Dispatch → Bulletin → Policy
CCD Continues Stance Against Heinous OOC Ideologies

This announcement is intended to function as a follow up to our previous statement on the issue of OOC fascism. If you have not previously read this statement, I would recommend doing to provide context here. I want to begin this statement by reiterating that the Confederation is, as it always has been, a region of roleplay. The Confederation will not, and should not, police how nations may or may not roleplay in-game. We are not a fascist region, we are an IC dictatorial region, but we welcome dictatorial nations of all types: right-wing and left-wing, capitalist and communist, and yes, nations roleplaying as fascist dictatorships. I do want to stress, however, that this tolerance applies strictly to nations roleplaying in-game. Recently, it has come to my own attention, as well as the attention of Jocospor, the Imperial Council, and indeed the Confederation as a whole, that OOC fascism has become a large issue that exists not just within the dark fringes of the internet, but as a real part of the NationStates community. OOC fascism has been present within regions we have chosen to align ourselves with, both in NationStates and in off-site platforms such as Discord, and to limited extent, within the Confederation itself. Let me make this clear: it has never been my intention, nor the intention of Jocospor, nor any other nation that has ever served on the Imperial Council (or its predecessor, the Supreme Council, for that matter) to allow or encourage the spread of real-life heinous ideologies, such as Nazism or fascism, outside of NationStates. A few days ago, comments were made by a certain region's officers in their off-site Discord server. Jocospor and I were shocked by the nature of these comments, immediately cut contact with this region, and demanded that all regions within the IRX, an alliance of far-right dictatorial regions, follow this example. Unfortunately, their regional leaders refused, and some even defended these horrific comments - this ultimately resulted in the Confederation withdrawing from IRX and cutting ties with all regions involved. Following the fallout from this, and further investigation into this matter, Jocospor and I have decided that the only reasonable course of action to take is that the Confederation must crack down harder on OOC fascism, both on and off-site. The Confederation is the largest force of dictatorships throughout NationStates, and must serve as a positive example to all aspiring collections of totalitarian states. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs under Valerox will soon begin the task of contacting all of the Confederation's embassies self-identifying as fascist regions. These regions will be asked to confirm that their support for these ideologies does not extend OOC, and will be required to close any regional embassies with regions that the Confederation has identifed as OOC fascist. Those regions that confirm their support for OOC fascism, refuse to close these embassies, or outright refuse the Confederation's contact, will no longer be welcome within our interregional community. Henceforth, The Confederation commits to cutting all contact with regions either permitting the spread of OOC fascism, or aligning themselves with those who do, and all such regional embassies will be closed. Unfortunately, the two regions named in our previous dispatch, Nazi Europa and The Union of the Greater Axis Powers, have refused to respond to the Confederation's request. Our regional embassies are being withdrawn as you read this. Going further, the Confederation has committed to cracking down harder on our regional Discord server: the recent introduction of a #reporting channel will hopefully assist in more consistently censoring these posts, and regional officers will strive to increase discipline, and more quickly ban nations involved in posting content related to OOC fascism. Once again, the Confederation is a region of roleplay: heinous OOC ideologies are not welcome in our region, and dare I say, not welcome within the NationStates community as a whole. Hail the new Confederation! on behalf of The Empire of ShrewLlamaLand
Commission to the World Assembly
Imperial Council
Confederation of Corrupt Dictators
Ultimately, our stance remains strong and unchanged: the Confederation is a region of roleplay, dedicated to dictatorial nations of all kinds. The Confederation does not tolerate heinous OOC ideologies, or regions in close contact with those who do, and we will continue to maintain a strong stance against OOC fascism, Nazism and communism.
One question I have been asked, many times, is... why now? Why has the Confederation only now decided to cut ties with regions long embracing OOC fascism?
I want to make it very clear that the Confederation itself has never tolerated these ideologies within our own region. Our past position towards other regions is one of ignorance, not malice. At the time we considered the spread of OOC fascism within NationStates a small, isolated and largely outdated issue, and this was supported by the fact that most of these regions hid their association with these people well. We did not expect many of these regions would house almost exclusively OOC fascists as regional officers. We did not expect that many of these regions would allow open discussion of awful, disciminatory topics upon further investigation of their off-site regional servers. We did not expect these regions to band together as "allies" to defend each other over the nature of these comments when we found them, and called them out for it. I think this gives a general idea, we simply had no appreciation of the scope of the problem, and now that it has been made crystal clear to us, the Confederation is rightfully ending our association with any region following these heinous OOC ideologies. I personally consider this as one of the greatest miscalculations our region has made in its long history, and on behalf of the Confederation, to the wider NationStates community as a whole, I wish to formally apologise for our past association with these regions.
Moving forward, the Confederation has now closed a second wave of embassy regions. I want to make it clear that not all of these regions are OOC fascist. Many are regions who, although not fascist themselves, maintain close ties with regions who are. And there are also several who are not fascist at all - these are simply smaller, inactive regions with which we are closing embassies with in preparation for the implementation of our new embassy policy; a policy which intends to very clearly set out that the Confederation does not associate with OOC fascist regions, nor will we maintain embassies with those who do.
If you are a regional officer from a region with which an embassy is being closed, please contact me if you are unsure, believe we have made a mistake, or have rectifed the issues made clear by the Confederation's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Valerox, and wish to reestablish an embassy with the Confederation.
Further, I am pleased to report on the state of our regional Discord server: our zero tolerance policy towards racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or other discrimination of any kind, as well as the recent introduction of a new #reporting channel, has resulted in a very noticeable improvement in the quality of discourse. I can only hope to see this trend continue.
Once again, the Confederation is a region of roleplay: heinous OOC ideologies are not, and never have been, welcome within our region. From this point further, the Confederation wholly commits to eliminating our association with regions who do follow these ideologies, and to repairing the great damage this association has done to our regional repuation as a whole.
Hail the Confederation!
The Empire of ShrewLlamaLand
Commission to the World Assembly
on behalf of
Imperial Council
Confederation of Corrupt Dictators