by Max Barry

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by The Autonomous Nation of Empy. . 5 reads.

Empy's proposals

Vote for Empy for a new World Assembly !

Empy proposes to :

1. Devolution of powers to national governments the General Assembly's excessive interference in the functioning of individual nations. All nations are not the same and the nations themselves are the best equipped to take decisions on their functioning on the basis of local factors. Hence, the General Assembly will form guidelines to limit its role to only serious matters of international importance.

2. Choice of Ratification of General Assembly Resolutions: Resolutions that are passed only by a small margin should be reassessed.

3. Non-WA Participation: Agreements passed by the World Assembly are to encourage better was of functioning of nations such as for improving quality of life or encouraging world peace. Non-WA nations should be allowed to voluntarily ratify treaties to enhance effectiveness of the resolutions.

4. Ending nations condemnation or commendation resolutions in the Security Council: These proposals have little significance in practice and diverts time from more productive uses.

If you agree with these proposals vote for Empy
