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by Americae roma. . 47 reads.

Economic Overview of Imperial America

The Economy of the United Imperial States of America

floor of the New York Stock Exchange(NYSE), the largest stock exchange in America and the world


Currency: American Dollar ($)

Fiscal Year: October 1st 2020 to September 30th 2021(FY2020)

Financial Capital: New York City(NYC), New York State

Country Group: Developed/Advanced High Income Economy

Economy Type: Free Market

Internal Economy

GDP(Nominal): $25.8 trillion(2022)

GDP(Purchasing Power Parity): $23.4 trillion USD(2022)

GDP Ranking(Nominal): 1st

GDP Ranking(Purchasing Power Parity): 2nd

GDP Growth:3.1%(2018)

GDP Per Capita: $70,500

Inflation Rate: 0.61%(2020)

Central Banking System: Federal Reserve

Population below poverty line(using federal poverty standards): 9.6%

Unemployment: 3.4%(2019)

Major Stock Market Indices: Dow Jones Industrial Average, NASDAQ Composite Index, S&P 500 Index

Human Development Index: 0.932(Very High)

Global Innovation Index(GII) Ranking:3rd

Global Competitiveness Report Ranking: 2nd

Ease-of-doing-business rank: 6th(Very Easy, 2020)

Industries and Natural Resources

Major Natural Resources:Gold, Copper, Silver, Nickel, Iron, Lead, Tungsten, Uranium, Bauxite, Zinc, Timber, Fossil Fuels, Silicon

Natural Resource value: $45 trillion

Major Industries: information technology, aerospace, military equipment, construction, real estate, financial services, petroleum, natural gas, retail, mining, agriculture, lumber, nuclear energy, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals etc.

External Economy

Export Value(Goods): $2.1 trillion

Export Value(Services): $900 billion

Import Value(Goods & Services): $3.1 trillion

Trade Deficit: $616 billion

Top Export Partners:
People's Republic of China
State of Japan
European Union
United Kingdom
Republic of Korea

Top Import Partners:
People's Republic of China
State of Japan
European Union
Republic of Korea
Commonwealth of Australia

Primary Trading Goods(Imports & Exports): information technology, electronic products, aerospace products, military hardware, fossil fuels, consumer goods, rare earth elements, metals, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology products, agricultural products, automobiles, chemical products etc.

Trade Organizations: World Trade Organization, Comprehensive Trans-Pacific Partnership, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, North America Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA) etc.

Number of Free Trade Agreements: 22


The economy of Imperial America is that of a highly developed free market. It is the world's largest economy by nominal GDP and net wealth and the second largest by purchasing power parity. Imperial America has the world's most technologically advanced and developed economy and it's firms, corporations and companies are at or near the forefront in technological advances especially in computers, information technology, pharmaceutical, medicine, aerospace, space and military hardware. The American dollar is the world’s foremost reserve currency, backed by it's large economy, powerful military, the petrodollar system, linked eurodollar and large American treasury market in what has been termed the “dollar hegemony”. The largest trading partners of America include China, Japan, South Korea, Canada, France, India, United Kingdom and Taiwan, Imperial America is the world's largest importer and second largest exporter. It has free trade agreements with multiple nations such as NAFTA, TPP, Australia, South Korea, Israel among others and several more are currently under negotiation.
The nation's economy is fueled by it's abundant natural resources, a well developed infrastructure and high productivity. It's natural resource is valued at up to approximately 50 trillion USD, Americans have a very high average household and employee income among OECD member states. By 1890, Imperial America had by far the world's most productive economy. It is the world's largest producer of petroleum and natural gas. In 2016, it was the world's largest trading nation as well as the world's second largest manufacturer, representing approximately a fifth of global manufacturing output. Imperial America has 11.5 million millionaires and 650 billionaires in the nation, the most in the world.
The New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq are the world's largest stock exchange by market capitalization and trade volume. Foreign investments made in Imperial America totaled approximately 4.2 trillion USD while American investments in foreign nations amounted to nearly 5.7 trillion USD. Of the world's 500 largest companies, 121 are headquartered in Imperial America and the nation has 650 billionaires in the nation, the most in the world which holds a combined wealth of over 3 trillion dollars while Imperial America also has 11.5 million millionaires. American commercial banks had $20 trillion in assets as of August 2020. American Global assets under management had more than $30 trillion in assets.
The American economy is ranked first in international ranking on venture capital and Global Research and Development funding. Consumer spending comprised 68% of the America economy in 2018, while its labor share of income was 43% in 2017. Imperial America has the world's largest consumer market. The nation's labor market has attracted immigrants from all over the world and its net migration rate is among the highest in the world. Imperial America is one of the top-performing economies in studies such as the Ease of Doing Business Index, the Global Competitiveness Report, and others.

