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Mindless Contempt Action, Card Olympics Updates, and Hunger Games! Card News, edition 1


If you have news that I missed, news of your own, suggestions, or questions, feel free to TG me for a quick response! Also, if you want to advertise your card farms, events, etc. make sure to let me know! If you want to be added to the subscriber list, please let me know as well!
Terminology for the unaware:
Pull Event - An event where people open packs when a card is on the market, in order to abuse what’s known on the as ‘The Cards Anti-Laundering System’(TCALS), which is designed to prevent excessive and easy transfers. In this system, the probability of pulling a card is higher when it is on the market, and new bids/matches trigger a higher chance of pulling as well. Typically, cards will be found immediately after a bid or new match.
Cards Discord - A great way to increase your farming efficiency, talk to the top farmers, make trades, acquire cards, and have fun!
Leto's Next Move: Pumpty Dumpty

The only deflation attempt this week
Leto ii atreides has confirmed their intentions to crash high value cards via the actions of Pumpty dumpty. The nation sports the discord trend downwards emoji, as well as 6 cards, all of which have been pull event victims in the past. None of the cards were deflated this week, but there was an attempt on Mindless Contempt. However, only one seller took the bait, meaning the Mindless Contempt is still riding high... for now. Many MC owners are at the edge of their seats, waiting for an event to catalyze a crash.
The TCALS debate
[no image available]
Of course, Pumpty dumpty is just another element in play of the growing tensions over the state of The Cards Anti-Laundering System. To avoid bias, here's a link to the thread posted in Technical: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=485209.
As of right now, no changes have been made to the system.
Here's the stance from all sides of the debate:
The Northern Light:
What is worse is that this is an exploit that primarily favors players with big card farms, who can trivially stock up large amounts of decks and open them during self-created "pull events". Additionally, the competitive way in which the anti-laundering system works (a card pulled by one player is a card that all other players can no longer pull until new bids are placed) leads to an arms race of scripts, browser plugins, and so on, that are meant to accelerate pack opening during the pull events. This makes it even more difficult for casual players to benefit from this exploit, and it further concentrates power in the biggest farmers. (I say all these as a person that is in this category, and benefits from the exploit.)
Another problem with this exploit is that it comes essentially free of risk. Given that you can increase your bids by 0.01, you can have a card on the market for hours upon hours without spending more than 4-5 bank (an amount negligible given that the bids themselves are typically more than 500 bank). One could argue that the fact that the auction lasts longer means your bank is at greater risk of being heisted. But this is typically counterbalanced by the fact that, given that the bidding player pulls so many cards, they can use these copies to easily defend against heists. Even if some bank is lost, the pulled cards more than make up for it. (I am once again speaking from personal experience here.) And of course, players can always do their pull events at times when there is not much market activity (e.g., early morning ET), further reducing the risk. All these combined make the exploit essentially free of risk.
The argument that the price will adjust accordingly is not very convincing, as it generally does not happen in practice. For example, we recently held a pull event for the Soops season 1 card. The card remains the most valuable in the game, despite the fact that 40 copies of it were spawned. The reason why price adjustment does not work goes back to what I said above: the new copies are generally owned by a small group of players, corresponding to systematic farmers. These players can choose to just keep the cards in their deck for their market value, and never trade them. With no trades, the value never changes. And as the copies are concentrated on so few players, nobody can do anything about it.
Finally, as Ransium stated, the system is simply not an effective deterrent against large transfer. I'll add my own testimonial of transferring 875 bank in one go, with a single card, fully aware of this exploit. I also routinely (about twice per month) transfer around 2000 bank split over many cards, losing no more than 10 bank in the process. In unsuccessfully trying to fix transfers, the system has created an awful exploit that is leading to enormous gains by select few players.
I think the best solution is to introduce (or reinstate? unclear) a system where a card that is at auction simply has increased odds of being pulled for the duration of the auction. There can be modifiers (if these aren't already in place), e.g., the pulling odds can increase as a function of the number of copies at auction or the price/junk value ratio. But it should definitely not be dependent on new bids, or any other such easily manipulated mechanic. This is similar to what Ransium and Noah are also suggesting above. It is also how most players assumed the anti-laundering system worked, at least up until the beginning of season 2.
On the other hand, the fact that this is being brought up by those who have already benefited from TCALS makes me wonder if the real, unspoken concern is that this is "ruining" the value of some of these cards that used to be worth thousands of bank. Higher up someone was complaining about how the market value of the Pergamon card crashed. So really, if this mechanic were removed, it would help the big farmers by assuring that their high-value cards won't drop in value. Prices dropping helps the little guy and also makes the game a lot more interesting since it's a change from the usual status quo which is just endless inflation. Having a market that goes both ways is a lot more exciting, and if it's a result of people creating too many copies of valuable cards, then they're suffering from their own success.
Going back to how I have benefited from TCALS: I did pull an Old Tyrannia card during one of TNL's publicized pull events, which I was able to trade for a Pergamon card (at that time worth about a thousand bank) to finish my collection of cards with gif flags. But that wasn't the only time TCALS helped me with the collection. With the help of Big Shot, another gif collector, we were able to produce more copies of Akavet, a card of which only one copy existed (before that it had been a cte'd 0-owner). That was probably my favorite moment in the trading card game: just me and a friend, independent farmers, producing more copies of a card not for its market value but just because it was a cool card we wanted. The TNL pull events have also always been very fun as well: in a minigame that is mostly mindless farming by yourself for literal hours, the pull events provide an opportunity for the community to come together, be online at the same time, get excited over something, and gossip about who's pulled what. Past changes to card mechanics have pleasantly surprised me, even after I argued against them, and I think the admins have done a great job creating and maintaining a game based on the philosophy that a few simple mechanics can go a long way with a great community, so I trust that whatever response they give will work out. But I'd hate to see TCALS go away entirely.
If the cards game is about collecting MV/DV, and we're complaining about the unfairness the current system creates, changing the rules without giving players an equal start will only cement existing inequalities. Keeping TCALS allows everyone to challenge those inequalities in the same way, with the same techniques with which they were created. Potentially, someone can use TCALS to create their own monopoly on a high MV card they've boosted or will boost. Hence, fairness is preserved better than by changing TCALS without giving players an equal start.
Someone without a large farming setup wouldn't be able to get these high MV cards in the first place: the exploit favouring Big Farma is a red herring. A small(er) farmer can abuse the system just as well by creating multiple copies of a card they can afford.
If the cards game is about collecting MV/DV, and we're not complaining about the unfairness... Then what are we complaining about? Highly volatile decks crashing? Others having the same opportunities, playing by the same rules, now that they are publicly known?
0.00 Bug Fixed
Ballotonia announced that cards with the '0.00' market value will slowly resolve themselves over time. Basically, the game tries to round the MV to the nearest 0.05 on lower value cards. If the average is 0.02 or 0.01, it rounds down to 0.00. See 9003's collection here: page=deck/nation=9003/collection=24132/value_deck=1.
Testlandia inflation!

