by Max Barry

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by Lcn revanchist crusaders. . 52 reads.

RP | TCN | Resolution to Launch An Investigation in Terranihilian Re-Education Centers

To the Security Council of the Terraconserva Council of Nations
Sponsored By: The United Democracy of Malgax

Growing concern within the Malgan government over the treatment of ethnically Malgan christains who have been interred into reeducation centers by the government of Terranihil.

Noting, the near-total displacement of the ethnically Malgan population of Terranihil into the aforementioned reeducation camps.

Acknowledging, that behavior like this has preceded violations of human rights and mass atrocities against the affected population.

Concerned, that the Terranihilian government may follow these same behaviors.

Declaring the Council of Nations shall commence an investigation into the reeducation camps located within Terranihil


1, The investigation will only cover the treatment of Malgans within the Reeducation Centers (Hereby referred to as RC’s), no other group of interest within Terranihil will be looked into.

2. The investigation will be composed of a group of investigators selected by the TCN of any nationality except that of Malgan or Terranhilian origin to avoid bias on behalf of the two parties.

3. The investigation will be conducted through investigation of the RC’s conditions, and through interviews and medical examinations of the interred.

Hereby Launching an investigation into the reeducation centers of Terranihil.

Lcn revanchist crusaders
