by Max Barry

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by The Kingdom of Candanadium. . 10 reads.

Provincial and Regional Governments of Candanadium


The Provincial and Regional Governments - Oseanian Edition

Each province or region has its own charter/constitution and government, which includes executive, legislative, and judicial branches. While the federal government is responsible for federal budgeting, foreign affairs, federal social policy, defence, federal tax collection, and so on, the provincial and regional governments are responsible for local matters such as local social policy, healthcare, social security, and so on. If a province's official languages do not include both federal official languages, it does not mean that provincial services are not offered in that language, rather that they are offered only on demand or only in specific locations.

Each province or region has a Governor-General or equivalent position, who is the official head of the province as a representative of the Crown. Some provinces and regions may also choose to have a separate Head of Government. All provinces and territories have a democratically elected government.

The following abbreviations are used for ceremonial titles:

HE - His/Her Excellency
The Rt. Hon. - The Right Honourable
The Hon. - The Honourable
HRH - His/Her Royal Highness

List of Provincial Governments

Province name

Official Language(s)

Viceregal representative

Head of Government


Houses of Legislature

Government party and position

Federal affiliation

Candanadian Capital Region

Oseanian, Kanadiaans

HE the Rt. Hon. Lord Mayor Heinrich Dichter

N/A, Lord Mayor is head of government

Magnarstaat Assembly in New Konigstadt

New Konigstadt Urban Council
Magnarstaat Rural Council
(the two houses are not upper/lower houses but legislate for urban/rural affairs respectively, and any CCR-wide legislation must obtain approval from both houses)

Magnarstaat Liberal Party (centre-left, social democracy)

Democratic Party of Candanadium

The Westland

Trefjalli, Oseanian

HE Governor-General Bjorn Ulrichsson

The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Freyja Martinsdottir

Westland Althingi

N/A, unicameral

Frumkvöðlaflokkur (Pioneers' Party, centre-right, localist)

Constitution Party of Candanadium)



HE Governor-General Frederick Freiherr von Stromfeder

The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Josef Feuermarke

Fischerstaates Königsrat (Royal Council of Fischerstaat)

Upper house: Oberhaus (lit. High House)
Lower house: Unterhaus (lit. Low House)

Fischerstaat Verfassungspartei (Fischerstaat Constitution Party, centre-right, libertarian)

Constitution Party of Candanadium

Oseanian Free State


HE Governor-General Sir Alexander Meyer

The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Carl Hauser

Council of the Free State

Upper house: Chamber of Ministers
Lower house: Chamber of Deputies

Oseania Forward (centre-right to centre, big tent, localism)

Democratic Party/Constitution Party of Candanadium


Oseanian, Kanadiaans

The Rt. Hon. Lord Governor Jan Bergmann

The Hon. Prime Minister Robert Nordreiter

Eisenstaat Legislative Assembly

N/A, unicameral

Die Liberalen (The Liberals, centre-left, social democracy)

Democratic Party of Candanadium

Northern Cape

Oseanian, Kanadiaans, Trefjalli

HE the Hon. Chief Minister Ingrid Egillsdottir

N/A, Chief Minister is head of government

High Council of the Cape

N/A, unicameral

N/A, all members sit as independents due to small size



Akarean, Oseanian

HE Magistrate Julian Schan Hong-ding

The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Wilfred Guo Bai-schu

濠鏡立法會, Haojing Li'fahui (Hautsing Legislative Assembly)

N/A, unicameral

濠鏡進步黨, Haojing Jinbutang (Hautsing Progress Party, centre-left, progressive)

Democratic Party of Candanadium

List of Autonomous Regional Governments

Note: Both autonomous regional legislatures in Candanadium are unicameral. The Prince of Belkhomir is a landed prince, or Fürst, but swears fealty to the King of Belkhomir (also the King of Candanadium) as his viceregal representative and thus has no sovereign powers over Belkhomir except when acting in the King's name. The full title of the President of Caskhomir is the President of the Congress of Caskhomir.

Autonomous region name

Official Language(s)

Viceregal representative

Head of Government


Government party and position

Federal affiliation

Principality of Belkhomir


HSH Prince Leopold von Eiswald, Fürst of Belkhomir (hereditary)

The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Sir Walter von Vogelheide

Belkhomir Landtag (Belkhomir National Diet)

Fürstenpartei Belkhomir (Prince's Party of Belkhomir, centre-right, autonomism, localism)

Belkhomir Einheitsfront (Belkhomir Unity Front)

Caskhomir Autonomous Region

Caskaans, Oseanian

HE Governor-General Damien Paulse

The Rt. Hon. President Adriaan Suideberge

Congress of Caskhomir

Ons vir jou (We For You, centre-right, localism, libertarian)

Caskhomir Eenheidsfront (Caskhomir Unity Front)

The Kingdom of Candanadium
