by Max Barry

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by The Techno-People's Republic of Romaniche. . 23 reads.

Romanichean Constitution (Abandoned)

Chapter I:General Principles

Article I:
1.Romaniche is a national state,sovereign and independent,federal and indivisible
2.The Romanichean Form of Goverment is Federal Presidential Republic
3.Romaniche is the rightfull state,social and democratic,in which the people's rights and freedoms are respected,free
development of human personality,justice and political pluralism are guaranteed according to the ideals of 1760
4.The Goverment is organised according to the principle of separation and equilibrum of powers-legislative,executive and
juridicial-in a Constitutional Democracy
5.Citizens of Romaniche need to respect the Constitution, of its supremacy and laws it's compulsory.

Article II:
6.The national sovereignty it's owned by the Romanichean people,who are exerting it through their representative
organs,constituted through free elections,periodic and fair,and through referendums.
7.No group and no person can't exert sovereignity in own name.

Article III:
8.The Romanichean Territory is inalienable.
9.The Territory is organised,under administrative aspect in cities,villages,counties and states.In laws conditions,some
cities can be declared municipalites.
10.On the Romanichean Territory,no foreign population will be colonised and enslaved.

Article IV:
11.The State has as fundation the people's unity and solidarity of its citizens.
12.Romaniche is the common and indivisible nation of all its citizenships,without difference between
race,nationality,ethnic origin,language,religion,sex,oppinion,political affiliation,wealth or social origin.

Article V:
13.Romanichean citizenship can be obtained,kept or lost in the conditions of the law.
14.Romanichean citizenship can't be taken from the one who got it from birth.

Article VI:
15.The State recognises and guarantes to the persons who are in a national minority the right to preserve,develop and
express their ethinc,lingvistic,cultural and religious identity.

Article VII:
16.The State supports the tightening relations with the Romanicheans in foreign nations and acts to to preserve,develop and express their ethinc,lingvistic,cultural and religious identity.

Article VIII:
17.The plurality in the Romanichean Society it's a condition and guarantee of the Constituional Democracy.
18.The political parties are build and carry out their activities in the conditons of the law.They contribute to the definition
and expression of the people's political will,respecting the national sovereignity,territorial integrity,the right of order and democracy's principles.

Article IX:
19.The sindicates,patronage and professional associations are build and carry out their activities according their status,in
the conditions of the law.They contribute to the defense of the rights and promotion of the professional,economic and
social interests of their members.

Article X:
20.Romaniche maintains and develops passive or agressive relations with all the states and relations of good
neighbourship,founded on the principles and other admitied general norms admited of the international rights.

Article XI:
21.The Romanichean State it's forced to fullfil exactly and with good faith the obligations of whose treaties is part of.
22.The treaties ratified by the Parliament according to the law,are part of the internal right.
23.If a treaty in which Romaniche wants to be part of,contains dispositions which are against the Constitution,its
ratification can take place only after the revision of the Constituion.

Article XII:
24.The Romanichean Flag is a tricolour,with the colours positioned horizontally,in the following order from the
top:Blue,Yellow and Red.
25.The Romanichean National Day is on 8 of June.
26.The Romanichean National Anthem is "Maretie si Glorie".
27.The nation's coat of arms and the state's seal are established thorugh organic laws.

Article XIII:
28.In Romaniche,the official language is Romanichean.

Article XIV:
29.The capital of Romaniche is Rosa-Buchovice.

Chapter II:Rights,freedoms and fundamental duties

Article XV:
1.Citizens enjoy the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution and other laws and have the obligations provided
by them.
2.The law provides only for the future, except for the more favorable criminal or misdemeanor law.

Article XVI:
3.Citizens are equal before the law and public authorities, without privileges and without discrimination.
4.No one is above the law.
5.The public functions and dignities, civil or military, may be occupied, in accordance with the law, by the persons who
have Romanichean citizenship and domicile in the country. The Romanichean state guarantees equal opportunities
between women and men for holding these positions and dignities

Article XVII:
6.Romanian citizens enjoy the protection of the Romanichean state abroad and must fulfill their obligations, except for
those that are not compatible with their absence from the country.