Current Economic Policy

The United Imperial States of America like the majority of nations around the world operates in what can be considered a free market mixed economy. The exact economic policies of the nation often changes as the nation's presidential administration changes, the current Bush administration of Imperial America manages the nation's economy through free market neoliberal economic policies closely fitting the characteristics of Chicago School economics as laid out by University of Chicago economists like Milton Friedman and George Stigler. The current economic system of the nation is notably characterized by a regulated monetary policy as per principles of monetarism, minimal regulations for businesses and entrepreneurs, moderately low taxation a free international trade policy, in sync with the nation's foreign policy, Imperial America is also very much known for carefully using the status of the dollar as the global reserve currency to further it's financial influence in what has been termed as "dollar diplomacy" or "dollar hegemony". Many economists and others who support the current American economic policy have praised the current policy of bolstering the nation's economic strength, enabling fast innovation through entrepreneurial deregulation, controlling the population's tax burden, deepening economic ties around the world through free trade as well as stabilizing the American dollar thus strengthening the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency. Critics of the current economic policy have criticized it for doing little to lessen the economic inequality of the nation as well as perceived unequal benefits to the upper middle class and wealthy while the nation's foreign economic strategy especially the use of the nation's monetary preeminence in "dollar diplomacy" to expand it's financial influence has been seen by some as neo-imperialism.

Economic Regulations

The current Chicago School style economic policy of the United Imperial States of America is very notable for having minimal regulations on entrepreneurialism, allowing businesses of all sizes to grow with minimal bureaucratic or regulatory restraint. The current Bush administration with the advice and guidance of Chicago School economists have greatly reduced the number of business regulations from a record high of 95,894 pages to 60,850, the lowest page count in this quarter century. The number of Economically Significant Regulations(ESR), which have an economic impact 100 billion dollars or more, have been reduced by 65% which has reduced regulatory spending to around 25 billion dollars. The current business regulatory policy of Imperial America has been centered around protecting intellectual property to incentivize innovation as well as preventing the rise of monopolies to ensure market competition, while American anti-trust laws are considered well enforced, they are also slightly more permissive compared to other countries, thus large American corporations are often larger than their foreign counterparts.


The taxation system of Imperial America also reflects the incumbent administration's free market approach to economic policy. The United Imperial States of America currently has a mildly progressive taxation system with the top income tax rate being fixed at 24%, the corporate tax rate is also similarly low being fixed at a maximum 22%, this current taxation rate was created by two major tax cuts enacted by the incumbent administration namely the Jobs and Tax Cut Act of 2018 and the Jobs and Tax Cut Act of 2020 as well as numerous smaller tax cuts which are all a major reversal in tax policy of the previous Obama administration.
The United Imperial States of America also has a negative income tax system which was first implemented in the George HW Bush Administration and revived by the incumbent Bush Administration. The negative income taxation system where should one's personal tax deductions from say household size and poverty exceed the taxation rate, the rate will be allowed to go negative and thus the individual instead of having to pay taxes to the government will instead receive payment from the government as per deduction requirements, the nation uses this negative income tax rate as a substitute for expansive European style welfare programs.

Monetary Policy

Seal of the Federal Reserve

The United Imperial State of America's official currency is the American dollar($), which is also sometimes referred to as the United States Dollar and abbreviated as USD. The banking agency of the United Imperial States of America is the Federal Reserve established in December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve of America has the primary responsibilities of stabilizing the financial system, regulating the monetary supply, responding to financial crisis, enforcing regulations on the banking sector as well as managing interest rates. The current Bush Administration primarily uses a monetarist approach to monetary policy with an emphasis on a strong dollar exchange rate and stable monetary base. Due to the global superpower status of Imperial America, the American dollar is also the preeminent global reserve currency underpinning the current international financial system in what is commonly referred to as "dollar hegemony". This dollar hegemony is a major component of American international financial policy.