A record 7 transactions in quick succession
Testlandia, after very few non-transfer trades this season, has finally experienced a good amount of trading. After Refuge Isle sold 3 of their copies to Noahs Second Country for a quick profit, Mikeswill bought the card for a 500, which was well above MV at the time. However, with Ransium buying the card at 542.22 to complete their collection, it seems like the MV is going to now stay around an impressive 500.
Card Hunger Games 2

The participating members
Harmonic Empire yet another ran a hunger games simulation with many active members of the cards discord, as well as some others. The bigtopia won this round! See the dispatch here: page=dispatch/id=1371485
Card Olympics Leaderboard
Presented by Racoda, sorted by Noahs Second Country

For more information, and a chance to win some great prizes, see this thread:

9003 runs a new set of games every month, so keep an eye on the forums and discord if you feel like it's too late to join now! The market watching of Evrigenis seems like it is paying off, as they are getting away with flipping cards from .02 to 1.7!
Collection Spotlight
See Giovanniland's forum thread
A few notable collections were have come to attention over the past week. Check them out!
Staff + Retired Mod Badge Holders - Season 2: This is an impressive (and expensive!) collection put together by Ransium. It is the first of its kind and Ransium has invested a commendable amount of time into putting it together!
Chuck's Gun Cabinet: With the inevitable rarity-based card clash coming, The Chuck is armed and ready! While still a small collection, we hope to see it quickly grow in the future.
Season 2 Epics [1323/1681] (78.70%) by Mediobogdum II: This is currently the largest collection of unique season 2 epics! Mediobogdum is making good, consistent progress!
Also, congratulations to Koem Kab and Noahs Second Country for finalizing their season 2 legendary sets.
Subscribers will be pinged in every future dispatch. Please TG me to let me know you want to subscribe
Noahs Second Country
The unified missourtama states
The NewsStand
The Salaxalans
Seeing the positive reception of this dispatch as well as this dispatch, I've decided to officially make these reports on the cards community every week. If you have news that I missed, news of your own, suggestions, or questions, feel free to TG me for a quick response! Also, if you want to advertise your card farms, events, etc. make sure to let me know! If you want to be added to the subscriber list, please let me know as well!
Terminology for the unaware:
Pull Event - An event where people open packs when a card is on the market, in order to abuse what’s known on the as ‘The Cards Anti-Laundering System’(TCALS), which is designed to prevent excessive and easy transfers. In this system, the probability of pulling a card is higher when it is on the market, and new bids/matches trigger a higher chance of pulling as well. Typically, cards will be found immediately after a bid or new match.
Cards Discord - A great way to increase your farming efficiency, talk to the top farmers, make trades, acquire cards, and have fun!
Mindless Contempt Action pt. 1