Article XVIII:
7.Foreign citizens and stateless persons living in Romaniche enjoy the general protection of persons and property,
guaranteed by the Constitution and other laws.
8.The right of asylum is granted and withdrawn in accordance with the law, in compliance with the treaties and
international conventions to which Romaniche is part of.

Article XIX:
9.The Romanichean citizen cannot be extradited or expelled from Romaniche
10.By derogation from the provisions of paragraph 9, Romaniche citizens may be extradited on the basis of the
international conventions to which Romaniche is a party, in accordance with the law and on the basis of reciprocity.
11.Foreign nationals and stateless persons may be extradited only on the basis of an international convention or under
conditions of reciprocity.
12.The expulsion or extradition is decided by the court.

Article XX:
13.The constitutional provisions regarding the rights and freedoms of the citizens shall be interpreted and applied in
accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with the covenants and with the other treaties to which
Romaniche is part of.
14.If there are inconsistencies between the pacts and treaties on fundamental human rights, to which Romaniche is part
of, and domestic laws, international regulations shall take precedence, unless the Constitution or domestic laws contain
more favorable provisions.

Article XXI:
15.Any person may apply to the courts for the defense of his rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.
16.No law may restrict the exercise of this right.
17.The parties have the right to a fair trial and to the settlement of cases within a reasonable time.
18.The special administrative jurisdictions are optional and free of charge.

Article XXII:
16.The right to life, as well as the right to physical and mental integrity of the person are guaranteed.
17.No citizen shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
18.The death penalty is only used in most serious crimes(terrorist attacks,treason against the state,genocide,etc.)

Article XXIII:
19.Individual liberty and security of person shall be inviolable.
20.The search, detention or arrest of a person are allowed only in the cases and with the procedure provided by law.
21.Detention may not exceed 24 hours.
22.The pre-trial detention shall be ordered by the judge and only during the criminal trial.
23.During the criminal investigation, the preventive arrest may be ordered for a maximum of 30 days and may be
extended by a maximum of 30 days, without the total duration exceeding a reasonable term, and not more than 180
24.In the trial phase, the court is obliged, in accordance with the law, to verify periodically, and no later than 60 days,
the legality and validity of the pre-trial detention and to order, immediately, the release of the defendant, if the grounds
determined the pre-trial detention have ceased or if the court finds that there are no new grounds to justify the
maintenance of deprivation of liberty.
25.The court's decisions regarding the measure of pre-trial detention are subject to the remedies provided by law.
26.The person detained or arrested shall be informed immediately, in the language he understands, the reasons for the
detention or arrest, and the accusation, as soon as possible; the accusation is brought to light only in the presence of a
lawyer, chosen or appointed ex officio.
27.The release of the detained or arrested person is obligatory, if the reasons for these measures have disappeared, as
well as in other situations provided by law.
28.The person remanded in custody has the right to request his / her provisional release, under judicial control or on
29.Until the final judgment of the conviction remains final, the person is considered innocent.
30.No punishment may be established or applied except under the conditions and under the law.
31.The custodial sentence can only be of a criminal nature.

Article XXIV:
32.The right to defense is guaranteed.
33.Throughout the process, the parties have the right to be assisted by a lawyer, chosen or appointed ex officio.

Article XXV:
34.The right to free movement, in the country and abroad, is guaranteed. The law establishes the conditions for
exercising this right.
35.Every citizen is guaranteed the right to establish his domicile or residence in any locality in the country, to emigrate,
as well as to return to the country.

Article XXVI:
36.The public authorities respect and protect the intimate, family and private life.
37.The natural person has the right to dispose of himself, if he does not violate the rights and freedoms of others, public
order or good morals.

