by Max Barry

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by Bormiar. . 279 reads.

The WA Ping Program: Sign Up for Notifications

What is the WA Ping Program?

If you sign up for the program, you'll get a notification whenever a new off-site WA vote-discussion is opened, as well as a short summary of the legislation. You can choose to be notified through the RMB, Discord, or both the RMB and Discord.

Bormiar wrote:Voting and discussion on the newest and next WA resolution(s) at vote have begun.

NEARING QUEUE: Condemn Deruuu

In a real post, this would be a list of the Ping Program's members.

Increase your nation's stature in the WA! Join the WA Ping Program!

What's The Benefit of Signing Up?
Refer to the article at the bottom of this post. Posting in these off-site discussions drastically increases your nation's sway in the World Assembly.

Plus, it only takes 10 seconds to join.

How Do I Sign Up?
Sign up for the Ping Program by telegramming Makdon.

Include where you want to be pinged: on the RMB, on Discord, or in both locations.

Is Quitting Allowed?
Of course. You can leave the program by telegramming Makdon.