Finds history following yet another impromptu pull event
Leto ii atreides is back with another round of chaos! We saw them last week crash NASTIC 2(a card formerly worth 300) this time, they attempted to crash Mindless Contempt, which had a MV of 946. At a time with little market activity, Leto matched a standing ask from

Pro card trading tip: Always have some packs, ready to be opened. Pull events are currently the fastest way to gain wealth in this game, and if you can join in on the abuse of the anti-abuse system, then you may end up with a nice shiny card! This is only a recent tip, and is probably part of a larger culture shift in the cards community. Nations like Noahs Second Country,
Koem Kab, and others always seem to be able to take advantage of this fact, pulling cards like Rubyna, NASTIC 2, and Mindless Contempt every time they go on sale.
Mindless Contempt pt. 2, electric boogaloo
[no image available]9003 also managed to complete a transfer of the card from their puppet,
9006, to their main. Naturally,
Koem Kab pulled another copy. Overall, this wasn't particularly eventful, with the exception of Leto dragging down the MV by continuously underasking.
Card Hunger Games

The participating members

Hunger Games Report
Lots of Explosion and Koem Kab wins in First Run
by Waiban, Harmonic Empire
For those mentioned and currently reading this, welcome to the First NS Trading Cards Hunger Games Report! Yea, I just don’t know what to say. Lots of weird sh-t happened at the game’s first run—McMasterdonia and Jocospor slept together (not like that, you perv), Toerana went absolute nuts, Ransium fell off a tree and killed someone, and I’m willing to bet Koem Kab used some dark magic to survive until Day 9. But, oh well, a win is still a win. Koem Kab is hereby awarded with the juicy S1 Kyrusia, while the last two winners get S2 Nova Hollandia and S1 Nation of Quebec! Well, folks, this is the first report. I had a bloody hard time putting this sh-t to words. Anyway, I want to thank everyone who took part in this First Run! I’m just hoping I can do second run.
Finally announcing Second Card Hunger Games!
2nd Place Democratic Republic Of Unified States Reward: S2 Nova Hollandia page=deck/card=705549/season=2 |
Giovanniland Valentine Z Codger Salaxalans Kuriko Democratic republic of unified states Bormiar Fauzjhia Marxist germany Kractero Drawkland | Debussy Riemstagrad Toerana Dabberwocky DiRito-Opolis Miss bad life choices Lamoni Ransium The Northern Light Elegarth McMasterdonia | Feu de Glace Xoriet Morover Ballotonia Eluvatar Frisbeeteria Sedgistan The Chuck South reinkalistan SherpDaWerp Flanderlion |
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds. Bormiar steps off her podium too soon and blows up. Xoriet runs away from the Cornucopia. Sedge runs into the cornucopia and hides. Morover and S Bob fight for a bag. Morover gives up and retreats. dabberwocky grabs a backpack and retreats. Depackya runs away from the Cornucopia. Sir Cattus runs away from the Cornucopia. Waiban, Noah, Jocospor, and Gaming User share everything they gathered before running. Gio runs away from the Cornucopia. McMasterdonia runs away from the Cornucopia. Debussy grabs a backpack and retreats. SherpDaWerp runs away from the Cornucopia. DiRito, Elegarth, and Inven work together to get as many supplies as possible. Riemstagrad runs away from the Cornucopia. Koem Kab runs away from the Cornucopia. Eluvatar runs away from the Cornucopia. Mike runs away from the Cornucopia. Bowshot runs away from the Cornucopia. South Reinkalistan runs away from the Cornucopia. Recu grabs a backpack and retreats. Dakota runs away from the Cornucopia. Luc-Olivier runs away from the Cornucopia. Salaxalans runs away from the Cornucopia. Ballotonia runs away with a lighter and some rope. Lamoni runs away from the Cornucopia. Drawkland finds a canteen full of water. The Entire CCD throws a knife into Fris's head. Sakana runs away from the Cornucopia. DGES runs away from the Cornucopia. Codger runs away from the Cornucopia. TUMS runs away from the Cornucopia. DRUS runs away from the Cornucopia. The Chuck finds a canteen full of water. r3n runs away from the Cornucopia. Shrew stays at the cornucopia for resources. Kractero runs away from the Cornucopia. Ransium runs away from