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The Daily Demochronikle 6th Issue
Written: December 28, 2019
Author: Union of Dimonian Socialist Republics
Edited 3:21 PM, December 28, 2019
Vote, Vote, Vote!
Elections began yesterday and already 19% of the region has turned out to have their voices heard. Currently, Letskia is in the lead with 58.8% of the vote, while The litzelands is at a distant second at around 17.6% of the vote, and New Karelograd is in third with 11.8% of the vote. This morning, after the first poll update dropped, Letskia commented "Believe it or not, I didn't expect that". This, however, seems to have come as no surprise to anyone else on the Discord as people have begun adding to the reaction growing in popularity: LIE :right facing arrow: :cake:. If you are unhappy with the current results and have yet to vote, consider first registering with the World Assembly by pressing Apply to Join then following the steps. Afterwards you will be eligible to vote with one nation at your local voting booth. If you do not wish to join the World Assembly but are still interested in voting, telegram me, Union of Dimonian Socialist Republics, so we can figure something out. Elections end this Monday at 12:01am EST.
Issues With the Electoral System
Issues have been raised concerning democracy within the Democratika. It comes as no surprise to anyone within the region, the council included, that it is very difficult to oust a member of, what has been dubbed, The Old Guard. An analysis of the first batch of poll results could argue that 58.8% of voters like Letskia's work, and that this can be interpreted as his popularity amongst voters. However, this would also mean that 41.2% of voters wish to see change within the council those who wield power. This, currently, is not an issue because over half the region would then find Letskia great at his job. However, every month a new council position will be brought up for election, a who's to say if someone may win but with less than 50% of the vote? Currently, there are three ways of looking at the situation. First, the council can be seen as a group of bureaucrats simply there to do a job and should not be elected because of this. However, opponents can point to a variety of instances of NS executive positions being up for election benefiting the region. Second, if InterCon is passed, the inter-regional parliament and regional caucus that would be formed from it would lead to many more opportunities for elected representatives to take office and affect the region. However, opponents to this can point to the failure of previous legislative branches in the region as reasons why InterCon may not solve this issue. Thirdly, a potential alternative is a second vote prior to elections. Rather than giving term limits on council positions (after all, if someone is doing a great job, why replace them?), a vote prior to elections can be held on whether or not the region would like the previous council member to run again. If the council member does not acquire 51% of the popular vote in this pre-vote, they do not run. If they acquire at least 51% of the popular vote then they are allowed to run against the new batch of candidates. This is a new alternative which has not been tested yet, so it would be valuable to hear every Democratikan's feedback on this on the Discord, but preferably on the RMB.
Notable Quotes
Fun Fact of the Day
A small child could swim through the veins of a blue whale, while a blue whale has swam up the massive, overused rectum of Letskia