Article XXVII:
38.The domicile and the residence are inviolable. No one may enter or remain in a person's home or residence without
his or her consent.
39. The provisions of paragraph 38 may be derogated by law for the following situations:
a) execution of an arrest warrant or a court decision;
b) the removal of a danger to the life, physical integrity or property of a person;
c) defense of national security or public order;
d) preventing the spread of an epidemic.
40.The search shall be ordered by the judge and shall be carried out under the conditions and in the forms provided by
41.Searches during the night are prohibited, except in the case of flagrante delicto.

Article XXVIII:
42.The secrecy of letters, telegrams, other postal items, telephone conversations and other legal means of
communication are monitored by RSOIS.Any information or statement which puts in danger the state,individual,society
etc. is motive of arrest or death sentence.

Article XXIX:
43.Freedom of thought and opinion, as well as freedom of religious beliefs may not be restricted in any form. No one can
be compelled to adopt an opinion or adhere to a religious belief contrary to his beliefs.
44.Freedom of conscience is guaranteed; it must be manifested in a spirit of tolerance and mutual respect.
45.Religious cults are free and are organized according to their own statutes, in accordance with the law.
46.In the relations between the cults, any forms, means, acts or actions of religious enmity are forbidden.
47.Religious cults are autonomous from the state and enjoy its support, including by facilitating religious assistance in the
army, hospitals, penitentiaries, asylums and orphanages.
48.The parents or guardians have the right to ensure, according to their own convictions, the education of the minor
children whose responsibility they have.

Article XXX:
49.The freedom to express thoughts, opinions or beliefs and the freedom of creation of any kind, by word of mouth,
writing, images, sounds or other means of communication in public, are inviolable.Censorship of any kind is prohibited.
50.Freedom of the press also implies the freedom to set up publications.
51.No publication may be deleted.
52.The law may impose on the mass media the obligation to make public the source of financing.
53.Freedom of expression may not prejudice the dignity, honor, private life of the person or the right to one's own image.
54.Defamation of the country and the nation, incitement to war of aggression, national, racial, class or religious hatred,
incitement to discrimination, territorial separatism or public violence, as well as obscene manifestations contrary to good
morals are prohibited by law. .
55.The civil responsibility for the information or for the creation brought to public knowledge rests with the publisher or
director, the author, the organizer of the artistic event, the owner of the means of multiplication, of the radio or television
station, in accordance with the law. Press offenses are established by law.

Article XXXI:
56.The right of the person to have access to any information of public interest may not be restricted.
57.The public authorities, according to their competences, are obliged to ensure the correct information of the citizens on
the public affairs and on the problems of personal interest.
58.The right to information must not prejudice measures to protect young people or national security.
59.The mass media, public and private, are obliged to ensure the correct information of the public opinion.
60.Public radio and television services are autonomous. They must guarantee the social and political groups the exercise
of the right to air. The organization of these services and the parliamentary control over their activity are regulated by
organic law.

Article XXXII:
61.The right to education is ensured through compulsory general education, through high school, through higher
education, as well as through other forms of instruction and improvement.
62.Education of all grades is conducted in Romanichean. Under the law, education can also be conducted in a language of
international circulation(Roman or English).
63.The right of persons belonging to national minorities to learn their mother tongue and the right to be educated in that
language are guaranteed; the modalities of exercising these rights are established by law.
64.State education is free, according to the law. The state grants social scholarships to children and young people from
disadvantaged and institutionalized families, in accordance with the law.
65.Education of all grades is carried out in state units, private and confessional, in accordance with the law.
66.University autonomy is guaranteed.
67.The state ensures the freedom of religious education, according to the specific requirements of each cult. In state
schools, religious education is organized and guaranteed by law.

Article XXXIII:
68.Access to culture is guaranteed, in accordance with the law.
69.The freedom of the person to develop his spirituality and to access the values of the national and universal culture
cannot be restricted.
70.The state must ensure the preservation of the spiritual identity, the support of the national culture, the stimulation of
the arts, the protection and preservation of the cultural heritage, the development of the contemporary creativity, the
promotion of the cultural and artistic values of Romaniche in the world.

