by Max Barry

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by Karsknev. . 41 reads.

Office of Official Information

"Learn with a smile!"


The Office of Official Information (OOI) is the government-funded, government-approved organization in charge of putting forth public information about the United Socialist Realms of Karsknev for the benefit of others. Any and all factbook entries with their logo, as shown above, can rest assured that the information they are reading has been analyzed and pre-approved by various officials for the safe, peace-keeping, and correct summary of the state and workings of the country. Here at the OOI, we seek only to bring forth the absolute truth about the glory of the New Moon Regime, working swiftly and humbly to serve our country and Supreme-Lady in a most dedicated and enlightened fashion. Rest easy fair comrades, long live the moon, and always remember to learn with a smile!

Office Master: Arabella Skywall
Assistant Head: Nancy Tiala
Editor-in-Chief: Simone Marilyn D'buan
Editors: Tiana Marlin, Macy Colin, Yasmin Zetch
Have questions or concerns?
Call: 555-1800
or email us at: officeinfofficial@Kmail.kv