Internal Monetary and Fiscal Policy

The current presidential administration of the United Imperial States of America utilizes a generally monetarist approach to the control of the American dollar and internal monetary policy. As part of this monetarist policy, the Imperial American government has emphasized a stable equilibrium of the money supply as well as controlling both inflation and deflation. In order to reduce the need for additional production of the American dollar, the Bush administration has sought to control government spending specifically by drastically streamlining both the healthcare system and social security by establishing a Medi-save system for the former, creating substantial room for privatization. Notably, the current Bush Administration has moved the primary budgetary focus away from Medicare + Medicaid and Social Security and towards military spending, infrastructure, education and scientific research, which are seen by the administration as less prone to relying on deficit spending to properly fund and thus compatible with a more monetarist monetary policy. The printing of new American dollars is also more tightly controlled compared to many previous administration and do so more to balance the money supply and thus is printed according to monetary demand. America instead has sought to rely on non-inflammatory methods of growth as much as possible namely by attempting to increase the purchasing power of the dollar through increased free trade, as well as leveraging the reserve currency status of the dollar in dollar diplomacy and utilizing the petro-dollar, Euro-dollar and Asia-dollar system.
During most of the second Bush Administration, the federal reserve has maintained the interest rate of the previous Obama Administration in order to ensure stability with only small increases and decreases along the way to respond to market activity. These sets of monetarist controls on American monetary policy has generally kept the dollar's inflation stable throughout the Bush Administration. However, during the Recession of 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Federal Reserve did lower interest rates to promote consumer and business spending as well as investment in an attempt to stimulate economic activity.

Dollar Diplomacy & International Trade

As the preeminent superpower of the globe, the United Imperial State of America's currency-the American Dollar has become the most powerful global reserve currency. The reserve currency status of the American dollar gives Imperial America significant global financial influence especially as it's significantly used in international trade while also being a currency held in very great numbers in foreign reserves stockpiles of many countries, many foreign currencies also have their value pegged at the dollar. Maintaining the primacy of the American dollar as a reserve currency is a major objective in American foreign policy while the nation's geopolitical strategy also emphasizes the financial influence stemming from the dollar's reserve currency status as a tool of influence in a strategy called "dollar diplomacy".
A notable aspect of America's financial foreign policy is the nation's very open international trade policy. Imperial America is a part of numerous free trade pacts such as the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA) and the Comprehensive Trans-Pacific Partnership and is either a very influential member or founder of several international financial institutions such as the World Bank, World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Imperial America also has bilateral free trade agreements with 22 nations such as the Republic of Korea, State of Israel, State of Japan, Republic of Singapore and the Commonwealth of Australia.
Imperial America has used free trade as a key method of increasing the American dollar's purchasing power by increasing the demand of the American dollar in international trade. Many free trade agreements signed by Imperial America would see the use of the American dollar as the principle trading currency with America's free trade partners in several key commodities most commonly information technology products, fossil fuels, aerospace technology and military hardware. Being a founder of the International Monetary Fund, Imperial America often influences the organization to use the American dollar as the currency of choice for currency pumps and loans, this alongside the frequent use of the American dollar in international markets make the dollar a major currency held in many nation's foreign currency reserves which further enhances the purchasing power and reserve currency status of the American dollar.
American treasury bonds and securities are another component to American international financial policy. Treasury bonds are government debt securities issued by the American Federal government that have maturities greater than 20 years. T-bonds earn periodic interest until maturity, at which point the owner is also paid a par amount equal to the principal, due to the dollar hegemony as well as the ability of the government to collect tax revenue, treasury bonds and other government debt securities are widely regarded as highly stable and virtually risk free. Because of the stability and risk free status of American treasury bonds and securities, they are often bought by foreign governments as part of their forex reserves, Imperial America has given out treasury bonds and securities as part of developmental aid and as part of free trade agreements, giving out treasury bonds and securities has been a key way for America to build financial relations, however, at times of financial disputes, America has also been known to threaten to forcibly buy back treasury bonds and securities.