the Cornucopia. Flanderlion retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia. 9003 runs away from the Cornucopia. Kuriko gathers as much food as he can. Valentine Z runs away from the Cornucopia. | Xoriet receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. The Chuck and Sir Cattus split up to search for resources. Flanderlion sprains her ankle while running away from r3n. SherpDaWerp explores the arena. Depackya travels to higher ground. Sedge camouflauges herself in the bushes. DiRito receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Salaxalans poisons Morover's drink, but mistakes it for her own and dies. Bowshot tends to Ballotonia's wounds. Koem Kab chases Jocospor. Ransium attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Kractero, killing them both. Lamoni attacks DGES, but she manages to escape. Sakana receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Gaming User, Inven, Codger, and Riemstagrad hunt for other tributes. Shrew steals from Waiban while he isn't looking. Valentine Z hunts for other tributes. Dakota goes hunting. Noah questions his sanity. Debussy constructs a shack. Eluvatar, Mike, dabberwocky, and DRUS raid McMasterdonia's camp while he is hunting. South Reinkalistan defeats The Entire CCD in a fight, but spares her life. Recu collects fruit from a tree. Elegarth searches for firewood. Luc-Olivier diverts S Bob's attention and runs away. Drawkland defeats TUMS in a fight, but spares her life. 9003 explores the arena. Kuriko searches for firewood. Gio questions her sanity. Fallen Tributes 1 | Recu begs for Mike to kill her. She reluctantly obliges, killing Recu. Debussy is awoken by nightmares. McMasterdonia and Jocospor sleep in shifts. Codger receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. TUMS and 9003 hold hands. Shrew, Bowshot, DRUS, and Flanderlion tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. Riemstagrad climbs a tree to rest. Inven and S Bob talk about the tributes still alive. Kuriko kills Xoriet for his supplies. Sakana receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Morover receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. DGES loses sight of where she is. Sedge and Lamoni tell stories about themselves to each other. Drawkland convinces Dakota to snuggle with her. Sir Cattus is awoken by nightmares. Gaming User tries to sing himself to sleep. r3n, Gio, and South Reinkalistan cheerfully sing songs together. Valentine Z destroys Eluvatar's supplies while she is asleep. Koem Kab sets dabberwocky on fire with a molotov. Ballotonia and The Entire CCD talk about the tributes still alive. The Chuck and Elegarth work together to drown Depackya. Waiban thinks about winning. SherpDaWerp tends to Luc-Olivier's wounds. Noah tends to DiRito's wounds. | Jocospor begs for Riemstagrad to kill him. She refuses, keeping Jocospor alive. SherpDaWerp scares DGES off. Dakota searches for a water source. Drawkland and Morover work together for the day. Sir Cattus makes a slingshot. Sedge hunts for other tributes. The Entire CCD, Bowshot, DRUS, and Gio raid r3n's camp while he is hunting. Mike receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Luc-Olivier tries to sleep through the entire day. Gaming User and McMasterdonia hunt for other tributes. Kuriko sprains his ankle while running away from Sakana. The Chuck camouflauges himself in the bushes. Elegarth forces Codger to kill South Reinkalistan or Ballotonia. She decides to kill Ballotonia. Valentine Z begs for Debussy to kill him. He refuses, keeping Valentine Z alive. Inven questions his sanity. DiRito is unable to convince 9003 to not kill him. Lamoni stalks Shrew. Eluvatar steals from Koem Kab while she isn't looking. Waiban receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Noah hunts for other tributes. S Bob stalks TUMS. Flanderlion receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Fallen Tributes 2 | DRUS fends Koem Kab, Debussy, and Gaming User away from his fire. r3n looks at the night sky. Noah attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. Lamoni lets Flanderlion into his shelter. Gio receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Sedge thinks about home. Inven goes to sleep. The Entire CCD, Drawkland, Luc-Olivier, and McMasterdonia sleep in shifts. TUMS tends to Elegarth's wounds. Shrew is unable to convince Dakota to not kill her. Eluvatar, Morover, and The Chuck cheerfully sing songs together. S Bob cooks his food before putting his fire out. Riemstagrad sees a fire, but stays hidden. Kuriko questions his sanity. DGES is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. Sir Cattus thinks about home. Sakana is unable to convince Valentine Z to not kill her. 9003 fends South Reinkalistan, SherpDaWerp, and Mike away from his fire. Jocospor and Bowshot hold hands. Waiban quietly hums. Codger attempts to climb a tree, but falls to her death. |
