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XKI Welcome Guide: Terms & Abbreviations
Coast Watching - Watching over the World happenings page around update times to catch raids before they happen.
Defense - A preventative action by defenders to stop raiders from taking over a region.
Defender - A WA/non-WA nation/or person behind it that moves into a region that is under attack from invaders and endorses the defender lead with the intention of defending that region.
Defender lead - The WA nation chosen by the defenders to be the temporary new delegate and the target of their endorsements.
Delegate - The WA nation in any given region with the highest number of endorsements (at least 2), can cast votes in the WA that count for the number of endorsees plus one, can eject/ban nations from the region IF regional controls are on.
Detag - The action of removing a tag raid from a region.
Detag Run - Removing tag raids from multiple regions in quick succession; the opposite of a tag run.
Eject - An action by the delegate to forcibly remove a nation and send them to The Rejected Realms, but they can still return since they are not banned.
Endorsement - A vote to show approval of the nation; the "weapons" used in the war between invaders and defenders.
Feeder - A region where new nations are first founded, namely The East Pacific, The North Pacific, The Pacific, The South Pacific, and The West Pacific.
Flame - A comment intended to incite disagreeable feelings (often of anger) in the person it is directed at.
Flamebait - A comment intended to prolong an exchange of flaming.
Founder - The nation that founded the region (if applicable). (Note: In many regions, the founder ceases to exist, leaving sole control of the region to the delegate.)
General Assembly - The policy side of the World Assembly that legislates gamewide law on various issues.
Raider - A WA/non-WA nation/or person behind it that moves into a region with the purpose of taking it over using hostile means and endorses the invader lead.
Raider lead - The WA nation chosen by the invaders to be the new delegate and the target of their endorsements.
Liberation - A military operation in a region recently taken over by raiders with the purpose of overthrowing the raiders and restoring power to the natives.
Multi-ing/Multi - Having multiple WA nations belonging to any one person at any one time, which is against game rules and can result in a complete ban from the World Assembly.
Major - The longer update time, beginning at 12 am EST.
Minor - The shorter update time, beginning at 12 pm EST.
Native - Any nation that intends to take up residence in the region permanently; oftentimes it has been in the region for a prolonged period of time.
Puppet - A secondary nation that someone controls for whatever reason, in addition to a main nation.
Regional controls - Admin settings that allow regional leadership to access and change settings that can, among other things, ban and eject nations.
Security Council - Responsible for recognizing individual nations or regions either by commendation or condemnation, and can also liberate regions being raided.
Sinker - A region where nations go after they cease to exist and are refounded (logged back into). Currently Lazarus, Balder, Osiris, and The Rejected Realms.
Suppress - The ability of regional officers to hide/remove posts from the RMB.
Taggers - Raiders undergoing tag raids during update.
Tag Raid - A raid where only the visual appearance of a region is changed.
Tag Run - A series of tag raids done in quick succession.
The Rejected Realms - The game-created region where all ejected nations go after being ejected or banned from their regions.
Update - The two times a day where NationStates updates all nation and region information, and when most raiding or defending activity takes place.
Warzone - A 'king of the hill' region where the goal is to remain delegate for as long as possible, bans here are only temporary.
World Assembly - The institution that allows all of this to happen and creates gamewide law for its member nations to adhere to.
BC - Border Control, region permissions that allow someone to ban or eject nations.
Cosmo - A player holding multiple citizenships in other regions.
CTE - Ceased to exist.
DEAT/DEATed - When a site moderator permanently deletes a nation for rule breaking.
Del/WAD - Delegate.
DoS - Delete on Sight, an indefinite ban of a player including all future nations they create.
Endo - Endorsement.
Endotart - Endorsing multiple other players in hopes they will endorse you back.
FA - Foreign Affairs.
GA - General Assembly.
GCRs - Game created region, as in not made by a player and without a founder; includes all 4 Sinkers and 5 Feeders.
GenSec - A panel of six nations that check the legality of submitted WA proposals, marking them as illegal or legal proposals.
GHR - Getting Help Request, the official means of reporting an issue to Nationstates site staff.
IC - In character, acting on behalf of your nation and not your personal self.
Laz - Lazarus, a sinker region.
Nat. Sov. - National Sovereignty, the right to do whatever you want with your nation, and commonly seen in WA arguments.
N-Day - Nuclear Day, a nuclear apocalypse minigame that takes over the game once a year.
NS - NationStates.
OOC - Out of character, acting on behalf of your personal self.
OP - Original Post.
Osi - Osiris, a sinker region.
R/D - Raiding/Defending, a common reference to military activity in NationStates.
RMB - Regional Message Board, the chat function on every region's page.
RO - Regional Officer, a nation appointed to an in-game position in a region.
RP - Roleplay.
SC - Security Council.
TEP - The East Pacific, a feeder region.
TG - Telegram.
TNP - The North Pacific, a feeder region.
TP/NPO - The Pacific, a feeder region, with NPO being their ruling government.
TRR - The Rejected Realms, where all nations end up after being banned or ejected.
TSP - The South Pacific, a feeder region.
TWP - The West Pacific, a feeder region.
UCRs - User Created Regions, regions founded by individual players.
WFE - World Factbook Entry, the frontpage information of a region.