by Max Barry

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by The Third of His Name of King Minos. . 29 reads.

Civil Office: RMB Police Officer

RMB Police Officer

Part 1: Establishment

§1.1 Establishment of the RMB Police Officer

  1. The RMB Police Officer is hereby established as a Civil Office within the Labyrinth under the Office of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Labyrinth.

Part 2: Duties and Responsibilities


  1. The RMB Police Officer is subordinate to the Secretary of Internal Affairs, and shall respond to orders from the Secretary within the bounds of the RMB Police Officer's mandates within this document.

  2. RMB Police Officers may be appointed or removed from office at the will of the Secretary of Internal Affairs and the approval of the WA Delegate of the Labyrinth in accordance with the laws of the Labyrinth.

  3. RMB Police Officers are to consider themselves official watchdogs of the RMB, and are primarily tasked with being mandatory reporters of violations of Regional Law, RMB rules, RP rules, and of arguments on the RMB. Whenever they observe laws or rules being broken, or a fight or argument breaking out on the Labyrinth's RMB, they are to immediately report it to the Secretary of Internal Affairs or any other member of Regional Government that is at the time of the rulebreaking available to moderate.

  4. In the event that the Secretary of Internal Affairs, a member of the Monarchy, or another Public Officer is not available to moderate RMB arguments and issue punishment, the individual RMB Police Officer may take the role of a moderator and act as an authority figure to end the arguement and resolve differences. If a higher ranking official becomes available and takes over the situation however, the RMB Police Officer is to defer to the higher ranking Officer.