The Petrodollar

The petrodollar is used to refer to oil revenues and sales denominated in American dollars. As the preeminent global reserve currency, the American dollar is used in the trade in many major commodities and this includes the trade in petroleum and other fossil fuels. The petrodollar system was first developed in the 1970s following the end of the Bretton Wood gold standard when Imperial America negotiated with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to standardize the price of oil in American dollars as well as have oil related transactions being denominated in American dollars in exchange for military assistance. The petrodollar system do also create surpluses of American dollars in the forex reserves of oil exporters which then have to be recycled and America has often negotiated for the surplus petrodollars kept in the forex reserves of oil exporters to be invested back to Imperial America by purchasing American treasury bonds and securities which helps to create liquidity in the American financial markets. Due to the importance of the petrodollar system in America's global financial power, the nation has sought to maintain amicable ties with the oil producing members of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries often in exchange for military assistance. Protecting the petrodollar system is also a major reason for American interventionism in the Middle East to safeguard the stability and free flow of the oil markets as stated by the Carter Doctrine.

Euro & Asia-Dollar

The euro-dollar and asia-dollar system refers to deposits denominated in the American dollar deposited at foreign banks or at overseas American bank branches located in the Asian and European region respectively. Because they are held outside Imperial America, eurodollars are not subject to regulation by the Federal Reserve Board, including reserve requirements. Dollar-denominated deposits not subject to American banking regulations were originally held almost exclusively in Europe (hence, the name eurodollar). Now, they are also widely held in branches located in the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands, in more recent times, there's also a significant amount of dollar denominated deposits in the Asia-Pacific region giving rise to the "Asia Dollar". Being outside of the regulation of the American banking system, Eurodollar and Asia-dollar deposits can often pay higher interest. The eurodollar market dates back to the period after World War II. Much of Europe was devastated by the war, and America provided funds via the Marshall Plan to rebuild the continent. This led to wide circulation of dollars overseas, and the development of a separate, less regulated market for the deposit of those funds. The Asia dollar system arose also out of a similar need for the development of a separate less regulated market for depositing such funds.
The American government has encouraged the deposit of Euro and Asia-dollar funds as a way of creating a demand for the American dollar internationally and thus raising the purchasing power of the dollar, the term Euro-dollar and Asia-dollar has also been used to describe American dollars held in Forex reserves by European and Asian governments respectively.

Infrastructure and Energy


The Department of Energy is responsible for energy related affairs, however, energy is overwhelmingly provided by private enterprises with some of the largest including DTE Energy, Pacific Gas and Electric and Consolidated Edison, while fossil fuel production and use are also similarly dominated by private enterprises with the most largest including Exxon Mobil, Haliburton and Chevron Corporation.
The primary source of electricity in the nation is nuclear energy, which provides 65% of the nation's electricity, most of the nation's nuclear power plants utilize a Generation III or IV nuclear reactor. This move towards nuclear energy was inspired by the "French" model of nuclear energy which saw the majority of that nation using nuclear energy for primary energy needs and was initially in response to the Oil and Energy Crisis of the 1970s which created a need for an alternative source of energy that's as equally as powerful fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the secondary source of electricity, with 25% of the nation's electricity generated by fossil fuels, most fossil fuel energy comes from natural gas and petroleum, these two account for 75% of energy from fossil fuels, when it comes to fossil fuel, the nation is most energy independent due especially through shale oil, however, America also imports some fossil fuels with the biggest sources of foreign fossil fuels including Canada, Saudi Arabia and Columbia. The rest 20% of the nation's energy comes from renewable energy resources such as hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind power and geothermal. The largest dam in the nation is the Hoover Dam. Imperial America is the world's second largest energy consumer next to the People's Republic of China
Despite calls by environmentalists and the political left for more renewable energy and to enact a "Green New Deal" the current Bush administration has instead focused more effort on nuclear energy and plans to have at least 75% of the nation run on nuclear energy by 2028, the nation has also expended significant resource into the resource and investment of nuclear fusion power, with plans to commercially adopt fusion power by 2030, the nation has already recently completed a few experimental fusion reactors.
Nuclear waste in the nation is recycled after removal from the reactor, the operating company would re-enrich the waste material and convert it back to nuclear fuel, this ensures a cheap source of nuclear fuel.


