Dispatch → Bulletin → Policy
Regional Legislation Format and Presentation Act (REPEALED)
Proposed By: King Minos III
Date of Proposal: March 31, 2020
Date of Enactment: June 4, 2020
Date of Repeal: January 9, 2022
Part 1: Format
All legislation passed by the Regional Council, with exception granted at the discretion of the Regional Council and reigning Monarch, shall be composed following and in accordance with the standards of this Act.
All acts of the Council shall be presented containining a bolded and centered header indicating the full title of the act being proposed to the Body. Additional bolded headers shall be placed on the leftmost side of the page, and shall indicate the nation that originally proposed the act, date of proposal to the Council, and the date of enactment. Should there be additional credit given to a nation should they propose an act written by another, or a nation makes significant and noteworthy effort in composing the act, an additional header may be added below that which indicates the proposing nation.
Acts of the Council shall be split into distinct Parts, Sections, Articles, Clauses, and additional orders of organization to indicate the organization and separation of information and rules. Parts and Sections shall be bolded and enumerated based on their order of appearance, and Sections shall be delineated by a section symbol (§), followed by the Part they are contained in and then their individual enumeration. Articles, Clauses, and further units of separation should be ordered and enumerated, however if it is unnecessary for the content of the Article or a lack of enumeration provides for a more readable and contextual Act, it is not required. Parts shall possess an unbolded title indicating the contents of the Part, but all other orders of organization may contain a title after their numeration, however these titles are not to be written in bold text.
Part 2: Template
Nations writing legislation are strongly encouraged to use the following template;
Proposed By:
Date of Proposal:
Date of Enactment:
Part 1: Title
§1.1 Title (if any)
Article 1
Article 2
Part 2: Title
Part 3: Legislative Presentation
All pieces of legislation shall, in their final form, be printed as a Regional Dispatch and contained in a Regional Law Library that shall be pinned on the Regional Factbook of the Region.
The legislative template ordered by this Act shall be included in a separate Regional Dispatch and linked in the Regional Law Library and other places of necessity as determined by the Monarchy.
Part 4: Enforcement and Amendment
This Act does not apply retroactively to legislation that has been passed or presented to the Council prior to this Act's passage, however, the Council is hereby urged by this Act to amend passed and proposed pieces of legislation to exist in conformance to the standards of this Act.
The text and template included in this Act may be amended in the normal manner. Should the template be amended, it shall be updated in all other places in which it occurs.