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Jocospor Apologises to NationStates

As some know, an Imperial delegation led by Sen. Varrum Grevar has recently held conferences with The Mouth and Will in Dubrova, Depackya. The nature of this meeting did involve the recent allegations of election fraud during IS#14 - however the Ministry of the Senate has largely conducted that inquiry, for which I extend my thanks to the Lord Overseer, Sir Victor Watson HCS, and West heisen.
More accurately, representatives of the Shadow Cult arrived in Depackya to discuss another matter of great importance. In recent months, the Confederation has taken step after step to distance herself from heinous, dangerous administrations active throughout NationStates. The Shadow Cult and its Imperial Council are largely pleased with the repercussions of these actions. Despite its isolationist state, inter-regional relationships with more-moderate governments have formed. I applaud the work being done by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and for the initiative of the Lord Secretary, Sir Hunteth Veredon HCF of Valerox. Moreover, radicalised Confederation member states which exist in violation of the Imperial ethos continue to be purged. To that end, I extend the Shadow Cult's thanks to the recently-appointed Sir Sean Blackwood HCF of
Aeioux, Lord Director of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
At this time, please allow me to again fully support the statements issued by the Commission to the World Assembly under the watchful leadership of Sir Heelain Curronfold HCF of ShrewLlamaLand. I speak for not just the Shadow Emperor but all the Shadow Cult and the Confederation when I say to the Lord of Loathing: Your actions were a justified and critical advance of our great region.
Nonetheless, two associations to those aforementioned administrations remain. Moreover, the Confederation cannot successfully combat these associations without cooperation from the inter-regional community and NationStates at large, which places her and thus the Shadow Cult in a difficult position. I refer to (1) the Confederation's listing on the Civil Defense Siren (CDS), and (2) SCR#263 "Liberate Confederation of Corrupt Dictators", which hangs over the region like a sort of ominous cloud.
For some time now, processes have been underway that might ultimately repeal SCR#263. In early June of this year, 15.59% of the (then) Confederation participated in a region-wide opinion poll (Fig. 1), in which the majority voted to pursue the repeal of SCR#263. Those that voted against more often than not did so under the impression that a Liberation from the Security Council is regarded inter-regionally as what NationStates' terms a "badge" - a "good thing". In the case of most participating member states, the general agreement was that SCR#263 did not accurately represent them, or the Confederation as a region.

Following this opinion poll, in late June , the Imperial Council proceeded to draft a repeal resolution which it disseminated amongst the Confederation via the Imperial Delegates' League. This draft has been freely and publicly available to all nations active within the Confederation's Discord. The various input from Confederation member states, both publicly and privately, was at all times constructive. Thus, the combined efforts of the Confederation and its Imperial Council have resulted in a repeal resolution:
The Security Council,
Understanding that the Confederation of Corrupt Dictators (herein "CCD") has previously identified as a fascist region.
Resolved, however, that CCD has reformed its ways and taken great lengths to combat fascism, and indeed heinous ideologies.
Pleased to note that CCD has broken all its ties to Nazi regions, effectively reducing it to an isolationist state.
Aware of the CCD’s multiple condemnations against fascism, led by government nations including Jocospor, ShrewLlamaLand, Depackya, West heisen,
Khanbaliq Mongolia,
Valerox, Confederation state broadcasting and Golden impirial utopia.
Further acknowledging that past transgressions committed by CCD, including frequent and often-unwanted forms of inter-regional communication, ended long ago.
Interpreting this repeal resolution as not just an apology, but an additional denunciation against all those who would seek to subscribe their regional communities to malicious doctrines.
Believing any genuine apology to NationStates on behalf of CCD must be issued in CCD's Founder's name.
Admitting that Jocospor and CCD are both proud sovereignties, and for them to, respectively, author and condone this repeal is no flippant gesture.
Furthermore, conceding that, as CCD's Founder, Jocospor remains executive and prominent.
Recognising, thus, that SCR#263 is now, effectively, redundant, and believing that CCD has indeed learned its lesson.
Hereby repeals SCR#263 “Liberate Confederation of Corrupt Dictators”.
Co-authored by ShrewLlamaLand and Depackya.
Change is never instant, but it is inevitable. If readers construe an apology from the above draft, then they have interpreted the resolution as the Confederation would hope. The governing forces behind the Confederation have evolved significantly over the last five years. While our convictions hold - dominated largely by the belief that the World Assembly must take measures to further and better include small and/or underrepresented regions within its ranks - their execution has indeed changed. Under the Shadow Cult, Jocospor seeks only to perpetuate a dialogue of respect and cooperation between the Confederation and NationStates.
Therefore, I am authorised, on behalf of His Supreme Majesty the Shadow Emperor, to issue the following declarations:
- To NationStates, the Confederation truly apologises.
To NationStates, Jocospor truly apologises.
Collectively, we apologise for our unintelligent decisions.
We apologise for aligning ourselves with those who we perceived to be of little consequence, but who in reality were and are degenerative and dangerous.
We apologise for the way in which we critiqued and behaved within the World Assembly, for our relentless attempts to commend ourselves, and for the consequences that came of those actions.
We apologise for the forceful and insensitive dissemination of our philosophies and ideas.
To The North Pacific, we apologise for the attempted usurpation of your sovereignty.
To Europe, we apologise for the attempted usurpation of your sovereignty.
To The New Mappers Union, we apologise for the attempted usurpation of your sovereignty.
To Yorktown Aristocracy, we apologise for the attempted usurpation of your sovereignty.
To NationStates, Jocospor and its Confederation are sorry.
We are committed to professionalism, to diversity, to progress, and to safety.
If we have harmed national interests, whatever they may be, we apologise.
If we have harmed regional interests, whatever they may be, we apologise.
If we have caused heads of state particular frustrations or worries, whatever they may be, we apologise.
If we have offended, we apologise.
And if you do not accept our apologies, we understand.
It is my hope that the inter-regional community will accept these declarations as genuine and heartfelt, reinforced by the Confederation's recent past history and actions. Whether this is the case or not, the Confederation will continue down the path it has embarked upon. She will continue to work against heinous, dangerous ideologies and administrations. She will continue to engage positively and maturely with external nations and regions. She will continue to prevent the radicalisation of her member states. She will, as I have said, at all times remain diligently committed to respect and cooperation.
Finally, I add that the declarations issued here today are in no way insincere, or some sort of scheme to see the repeal of SCR#263. To demonstrate this sincerity, the Confederation's draft resolution will not be posted to the World Assembly forums until 25 November 2020. This date holds weight. It marks five years since the Confederation's founding by Imperial dreamers. In so reserving submission for this time, the Confederation's birthday will be commemorated, not celebrated. We will remember what we have done. We will remember what we have learned.
I look forward to working with all parties wishing to advance the prosperity of NationStates.
The Shadow Cult is rising,
High-Direktor Doris Kohn
Central Imperial Direktorate
on behalf of
The Shadow Emperor
Confederation of Corrupt Dictators