by Max Barry

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by Indoinastan. . 44 reads.

Phoenix Council Official

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖍𝖔𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖝 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖈𝖎𝖑

What's the Phoenix Council?

Phoenix Council is the region' governing and rule making body. This your to mold the region (whether you're in the government or not) the region to your vision, by voting for resolutions you like and scuttling the rest. However, it's a double-edged sword, because your nation will be affected by any resolutions that pass. In other words, it's a hot-bed of political intrigue and double-dealing.

How does it work?

Each nation may submit a proposal, whether in the government/political party or not. However, being in a political party (especially of the founder or other large governmental entity) or the government can have special benefits. You will have a better voice on the table, and a other perks. When a nation submits a proposal, the council will decide if it shall be passed. Votings will be held in Discord, but if a nation is unable to join Discord, they can simply telegram their vote to the officials to cast their vote.
Proposals may either be submitted to two of the councils, Phoenix Parliamentary Council (PPC) or the Phoenix Conventional Council (PCC).
Each submitted proposal will be voted on by council members. If the majority vote AYE the proposal, then it is passed and will be put into effect. If voted NAY, then the proposal will be dismissed, but still archived to . ABSTAIN is also a choice, in which you skip your vote, and it doesn't count as against for AYE or NAY. If, after a certain period of time, a nation believes a previously passed proposal should be repealed, they may go through the process again.

The Phoenix Parliamentary Council (PPC)

The Phoenix Parliamentary Council is the practical council of the two, where laws will genuinely affect the region are proposed and voted on. For example, "Regional Raiding Protection Act" would actually change the rules and the standards of the region, and not the roleplay unit. Therefore, it would count as a valid Phoenix Parliamentary Council proposal. There are also classes in which PPC proposals may be divided into which have an abbreviation, such as a regional rule change would be called PPC RRUCH (or a discord rule change would be PPC DISRUCH) for sort form or a change in the regional council function in the regional which would be called PPC RLC.

The Phoenix Conventional Council (PCC)

The Phoenix Conventional Council is the regional role-playing council of the two, where laws that won't actually affect the NS region are proposed and voted on, but the roleplay of each nation. For example, "Universal Healthcare" wouldn't actually change the rules of the region, but just the roleplay laws of each nation. The Phoenix Conventional Council is completely based on roleplay, although the roleplay could still affect the region. There are many different classes of proposals possible for the PCC with abbreviations, such as an act to improve civil rights around the (RP) world would be PCC RPCIR, or an act to cut down on an ideology, such as fascism would be known in a class of PCC RPideo (ideologies) under a larger class of PCC RPPOL (politics). See how the "ideo" in the PCC Rpideo is lowercased unlike "POL" in PCC RPPOL. That is because it is a beta class of the alpha class of PCC RPPOL. This will be common in PCC, but not so common in PPC (although, it will still happen a few times) because the RP has more action and more things than the NS region, which is usually for OOC things.

Submitting a Resolution

Submitting a resolution is easy and straightforward, but must be done correctly, so the council officials can properly indeifty and recognize it. Once written, post a message to the Regional Message Board with the name of the resolution (and mention one of the council officials, so they see the post) or telegram the council members. You can also use Discord to DM the officials if you can, and then the dispatch linked below. To be voted on, it must be approved by a Phoenix Council Official first.

Resolutions must follow a certain template, in order to be valid. This template is provided below:



what the resolution is about


why it is important


-what the resolution will do if approved



Voting Weight

For every vote by a nation, 1 point gets added/removed (based on AYE or NAY vote). However, if at least three nations from the same party all vote the same, an additional point goes towards their vote.

How do I get in the council in the first place?

So to join the council, please sign this form, and then DM Jimbob of the East#0521 on Discord, or just telegram Indoinastan in NationStates.

Phoenix Council Officials

Indoinastan: Phoenix Council Founder and General

Phoenix city of fire: Region Founder and Secondary General

If you have any questions of concerns regarding the council, please feel free to DM Jimbob of the East#0521, or telegram Indoinastan