Morover bashes Waiban's head in with a mace. Eluvatar runs away from Sedge. Gaming User begs for r3n to kill him. He refuses, keeping Gaming User alive. Debussy practices his archery. DGES receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. The Entire CCD steals from Valentine Z while he isn't looking. The Chuck and Dakota hunt for other tributes. Elegarth, Gio, McMasterdonia, and S Bob raid Luc-Olivier's camp while she is hunting. Bowshot tends to Drawkland's wounds. SherpDaWerp receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Sir Cattus dies trying to escape the arena. 9003 practices his archery. Koem Kab sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. Jocospor runs away from Flanderlion. Kuriko accidently steps on a landmine. Riemstagrad collects fruit from a tree. Noah receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. South Reinkalistan sets an explosive off, killing TUMS, and Inven. Mike discovers a cave. DRUS and Lamoni work together for the day. Fallen Tributes 3 | Lamoni and Gaming User run into each other and decide to truce for the night. Flanderlion receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. 9003 goes to sleep. S Bob, Jocospor, and Koem Kab cheerfully sing songs together. South Reinkalistan cries herself to sleep. Noah tends to his wounds. Gio accidently steps on a landmine. Sedge, Bowshot, and Morover cheerfully sing songs together. Dakota looks at the night sky. SherpDaWerp passes out from exhaustion. Eluvatar and Debussy huddle for warmth. Mike tries to sing herself to sleep. Valentine Z cries himself to sleep. Riemstagrad and McMasterdonia hold hands. The Entire CCD, r3n, DGES, Elegarth, and The Chuck sleep in shifts. Luc-Olivier cries herself to sleep. DRUS tries to treat his infection. Drawkland sees a fire, but stays hidden. | Bowshot sets an explosive off, killing Drawkland, Flanderlion, and Riemstagrad. DRUS tends to DGES's wounds. Lamoni fishes. Noah and Eluvatar work together for the day. Mike, Dakota, and Koem Kab hunt for other tributes. South Reinkalistan camouflauges herself in the bushes. Valentine Z discovers a river. McMasterdonia goes hunting. Morover, Sedge, Gaming User, and The Chuck hunt for other tributes. Elegarth fishes. SherpDaWerp camouflauges himself in the bushes. S Bob discovers a river. The Entire CCD attacks Jocospor, but he manages to escape. Luc-Olivier falls into a frozen lake and drowns. Debussy and r3n track down and kill 9003. Fallen Tributes 4 | Bowshot thinks about winning. Eluvatar cries herself to sleep. Valentine Z, Koem Kab, and DGES discuss the games and what might happen in the morning. Jocospor, Debussy, The Chuck, Noah, and McMasterdonia sleep in shifts. Gaming User, Mike, The Entire CCD, and Morover tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. Elegarth, Lamoni, and S Bob cheerfully sing songs together. Dakota and SherpDaWerp huddle for warmth. DRUS tends to South Reinkalistan's wounds. r3n sees a fire, but stays hidden. Sedge stays awake all night. | Noah falls into a frozen lake and drowns. DGES questions her sanity. Sedge and The Chuck work together for the day. Jocospor diverts Mike's attention and runs away. Dakota camouflauges herself in the bushes. Koem Kab scares Eluvatar off. The Entire CCD, r3n, McMasterdonia, S Bob, and SherpDaWerp hunt for other tributes. DRUS, Morover, Debussy, South Reinkalistan, and Gaming User hunt for other tributes. Bowshot taints Elegarth's food, killing her. Lamoni sprains his ankle while running away from Valentine Z. Fallen Tributes 5 |
