by Max Barry

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by The Fair duchy of Shkolalia. . 6 reads.

political parties

shkolalia holds democracy near to it's heart and has large amount of political party of which including

socialist new dynasty party
this is the largest party and the one that over thrown the communist dictatorship that was around before it . the party help get the "new dynasty" in power that are loosely related to the original ,which is a figure head .the true power lie in the parliment of ofit palace .this party also has an army with is the national miltary (like china) and is operational every when the party is not in power

the national conservative
the exact oppersite of the SND party , a almost-facist right wing party . the only came to power 5 time in the entire history of modern shkolalia. the also operate the own miltary but it is illegal of them to operate at the capicity of the SND's .this is because the party was formed out of a facist rebel againist the Viktor Nivet-rhandan's dictatorship

the theocracial front
a new and pro monarchist party and believes that not only the duke hans the third should be grand duke and given more power but sho-sho believer should be given special bonus.the party was made to attempt to transition the current state of shkolalia back to the empire of shally (the countries golden age)

The Fair duchy of Shkolalia
