by Max Barry

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by The Artherianisches Reich of The United Artherian Federation. . 30 reads.

New Unionist Party

New Unionist Party



Jose Alveraz

Andrew Hess


The New Unionist Party is a third political party founded in 2021 in Calicambria as a suitable alternative to the traditional GOP and Democratic parties, which the NUP sees as polarizing forces within the United States and aims to defeat just enough incumbents in both parties to force them to negotiate with one another, and, eventually gain a majority in the Senate and House of Representatives. The party is widely seen as a hyper-centrist party, combining multiple stances of both the GOP and the Democrats, while also forging new paths forward on multiple issues. The party is currently undergoing a massive grassroots campaign to build up its base and finances, focusing on Virginia, Trinity, Ponoma, Illinois, New Guernsey, Ohio, Texas, and Indiana. The party is planning on running write-in campaigns in most of the 2021 elections where it cannot get ballot access.

  • Elimination of all gun laws, replacement with programs that educate people on guns and deter criminals from crime. Keep those who are denied the right to own a firearm in custody.

  • UBI experiment with households that make under $100,000 per year receiving monthly payments of $600 base, plus $100 per child, for two years. Evaluate the results and figure out how to proceed from there.

  • Introduce and pass a constitutional amendment mandating that all congressional and state constituency maps be drawn by a nonpartisan commission.

  • Abortion becomes safe, legal, but rare. Begin programs to draw mothers away from abortion with support for orphanages, options for family or friends to care for the child until the mother & father or just mother are able to support themselves and the child.

  • institute proactive strategies to combat gang violence

  • Rework the tax code in favor of the lower and middle class, raise taxes on the rich slightly but allow tax deductions for everyone if they donate to charitable organizations, even more so than currently.

  • Lower federal spending and begin paying off the national debt, specifically in the areas of bailouts, funding to international organizations, and MASSIVELY cut aid spending.

  • Increase support for the Civil Air Patrol

  • Expansion of HSR networks.

  • Restart the FutureGen project in Mattoon, or somewhere else in Illinois

  • Focus on getting people back to work with a CCC-type program
