by Max Barry

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by The Hyperviolent Terrorist State of Tsarus 2142. . 119 reads.


Storm Trooper
-The hard hitters of the Strazhnist Military
-Mostly human, lab grown and designed for combat
-These troops are typically used in attrition. Targets consist of both military and civilian personnel.

-Both classes have specific jobs, but they are perfectly capable of adapting to combat conditions
-They are, in fact, more than capable in active combat, rather than against unarmed and untrained civilians or inanimate buildings

Shock trooper
-These soldiers are the urban heavy hitters, the industrial spearheads
-They're equipped with semi automatic rifles with thermite ammunition
-Armored, but fast moving
-Their primary task is to kill anything in targeted sectors as fast as possible
-The cloned brains need to be rewired to view passive targets as enemies, as ordinary brains struggle in neutralizing such targets
-The solution is to insert artificial memories that will adequately motivate the clones to succeeding their missions

-These soldiers are encouraged to kill competitively.
-Those who fail to eliminate enough designated targets are recycled.
-Those who exceed the required parameters are rewarded in a variety of ways.
--They have, on their own, adapted a culture of collecting body parts from the deceased.
--They take these parts and decorate themselves as a way to show of prestige.
--As this appears to be a strong motivator, it is allowed.

it was an utter pain getting an ai to create this image, excuse it for being erroneous

-After the shock troopers hit, Grunts will handle what's left
-They are tasked with annihilation of any infrastructure which they can destroy for the sole purpose of making a mess
-They carry automatic firearms which fire a highly corrosive compound, capable of melting through even the tungsten plating meant to protect against them, in minutes
-These firearms are primarily used against electronics and weak points in infrastructure, usually working in a few seconds
-These firearms also work against humans too, and even better on mechs or other vehicles

A park in South America

City in USA with rebel

City in Saudi Arabia

Strazhnist Militants

-Boskiden (Tsarusian for blunt, forceful, big/heavy)
-Equipped with automatic machine guns which can fire any projectile designed for it
-Fires thermite rounds, cryogenic pellets, corrosive vials, or APSSDSDU rounds
-They are heavily armored, wearing unwieldy airtight power suits which can handle corrosives, extreme temperatures, toxic atmospheres, radiation and heavy ballistic hits
-Usually tanks or anti tank weapons are required to take Kaltmetel soldiers down
-EMPs are not effective against Kaltmetel

-Vynzig (Tsarusian for nimble, agile, stealthy)

-Infected with a highly potent virus which makes their innards extremely robust.
-At the same time, they do this without gaining any amount of weight.
--At this point, they're able to withstand high levels of impact as well as fall damage.
-Zhivittens are extremely mobile even without vehicles or telepo-uhhh flying.
-They are also highly aerobic as well.

-Zhivitten weaponry can consist of anything that is competent for a given situation.
-Furthermore, they run with melee weaponry as well, and are ridiculously skilled with these.
-Zhivitten armor is both flexible, tough, and even augments strength as well as aerobics (allowing them to more efficiently run, jump, climb etc.)
-They also have energy shields which essentially buffer the kinetic energy of impacts.
-These shields can withstand a hit from a modern day IFV before depleting.

-Zhivittens are also excellent anti-armor units.
-They are in these cases armed with semi auto gauss rifles
-These can lauch metal projectiles at up to 100 km per second, ~15,000 megajoules per shot (~900,000x more powerful than an average .50 BMG).
-Such power has never been employed due to the possible extent of collateral damage from both the physical damage of the projectile as well as gamma rays due to the projectile's speed.
-This can penetrate bunkers, layers of walls, melting through armored vehicles and hit aircraft if aimed well
-Powered by classified tech (theorized to involve power distribution fields)
-Recoil negated by dark magic
-No inherent sound produced until higher power levels are reached
-In this case, it will produce sound when the projectile speed surpasses the sound barrier
-After that, the energy produced to fire the projectile will emit a sound

