by Max Barry

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by Thecrimsonking. . 116 reads.

The Directory of The Crimson Order

The Crimson Order

The Seven Concepts

- The Guidance of Max and Admin
- The Primacy of Game Mechanics
- The Authorities of Delegates and Founders
- The Sovereignty of Regions and Nations
- The Rights and Obligations of Rebellion
- The Necessity of Activity in it's Many Forms
- The Harmonies and Diversities of Communities

The Crimson King

- Westwind

The Court of The Crimson King

- Regent of The College of Cardinals, Elegarth
- Governor General of The Congregation - vacant

The College of Cardinals

- The Cardinal of the Eternal Dungeons, Yy4u
- The Cardinal of Chocolate Righteousness, Darkesia
- The Cardinal Protector of the West, Wickedly evil people
- The Cardinal of the Most Evil, Bhang Bhang Duc
- The Cardinal of Imperial Dragons, Elegarth
- The Cardinal Mediator of All Things, Mediobogdum
- The Cardinal Confessor of Moral Obligations, The Holy Principality of Saint Mark

Heros of The Order

- Grand Hero of the Order, Prefect of Rebellion, and Headmaster of the Mystery of the Marsupial Conspiracy, Tao the watcher
- Lord Ambassador General and Hero of the Anti-Glitter Squad, Dalimbar
- Champion Commander of the Order, Archsium
- The Bishop of The Forbidden, Holy Keeper of the Pantheon of Flags, Tweedy
- Holy Minister of Silly Walks, Tunapocalypse

The Mystery Schools

- Sacred Chocolatology, lead by Lady Darkesia
- The Marsupial Conspiracy, lead by Headmaster TAO The Watcher
- Sacred Numerology, by The Ancient Sacred Texts of The Crimson Order
- The Warrior's Path, lead by Nagual Westwind

The Crimson Congregation
All Individual Members

The Crimson Regions

- The Watchtower
- Equilism
- Wind of Spirits
- Z Day

Updated: 27 September 2020

