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OOC: Statement against McMasterdonia's The North Pacific

The Confederation Government has, not exclusively: closed embassies, issued denunciations, and banned offending nations from NationStates and Discord. For a more specific example, in every embassy application lodged with the Confederation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs demands a written statement from the submitting region to state their stance against out-of-character fascism and other heinous ideologies.
The North Pacific's regional stance concerning the Confederation is one that is negatively influenced by their recently re-elected World Assembly Delegate,

Due to this bias executed from the highest offices of The North Pacific, NationStates' largest and most influential region, the Confederation's anti-fascist reforms are continually stifled. Why is McMasterdonia and The North Pacific so determined to ensure that out-of-character fascism looms over the Confederation?
Accusations that the Confederation continues to harbour real-life fascists and players subscribing to heinous ideologies have not only been continually disproven, but are without reliable source. These days, these accusations are only made because the accusers are personally invested in the destruction of the Confederation. In the case of McMasterdonia, it was
McMasterdonia who conspired to keep Jocospor out of the World Assembly Secretary-General elections. It was
McMasterdonia whose previous Delegacy was threatened by covert Confederation operations. (These operations were solemnly apologised for by Jocospor. An in-character response was issued to maintain the regional aesthetic; it seems that we can no longer even do that.) It was
McMasterdonia who
infiltrated the Confederation with the intent to cause it harm. It was
McMasterdonia whom Jocospor criticised as a fervent member of the "World Assembly Elite", an often-misconstrued phrase denoting any NationStates player who amasses huge amounts of power and uses it to serve themselves.
McMasterdonia has certainly done this, and often at the expense of others.
The unwarranted and barbaric quorum raids executed by The North Pacific Army are themselves an attack upon regional sovereignty, a value which McMasterdonia hypocritically champions. These quorum raids should be condemned by the NationStates community. They are blatant attacks against regions who merely dared to peacefully oppose The North Pacific's Ministry of World Assembly Affairs. That
McMasterdonia would so casually subvert the democratic process should be viewed as a threat to the stability of NationStates.
Unquestionably, McMasterdonia's vendetta against the Confederation is personal, and does not appropriately represent The North Pacific's collective view.
While NationStates should bear The North Pacific’s collective community no ill-will, ordinary players should not fear to take a stand against the region whilst McMasterdonia remains its World Assembly Delegate. This is certainly the Confederation’s position.
Hail the Confederation!
The Corporate Conglomerate of Valerox
Lord Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
along with
Mouth and Will of the Emperor
The Empire of ShrewLlamaLand
Lord of Loathing of the Commission to the World Assembly
Hms nhs
Lady Overseer of the Ministry of the Senate
The Corporate States of Aeioux
Lord Director of the Ministry of Home Affairs
on behalf of
and all the member states of