Dispatch → Factbook → International
Visa Policy of Candanadium
Visa Policy - Oseanian Edition
A valid passport with at least six months remaining of validity and at least one (1) blank page is required to enter Candanadium in any instance.
Citizens of Trefjall have freedom of movement to and within Candanadium as part of the Candanadian-Trefjalli Mutual Defence, Free Movement, and Free Trade Agreement.
Citizens of Candanadium with permanent residence in Belkhomir or Caskhomir may remain in Core Candanadium for 30 days at a time without a residence permit.
Citizens of Luxlein and Hykko enjoy 14-day visa-free access to Candanadium for tourism and business trips.
Candanadium, as a member of the Kaltach Union Common Travel Area, offers 90-day visa-free access to citizens of fellow KUCTA member states for tourism and business trips.
Candanadium issues stateless travel documents to all those living within stateless territories 1000km from the Caskhomirian border as well as to other stateless persons for special reasons. Stateless persons with family ties to Candanadium with Candanadian stateless travel documents may enter Candanadium visa-free for 14 days at a time for family reunion purposes. The same privileges are afforded to those with Jokullheime stateless travel documents.
Edofasians and Alaykans who have a Candanadian grandparent or can otherwise prove that they have ethnic or cultural ties to Candanadium may apply for the right of return at their local Candanadian mission, which will grant them a Candanadian Home Return Pass and a path to Candanadian citizenship. Otherwise, Edofasia and/or Alaykan passport holders will need to obtain a visa in advance.
All other individuals must obtain a visa prior to travelling to Candanadium. Stateless persons will need to obtain a stateless travel document and a visa. Cenaesian citizen passport holders may obtain a visa on entry when entering Candanadium by air. Holders of the Cenaesian national passport or the Cenaesian Organized Periphery Zone Permanent Resident passport will need to obtain a visa in advance.
All non-KU citizens, including citizens of countries with visa-free arrangements with Candanadium who are visiting Candanadium must fill out an electronic registration form (ArriveCand) prior to entry unless entering by land or by sea from another KU nation. Visit www.ArriveCand.ka for more information (www.AnkommenKand.ka for Kanadiaans). This is not necessary for stateless individuals.
Entry to Candanadium is not guaranteed for all individuals, even if they have met the visa and passport criteria. Entry to Candanadium may be denied if:
You have been deported from Candanadium in the past and have been banned from entering Candanadium,
You have been banned from entering Candanadium under Candanadian law,
You have outstanding criminal charges against you in your country of origin (if they share an extradition treaty with Candanadium),
Your documents appear to be falsified, damaged, incomplete, or otherwise inadmissible.
For Candanadian citizens and permanent residents:
All Candanadian citizens have a right to return to Candanadium. A valid Candanadian passport is required for you to board a flight to Candanadium.
If you are entering overland or by ferry, a passport is not required but you must be able to prove your Candanadian citizenship.
If you have more than one nationality, be advised that you must enter Candanadium on your Candanadian passport. If you cannot obtain a valid Candanadian passport for whatever reason, visit candanadium.ka/citizens/travel/non-cand-passport (kandanadium.ka/buerger/reisen/auslaendische-passe for Kanadiaans), fill out a declaration form, and print it out prior to entry. Alternatively, you may contact your closest Candanadian mission (or any other Kaltach mission if there is no Candanadian mission).
If you are a Candanadian permanent resident reentering Candanadium by air, you must present your permanent resident card or Home Return Pass.
If you are entering overland or by ferry, a PR card or Home Return Pass is not required but you must be able to prove your permanent residency.
If you have lost your PR card or Home Return Pass overseas, contact your nearest Candanadian mission to be issued a Permanent Resident Status Certificate in your passport. If there is no Candanadian mission, contact your closest Kaltach mission.
Below is a map of visa requirements for foreign nationals.