The Department of Transportation is the national agency responsible for issues regarding transportation. Imperial America possesses one of the world's longest road networks with a road length of close to 7 million kilometers and an expressway length of approximately 80 thousand kilometers. Private car ownership is very common in the nation with approximately 85% of the population owning some type of automobile.
Highways and cross-country railroads are directly run by the Department of Transportation, however some of them are built with private cooperation. The United Imperial States of America especially under the second Bush Administration have increasingly used the Imperial Army Corps of Engineers to quickly repair, modernized and improve America's transportation and infrastructure especially as many are increasingly old and need urgent modernization and repair. The latest major infrastructure and transportation project in Imperial America is the construction of several high speed rail networks primarily in the nation's West and East Coast and especially used to connect between major cities such as New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Nearly all cities and towns in Imperial America have their own public transportation system in the form of local roads, subway/metro systems and bus systems.
Imperial America has approximately 100 international airports, and the nation contains some of the largest airports such as Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport and JFK Airport. Imperial America has no single flag carrier airway but instead has several flag carrying airlines notably Delta Airlines, United Airlines, Northwest Airlines and ATA Airways.

Telecommunications & Internet

The internet and telecommunication system of the nation is nearly completely privatized, with some of the largest broadband providers including AT&T, Comcast and Altice America, however, net neutrality is guaranteed by the federal government. 95% of the population have immediate access to the internet. The nation has a large information technology sector with several large tech firms such as Microsoft, Apple, Google and Facebook, Imperial America information tech products are widely exported around the world.
The United Imperial States of America has a very large private media sector, major news companies present in Imperial America include the Cable News Network(CNN), Fox News, American Broadcasting Company(ABC) and CNBC all of which are independently operated and present a variety of stances across the political spectrum. In contrast, the American government operates very small media operations. The Voice of America(VOA) is the oldest broadcasting agency funded by the government and while during the Cold War, provided pro-American content internationally, today it has simply focused on straight reporting often as a tool for learning English. Radio Free Europe(RFE) and Radio Free Asia(RFA) which is under the umbrella of Radio Liberty, another government funded media agency, however is still used to spread pro-American content and very often rhetoric in support of human rights, individual liberties and democratic governance internationally and often designed to be accessed in authoritarian governments that have severely restricted their press freedoms.
The American government tends to leave the internet and the media in general are unregulated, and censorship is practically nonexistent except for national security reasons and to prevent leakage of sensitive intelligence or military information, and video games, television and film are free to contain profanity, sexuality or violence without state interference. In addition to widespread domestic consumption, American media product of all types-cable news, internet media, newspaper, radio media, video games, movies and television broadcasting are also widely exported internationally, the Lowy Institute's Asia-Power Index for example, lists Imperial America as the top source of foreign cultural influence in the Asia-Pacific region.
There is very little if any state control on the media and internet, despite this, there is voluntary cooperation between the military and the entertainment industry, as such many of the nation's entertainment are quite militaristic and patriotic, this informal voluntary cooperation between the nation's media network and the military has been dubbed the "Military-Entertainment Complex" and is a part of the wider "Military-Industrial-Scientific-Entertainment Complex".

Major Industries


The United Imperial States of America has among the world's most advanced, well developed and sophisticated technological sector including information technology, hardware & software engineering as well as electronic commerce. Imperial America has numerous regions in the country where information technology businesses gather notably Silicon Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area of State of California and Silicon Prairie in the Dallas-Forth Worth area of the State of Texas.
Imperial America is a major player in both software and hardware manufacturing and widely exports information technology products globally while it also imports some information technology products overseas. Notable American hardware products include the iPhone smart phone, MacBook series of computers and Window series of computers. Notable American software products include Google, Youtube and Facebook. America has a well developed telecommunications industry overwhelmingly consisting of private sector actors and is among the leading developer of 5G technology in competition with the People's Republic of China. Notably, Imperial America has banned Chinese firms from providing 5G coverage in American soil.

Top 10 Largest Tech Companies in Imperial America


Company Name


Area of Expertise


Apple Inc.

