by Max Barry

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by Attancia. . 101 reads.

Attancian Political Party Overview

Attancian Political Parties:

Major Parties:

The Traditional Sovereignty Party has been the largest and most famous party in Attancia for the last 300 years. Fervent supporters of religious and traditional values, the Traditional Sovereigntists have often been criticised for their borderline extremism and belief in religious rule of the country. However, they have a large support in Attancia, and constantly win elections in landslides. They also believe in near-complete isolationism, claiming other nations "Have not been touched by god. The world has been carved for us; and we must make sure we do not conspire with those who dirty it.". They hold a majority in Parliament, with 340 out of 650 seats.
Economic Alignment: Centre-Right to Right-Wing.
Social Alignment: Authoritarian, very rarely centre-Authoritarian.

The Četvrti Independent Party is the primary party representing Četvrti, the isolated semi-autonomous island in north-west Attancia. They advocate for more substantial representation of Četvrti culture, and push for greater autonomy and freedom from the central government. They have 1/5 of the seats in parliament.
Economic Alignment: Left to centre-right.
Social Alignment: Central

The Libertarian Democrats are what they say on the tin: Democratic and Libertarian. They have a fair amount of support in Attancia, mostly from those who believe the government is too oppressive or who dislike the Church's direct role in politics. They seek for major reforms, including removal of Church Authority in the Attancian government, the removal of religious customs from laws, and other policies that go against the general concensus. They're poisonous haters of the TSP, and believe Attancia should take more to the international stage. Furthermore, they believe Attancia should reform into a Republic. They have 140 of the seats in Parliament.
Economic Alignment: Left-wing
Social Alignment: Libertarian

Minor Parties:

The Direct Workers Association is generally regarded as the Communist Party of Attancia. Despite being "For the Workers", most workers flock to the Libertarian Democrats. They aim for major reforms, including a transformation into a Republic, the nationalisation of several important industries, the removal of private education, the removal of private healthcare (even though the nation already has public versions of both), and the removal of University/College tuition fees. They also plan on removing the House of Commons and certainly the House of Parishioners, instead having direct representation for the people. Another major reform would be the transition into a secular state, and a removal of all religious authority and privilege.
Economic Alignment: Left-wing to Far-Left
Social Alignment: Authoritarian

Despite appealing to many of the Attancian ideals (Supremacy, Imperialism, Diplomatic Isolationalism), the Attancian Fascist Party is generally looked down on by most Attancians. Their more extreme policies tend to divert potential voters. They want a complete ethnostate, a fascismo government, the abolition of private property, and a military junta -- all things opposed by the Attancian peoples.
Economic Aligment: Central. Fascism is hard to place on the political compass.
Social Axis: Far-Authoritarian

The Green Party is the only registered Green Party in Attancia. They want to de-industrialise the nation, nationalise several important industrial industries, and abolish non-renewable energy wherever possible. They're disliked by most Attancians, however, because of their "extreme" views and frequent protesting -- their protests often take place in business-centres, such as malls and industrial zones.
Economic Alignment: Left-wing to Far-left
Social Alignment: Central