Article XXXIV:
71.The right to health care is guaranteed.
72.The state is obliged to take measures to ensure hygiene and public health.
73.The organization of medical assistance and the social insurance system for illness, accidents, maternity and recovery,
control of the exercise of medical professions and paramedical activities, as well as other measures to protect the
physical and mental health of the person shall be established by law.

Article XXXV:
74.Citizens have the right to vote from the age of 18, fulfilled until the day of the elections inclusive.
75.The mentally debilitated or insane, placed under interdiction, nor the persons condemned, by final court decision, to
the loss of electoral rights, have no right to vote.

Article XXXVI:
76.Citizens with the right to vote who meet the conditions set out in Article XVI (5) shall have the right to be elected,
unless they are prohibited from associating with political parties in accordance with Article XXXVIII (80).

Article XXXVII:
77.Rallies, demonstrations, processions or any other gatherings are free and can be organized and held only peacefully,
without any weapons.

Article XXXVIII:
78.Citizens may freely associate in political parties, trade unions, employers' associations and other forms of association.
79.The parties or organizations that, through their purposes or through their activity, militate against the political
pluralism, the principles of the rule of law or the sovereignty, integrity or independence of Romaniche are
80.The judges of the Constitutional Court, the ombudsmen, the magistrates, the active members of the army, the police
and other categories of civil servants established by organic law may not be part of political parties.
81.Secret associations are prohibited.

Article XXXIX:
82. The right to work cannot be restricted. The choice of profession, trade or occupation, as well as the job is free.
83. Employees have the right to social protection measures. These concern the safety and health of employees, the
employment regime of women and young people, the establishment of a minimum gross wage in the country, weekly
rest, paid leave, work in special or special conditions, vocational training and other specific situations, established by law.
84The normal duration of the working day is, on average, a maximum of 8 hours.
85.For equal work, women have equal pay for men.
86.The right to collective bargaining in the field of labor and the binding nature of collective agreements are guaranteed.

Article XL:
87.Forced labor is prohibited.
88.The following shall not constitute forced labor:
a) activities for the performance of military duties, as well as those carried out, according to the law, in their place, for
religious or conscience reasons;
b) the work of a convicted person, performed under normal conditions, during the period of detention or parole;
c) the benefits imposed in the situation created by calamities or other danger, as well as those that are part of the normal
civil obligations established by law.

Article XLI:
89.Employees have the right to strike for the defense of professional, economic and social interests.
90.The law establishes the conditions and limits of the exercise of this right, as well as the guarantees necessary to
ensure the essential services for the company.

Article XLII:
91.The property right, as well as the claims on the state, are guaranteed. The content and limits of these rights are
established by law.
92.Private property is equally guaranteed and protected by law, regardless of the owner. Foreign citizens and stateless
persons can acquire the right of private ownership over land only under the conditions resulting from Romaniche's
accession to other international treaties to which Romaniche is part of, on the basis of reciprocity, under the conditions
provided by organic law and legal inheritance.
93.No one may be expropriated except for a cause of public utility, established according to the law, with fair and prior
94.The nationalization or any other measures of forced transfer of public property on the basis of social, ethnic, religious,
political or other discriminatory affiliation of the holders are prohibited.
95.For works of general interest, the public authority may use the basement of any real estate, with the obligation to
compensate the owner for damages to soil, plantations or constructions, as well as for other damages imputable to the
96.The compensation provided for in paragraphs 93 and 95 shall be determined by common accord with the owner or, in
the event of a dispute, by court.
97.The property right obliges to the observance of the tasks regarding the protection of the environment and the
assurance of the good neighborhood, as well as to the observance of the other tasks that, according to the law or the
custom, belong to the owner.
98.The lawfully acquired property may not be confiscated. The lawfulness of the acquisition is presumed.
99.The goods intended, used or resulting from crimes or contraventions may be confiscated only in accordance with the

Article XLIII:
100.The free access of the person to an economic activity, free initiative and their exercise under the law are guaranteed.

Article XLIV:
101.The right to inheritance is guaranteed.

The Techno-People's Republic of Romaniche

