People like Kor, NoranLifeDocko (my wonderful boyfriend), The Cute Furry, Halexandria, Goodrum, Citizen Zero, Kalinov, Quitman Mississippi, Big Boy McConnell, The Fordines, and Vevillbelanic. There are people in The League of Radiance, too. Fars Ovskezervenmaha, Kiergizstan, Hot Pocket, Gonkus, Krovx, West Osettia, and all the rest. I value these relationships more than any I have ever made. Anybody who dares claim that they are artificial, that they are based upon empty comments, can go screw themselves with a 39 1/2 pole. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Lumio magika