274.5 billion dollars

Computer Hardware



143 billion dollars

Software and programming


386.1 billion dollars

Electronic Commerce


Alphabet Group

182.53 billion dollars

Computer Services



85.97 billion dollars

Social Media



22.97 billion dollars

Electronic Finance



16.88 billion dollars

Electronic Finance



77.87 billion dollars

Semi-conductors and computer chips



181.2 billion dollars



Verizon Communications

131.9 billion dollars



The United Imperial States of America has achieved between 86-91% self sufficiency in regards to it's energy use, since 2011, The United Imperial States of America became a net exporter of refined petroleum products and as of 2014, the United Imperial States of America became the world's third largest producer of crude oil next to the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as the second larger exporter of refined products next to the Russian Federation. Later in November, 2019, the United Imperial States of America became a net exporter of all oil products, including both refined petroleum products and crude oil.
As seen, the United Imperial States of America has a very large energy sector. Like much of the other industries of the American economy, almost all of the American energy sector is owned by the private sector. Imperial American federal government does however have the Department of Energy, which in addition to safeguarding the nation's nuclear material is also responsible for managing and directing American energy policy. Due to the majority of American energy now coming from nuclear energy, the nation also has a very large nuclear technology sector.
A latest American energy project that has recently been completed is the Keystone XL Pipeline, an oil pipeline system that is built to connect between Imperial America and Canada, which has been met with controversy by native rights and environmental activists.

Top 10 Largest Energy Companies in Imperial America


Company Name


Area of Expertise


Exxon Mobil

264.9 billion dollars

fossil fuels


Chevron Corporation

146.5 billion dollars

fossil fuels


NextEra Energy

19.2 billion dollars

Electric utility


Southern Group

21.42 billion dollars

Electric Utility


Dominion Energy

13.4 billion dollars

Electric Utility


Duke Energy

22.74 billion dollars

Electric Utility



36.67 billion dollars

Natural Gas Company


American Electric Power

15.6 billion dollars

electric utility


Kinder Morgan

13.7 billion dollars

Electric Infrastructure



35.9 billion dollars

Nuclear Electric Utility


The generally technologically sophisticated American economy has also led to the nation developing a very large aerospace industry providing world class satellites, aircraft, aerospace components and a leading pioneer in the private space industry. The American aerospace sector is considered the largest in the world and is the main supplier of both military and civil aerospace hardware to the rest of the world. Because of the great emphasis on research and development (R&D), about 25% of those who work in aerospace are engineers, scientists, and technicians.
American aerospace companies such as Boeing, General Electric Aviation and L3Harris Technologies have become major players in the global aerospace market developing products such as the Boeing series of commercial airliners which have been exporting globally. The American aerospace sector is also a major pioneer of the private space industry, with the most notable company in the American and global private space industry being SpaceX which has provided satellite launch contracts and is aiming for colonies in the Moon and Mars.

Top 10 Largest Aerospace Companies in Imperial America


Company Name


Area of Expertise


The Boeing Company

76.56 billion dollars



Lockheed Martin Technology

59.81 billion dollars

Military Aircraft


Spirit Aerosystems

6.8 billion dollars

Aircraft component


Textron Aviation

5.19 billion dollars

General aviation


L3Harris Technologies

17 billion dollars

Aerospace Technology


GE Aviation

8.9 billion dollars



Northrop Grumman

30 billion dollars

Military Aviation


Honeywell International

36.71 billion dollars



Precision Castpart Corp.

10 billion dollars

Aviation components



3.5 billion dollars

Private space industry


The United Imperial States of America's territory possesses a vast quantity of various mineable minerals and metals including coal, iron, copper, bauxite, zinc, uranium, tungsten, precious metals such as gold and silver, nickel, rare earth elements, lead and mercury. These mineable minerals and metals have a crucial role in other sectors of the economy such as information technology, electrical engineering and general manufacturing thus naturally, America has a very large mining sector, in addition to these minerals and metals being used domestically, the nation is also a large exporter of metals and minerals internationally. In 2015, the value of coal, metals, and industrial minerals mined in the Imperial America was 110 billion American dollars. 162,000 workers were directly employed by the mining industry. Many American mining companies are also
The mining industry has a number of impacts on communities, individuals and the environment. Mine safety incidents have been important parts of American occupational safety and health history. Mining has a number of environmental impacts. In the nation, issues like mountaintop removal, and acid mine drainage have widespread impacts on all parts of the environment. As of January 2020. the Environmental Protection Agency lists 142 mines in the Superfund program.