Morover goes to sleep. SherpDaWerp receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. r3n climbs a tree to rest. South Reinkalistan, Sedge, and The Chuck sleep in shifts. Valentine Z, Gaming User, The Entire CCD, and DRUS track down and kill McMasterdonia. DGES quietly hums. Koem Kab, Jocospor, and Eluvatar discuss the games and what might happen in the morning. Debussy and Lamoni sleep in shifts. Dakota is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. Mike quietly hums. Bowshot stays awake all night. S Bob cooks his food before putting his fire out. | S Bob is pricked by thorns while picking berries. Bowshot stalks Valentine Z. Morover picks flowers. Lamoni, Koem Kab, Sedge, DRUS, and The Entire CCD hunt for other tributes. The Chuck catches Gaming User off guard and kills him. SherpDaWerp explores the arena. Jocospor severely injures Mike, but puts her out of her misery. South Reinkalistan discovers a river. Dakota defeats r3n in a fight, but spares his life. Debussy searches for a water source. Eluvatar camouflauges herself in the bushes. DGES searches for a water source. Fallen Tributes 6 | Bowshot goes to sleep. Morover thinks about home. Valentine Z receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. SherpDaWerp, The Entire CCD, and S Bob cheerfully sing songs together. South Reinkalistan destroys The Chuck's supplies while he is asleep. Eluvatar attempts to climb a tree, but falls to her death. Koem Kab receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. DRUS tends to his wounds. Dakota accidently steps on a landmine. Lamoni bleeds out due to untreated injuries. Debussy, Jocospor, and DGES sleep in shifts. r3n destroys Sedge's supplies while she is asleep. | The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families. Sedge decides not to go to The Feast. South Reinkalistan decides not to go to The Feast. DGES decides not to go to The Feast. The Chuck sets an explosive off, killing Debussy, Jocospor, The Entire CCD and S Bob. DRUS throws a knife into Morover's head. Valentine Z decides not to go to The Feast. r3n decides not to go to The Feast. SherpDaWerp and Bowshot get into a fight over raw meat, but SherpDaWerp gives up and runs away. | Sedge travels to higher ground. DRUS diverts Valentine Z's attention and runs away. The Chuck begs for r3n to kill him. He refuses, keeping The Chuck alive. Bowshot sets an explosive off, killing South Reinkalistan. DGES hunts for other tributes. SherpDaWerp receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. Koem Kab goes hunting. Fallen Tributes 7 |
The Chuck and Bowshot sleep in shifts. Valentine Z fends SherpDaWerp, DRUS, and DGES away from his fire. Koem Kab destroys r3n's supplies while he is asleep. Sedge quietly hums. | Koem Kab is pricked by thorns while picking berries. DRUS sets an explosive off, killing Sedge, Valentine Z, The Chuck and Bowshot. r3n chases SherpDaWerp. DGES injures herself. Fallen Tributes 8 | SherpDaWerp fends Koem Kab, r3n, and DGES away from his fire. DRUS tries to treat his infection. | SherpDaWerp practices his archery. DGES overhears r3n and DRUS talking in the distance. Koem Kab makes a slingshot. Fallen Tributes 9 | Koem Kab sets an explosive off, killing DGES, r3n, DRUS and SherpDaWerp. |
![]() | ![]() | Sorry, I forgot to take the screenshot. | ![]() |

[Published 08/05/20]
Card Olympics Leaderboard
Presented by Racoda, ft.
Noahs Second Country

For more information, and a chance to win some great prizes, see this thread:

9003 runs a new set of games every month, so keep an eye on the forums and discord if you feel like it's too late to join now! It appears that

Opinion: Boring puppets are, well, boring

There are 3000 womble puppets, all with default irl flags
Card farmers, make your puppets interesting! Even if you have one cool flag, pulling the same flag over and over again simply isn't exciting. Pulling a default flag, or even a irl flag is an insta-junk in most cases. Instead, for S3, create an even wider variety of cards to collect! For example,

It takes 20 minutes to find a bunch of cool, random, or funny images, download them, and then change puppet flags. It's a one time deal, and trust me, when S3 comes around, it will be worth it.
I'll be adding an opinion piece to the end of each card news edition. Feel free to TG me with a brief, potentially controversial topic!
Noahs Second Country
The unified missourtama states
The NewsStand