by Max Barry

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by Plavagrad. . 7 reads.

The death of languages

As Plavagrad has three constructed languages ​​within the nation's borders, the understanding between the population has decreased.
In purpose to create fellowship and knowledge among the people, Plavagrad today has four official languages: Quebec French, Italian, Serbian and Spanish.

Pɑnnɑslɑvɑ, Rọmanọ plava, and Rússyska plava are still spoken along the coast and the port cities, meanwhile the official languages are spoken in the heart of the nation.
It is a law to teach the languages ​​of origin since the majority of Plavagrad still is fluent in these.

Many linguists are born in Plavagrad who try to grow communication by constructing auxiliary languages. The most famous linguist in Plavagrad is the president himself (Leopọld Frútti, Son of Maria Pọlka and Júnatan Syntaxọ Frútti) that creates a new language for Plavagrad, called "Fransamondë".

The evolution of language makes Plavagrads dictionary the greatest in the world, with a total of forty-five volumes.

Most words in the other languages ​​are used as slang, further into the country.

The dialect in the official languages ​​varies depending on which cape you live on.
In the north, the languages ​​are spoken with a Russian dialect and the south with a Greek dialect.
In the east the dialect is Indian and in the west, it sounds more Italian.

So the accent changes in a certain way depending on where in the country you live. It makes Plavagrad unique and it is appreciated by the tourists who love it!