Top 10 Largest Mining Companies in Imperial America


Company Name


Area of Expertise


Newmont Goldcorp

53.6 billion dollars

Precious metals mining


Southern Copper

33.3 billion dollars

Copper and other metals


Freeport McMoRan

19.1 billion dollars

Metals and Uranium mining



9.3 billion dollars

Lithium and other rare earth elements


Royal Gold

8.9 billion dollars

precious metals



5.2 billion dollars

Potash and Phosphates mining


Hecla Mining

2.7 billion dollars

precious metals



2.4 billion dollars

Aluminum, Bauxite and Industrial Minerals



2.3 billion dollars

Iron mining


Alacer Gold

2.2 billion dollars

Gold and precious metals


As the world's preeminent military power, the United Imperial States of America maintains a similarly sophisticated, large and robust domestic arms and military hardware industry to support the military strength of the nation, the arms industry of the nation is often referred to underneath the term "Military-Industrial Complex" or MIC, especially when referring the relationship between the American armed forces and the military industry. The Imperial American Armed Forces very much has near 100% self sufficiency in regards to the procurement of military hardware, as the nation's arms industry is capable of producing a variety of defense systems such as small arms, military vehicles, combat aircraft of all types, naval vessels, missiles including long range offensive cruise and ballistic missile types as well as military electronics and avionics. Like much of the rest of the sectors in the American economy, the defense industry consists of private enterprises in a competitive market environment seeking to win government contracts to be chosen as the primary supplier in a particular aspect of the military industry. Notable defense contractors of Imperial America include Lockheed Martin, which specializes in military aviation, Raytheon Company which specializes in missile technology and Huntington Ingalls Industries which specializes in naval ship building. Some foreign companies have also won defense contractors in Imperial America, notably Britain's BAE Systems and Israel's Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.
The Military Industrial Complex of Imperial America, in addition to supplying the American armed forces with most of it's military hardware also is heavily involved in the international arms trade. The United Imperial States of America is the world's number 1 largest exporter of arms and military hardware globally. In Fiscal Year 2020, Imperial America made a total of 185 billion dollars from arms and military equipment sales, a 3.1 percent increase from Fiscal Year 2019. The sale of arms and military equipment has been a key aspect of the nation's foreign policy and diplomatic strategy as a method of strengthening the militaries of allied states and encouraging closer strategic ties with America. The biggest buyers of American arms include Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Australia and Israel.

Top 10 Largest Defense Companies in Imperial America


Company Name


Area of Expertise


Lockheed Martin Technology

53.8 billion dollars

Military aerospace


Boeing Defense, Space & Security

21.06 billion dollars

Military aerospace


Northrop Grumman

30 billion dollars

Military Aerospace


Raytheon Technology

27 billion dollars

Missile Technology


General Dynamics

36.1 billion dollars

Land Combat Systems, Military Aerospace


United Technology

66.501 billion dollars

Miscellaneous military engineering


L3 Harris Technology

17 billion dollars

Military Electronics and Communications


Huntington Ingalls Industries

8.2 billion dollars

Naval shipbuilding



18.569 billion dollars

Military Electronics


Booz Allen Hamilton

6.7 billion dollars

Cyber-security and intelligence technology

Top 10 Biggest Buyers of American Arms


Nation Name

Value(in million TIV)


