by Max Barry

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by The Federated Bailiwicks of Verdant Haven. . 49 reads.

Draft Constitutional Amendment - Article 6

Draft Constitutional Amendment affecting Article 6 of the Forest Constitution.

What follows is draft wording for a proposed amendment to the Constitution of Forest. The proposal adds an additional clause to Article 6 for the purposes of permitting temporary embassies for Events, such as an N-Day multi-region alliance.

A brief description and discussion explaining the perceived need for the change, and what the intention of the proposed new or altered text, follows the proposed text.

Proposal Text:

Article 6 - Embassies


Add New Section

“The Forest Keeper may declare creation or acceptance of an embassy by fiat, for purposes of a special game event or other temporary game-related need of the region. Such an embassy shall last only for the duration of the special event or need in question, or for 3 months, whichever is shorter. In order to extend such an embassy beyond this window, it must be proposed and approved via the usual methods open to other embassies. Barring this, such an embassy shall be automatically closed at the conclusion of its function. Upon use of this fiat power, the Forest Keeper shall provide a public statement to the citizens of Forest identifying the purpose of the embassy in question, and indicating the intended limit of its use.”


In the previous changes to Article 6, certain loopholes in the embassy creation process were removed in a bid to place power fully in the hands of the populace, and to minimize the possibility of "rule by decree" replacing public consensus. Unfortunately overlooked were special events such as the upcoming N-Day, for which we very much would like to have an embassy with the region that is being established to coordinate our alliance, despite it not meeting the requirements for normal diplomatic relations. The purpose of this new section, to be added to the end of Article 6, is to permit the Forest Keeper to approve by fiat certain temporary embassies for specific game-related purposes such as this, and to place upon them appropriate limitations so that the power is not able to be abused as a replacement for the formal embassy process.
