by Max Barry

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by The Democratic Empire of Catsfern. . 14 reads.

Collecting 100 Copies of my Own Card: My Moonshot

I have been asked many times why and How I collected 100 copies of my own nations card, so i decided to write this to have a nice answer for anyone who asks.

Now the why is simple, you see ever since the cards debuted I knew I was going to be a self collector. I wanted to fill my deck with as many copies of my own card as I could. To this day I try to buy as many copies of my own card as I can, but why the original goal of 100. That's because 100 was my deck capacity and I just wanted to fill my deck. I was also motivated that as far as I was and still am aware no one had filled a deck before me, so I wanted to be the first one to do. It would be my defining unique achievement, my moonshot.

How is a completely different question though, that took a lot more work. Collecting 100 copies of my own card took 6 months and 32 puppet nations. I sent a telegram to every person who found it asking to buy it, and if they responded I'd work out a deal. Sometimes we went through the market, sometimes I would just gift them high value cards, sometimes I'd gift them a card they could sell for a high price at auction, and very occasionally they'd just gift it to me. All the while I was making sure to keep the highest bid on the market so that is someone decided to sell before I could work out a deal with them I still had good chances of getting my card.

I got involved with some pretty big players on the card market doing this, most notably The Northern Light. I had a steady deal with them where if they ever found a copy of my card with one of their puppets they would trade it to me for a value of 10.00 weather that be at auction, through card gifting, or through gifting them a valuable card or two that could sell at auction for a high price. It was a good deal and I still remember my time trading with them fondly.

So there you go the why and the how of my 100 card collection of myself. I still use my puppets to self collect, but I don't really touch the original collection anymore for posterity's sake.