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia



Commonwealth of Australia



United Arab Emirates



Republic of Korea



State of Japan



Emirate of Qatar



State of Israel



Republic of Singapore



United Kingdom



Republic of China, Taiwan



The term "FIRE" is an abbreviation used to collectively refer to four different economic sectors- FINANCE, INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE, like most other Western highly developed economies, the FIRE sectors play a very prominent role in the American service industry. The reason for Imperial America's particularly large FIRE sectors is due to the financial strength of America due to the nation's dollar hegemony, large market size, heavy flow of capital and the status as the world's preeminent economic power.
The American real estate market is one of the largest in the world owing the large landmass of the United Imperial States of America as well as the high degree of economic development of the nation and the high average income of the populace. The typical American home was worth $266,104 in December, up 8.4% (or $20,587) from a year ago. A total of 5.64 million homes were sold in 2020, up 5.6% from 2019 and the most since before the Great Recession, existing home sales reached the highest level in 13 years. The insurance market in America is similarly a very large one in the nation.
Banking in America began in the late 1790s along with the country's founding and has developed into highly influential and complex system of banking and financial services. Anchored by New York City and Wall Street, it is centered on various financial services namely private banking, asset management, and deposit security. As of 2018, the largest banks in Imperial America were JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs. It is estimated that banking assets were equal to 56 percent of the American economy. As of December 31, 2019, there are 5,200 commercial banks and savings institutions in America.
The American Stock Market:
The stock market places an important role in the financial sector and the economy in general of the United Imperial States of America. The stock market system of America is generally considered one of the largest and the wealthiest in the world, the stock market is very popular with investors both in America and abroad, a 2020 Gallup Poll found that 55% of Americans one a stock, either individually, jointly with a spouse, through a mutual stock fund or a self directed 401(k) or IRA. The total market value of the stock market as of 2020 is 50,808,508.7 million dollars.
Below are some major American stock market indices

Dow Jones Industrial Average: The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), also known as the Dow 30, is a stock market index that tracks 30 large, publicly-owned blue-chip companies trading on the New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ. The Dow Jones is named after Charles Dow, who created the index in 1896 along with his business partner Edward Jones.
The DJIA is a price-weighted index that tracks 30 large, publicly-owned companies trading on the New York Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ and is the oldest stock market index of America.

NASDAQ Composite Index: The Nasdaq Composite Index is the market capitalization-weighted index of over 2,500 common equities listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange. The types of securities in the index include American depositary receipts, common stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs) and tracking stocks, as well as limited partnership interests. The index includes all Nasdaq-listed stocks that are not derivatives, preferred shares, funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or debenture securities. The Index's composition is nearly 50% technology, with consumer services, health care and financials the next most prominent industries.

S&P 500 Index: The S&P 500 Index, or the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, is a market-capitalization-weighted index of the 500 largest publicly-traded companies in America. It is not an exact list of the top 500 American companies by market capitalization because there are other criteria to be included in the index. The index is widely regarded as the best gauge of large-cap America equities. The S&P 500 index is a capitalization-weighted index and the 10 largest companies in the index account for 27.5% of the market capitalization of the index. The 10 largest companies in the index, in order of weighting, are Apple Inc., Microsoft,, Facebook, Tesla, Inc., Alphabet Inc. (class A & C), Berkshire Hathaway, Johnson & Johnson, and JPMorgan Chase & Co., respectively.

NYSE Composite Index: The NYSE Composite Index measures the performance of all common stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange, including American Depositary Receipts issued by foreign companies, Real Estate Investment Trusts and tracking stocks. The weights of the index constituents are calculated on the basis of their free-float market capitalization. The index itself is calculated on the basis of price return and total return, which includes dividends.
Over 2,000 stocks are covered in the index, of which over 1,600 are from American corporations and over 360 are foreign listings; however foreign companies are very prevalent among the largest companies in the index: of the 100 companies in the index having the largest market capitalization (and thus the largest impact on the index), more than half (55) are non-American issues.

Top 10 Largest Banks of Imperial America



Worth of Assets


JPMorgan Chase

2.87 Trillion dollars


Bank of America

2.16 Trillion dollars


Wells Fargo & Co.

1.75 Trillion dollars



1.65 Trillion dollars


America Bancorp

530.50 Billion dollars


Truist Financial Corporation

488.02 Billion dollars


PNC Financial Services

457.45 Billion dollars


TD Bank

388.34 Billion dollars


Capital One

360.26 Billion dollars


Bank of New York Mellon Corp

349.43 Billion dollars

Top 10 Largest Real Estate Companies of Imperial America





American Tower

7.44 Billion dollars



3.33 Billion dollars


Crown Castle

5.84 Billion dollars



5.5 Billion dollars


Simon Property Group

5.76 Billion dollars


Public Storage

2.56 Billion dollars



3.775 Billion Dollars


Equity Residential

2.571 Billion Dollars


AvalonBay Communities

2.301 billion dollars


SBA Communications

2,083 million dollars

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