by Max Barry

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by Region of dwipantara. . 81 reads.

212 Superpeaceful Action: A speech [IC]



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"As long as the foxes of Dwipantara still posess enough blood to color a sheet of white flag into a sheet of red and white flag, we will not yield."
—the Fox, 1997

Restoration Speech, as orated by the Fox in front of the National Monument, 2 December 1997.

A total of 3.1 million protesters, most of whom wearing homemade fox masks, occupying the Kartosuwiryo Central Business District (OOC: Linklike this)

Composer Adi MS and his flash mob playing Soleram the Sweet Girl in the Hotel Dwipantara Roundabout. Music, banned by Islam, is one of the Restoration's most recognizable symbol.

One of the fox mask model used by protesters. Millions of face covering were made and distributed by grassroot activists for the event. They are used to both cover the face from CCTV and symbolize their status as "deplorable animals", a response after Governor Sourheart called them such.

Opposition party leaders mobilized millions of supporters to join the event, as a show of force and to campaign for the 1998 regional elections.

On a hot humid day in the 2nd of December 1997, after months of escalating civil unrest, more than 3.1 million protesters, students, and laborers flooded the streets of Zakartah with the Fox, a widely revered masked popular revolutionary and atheist campaigner in the Super Peaceful Action to Defend the Nation 212 (Aksi Super Damai Bela Bangsa 212) event. It receives protection from several factions on the military and police that sided with the demonstrations. The mass protest called for the passage of many reforms, ultimately aimed to pressure His Highnes Governor-General of Province 14, H.M. Sourheart, to implement an electoral reform bill that is ultimately aimed at a democratic takeover of the province by Republiken, leading to an independence referendum.

Republikens are aiming to seize the opportunity as the Khilafah central government in Arabia are being severely weakened by oil price collapse and exhaustion from wars of independence in Shia-majority Iran and Hindu-majority India. The motions, which has already been tabled by opposition parties in the Shura council, are concerned about the incoming regional elections. The April 1998 Shura elections is widely seen as a semi-referendum on public opinions about the Khilafah, and whether it should be continued. Key proposals called for the implementation of universal suffrage –allowing non-Muslims and woman to both vote and be elected to office without restriction–, international electoral oversight, restrictions on Islamist paramilitary thugs that intimidates potential voters, and the abolition of the last two Military Operation Region (anti-rebel occupation zones governed by a military governor) that restricts a vote to even take place. The motion already have the backings of various nationalist-sympathizing, native-born military personnels stationed at the province, each of whom have their own agendas, as well as many public figures from around the archipelago. The bill draft has been sent to Governor-General Sourheart's table, waiting for approval.

From the morning to midnight, festivities filled the air as people brought their children and friends to hang out and eat on the wide downtown streets of Zakartah (though the masks, a necessary protection against the omniscient CCTVs, proved to be challenging for lunch). Party campaigners for the upcoming March elections distribute free lunch, goodies, and shouting party slogans such as "RESTORASI" (Restoration of an independent Dwipantaran Republic), "PDDP MENANG, DWIPANTARA MERDEKA" ("PDDP wins, Dwipantara independent"), and "SOURHEART ASU" ("Sourheart is dog"). Hundreds of thousands shouts anti-government jargons in mass, such as:

    Si Sourheart andjing asing?... Mahmilubkan! (Sourheart is a foreign dog?... Court-martial him!)
    Si Sourheart andjing asing!... Mahmilubkan! (Sourheart is a foreign dog!... Court-martial him!)
    Si Sourheart radja maling?... Mahmilubkan! (Sourheart is the king of thieves?... Court-martial him!)
    Si Sourheart radja maling!... Mahmilubkan! (Sourheart is the king of thieves!... Court-martial him!)
    Si Sourheart tukang kawin?... Mahmilubkan! (Sourheart aced at getting laid?... Court-martial him!)
    Si Sourheart tukang kawin!... Mahmilubkan! (Sourheart aced at getting laid!... Court-martial him!)

While others sings rebel songs, using the themes from nursery rhymes such as "Tjangkul jang Dalam":

    Gantung, gantung, gantung si Sourheart (Let's hang, let's hang, let's hang Sourheart)
    Gantung si Sourheart di Taman Lawang (Let's hang Sourheart in the Lawang park)
    Gantung, gantung, gantung si Sourheart (Let's hang, let's hang, let's hang Sourheart)
    Gantung si Sourheart di Taman Lawang (Let's hang Sourheart in the Lawang park)
    Ayo kawan kita bersama (C'mon, friends, we together)
    Menanam Tommy di kebun kita (Plant Tommy alive in our garden)
    Ambil tjangkulmu, ambil panggulmu (Take your hoe, take your hack)
    Kita bekerdja tak djemu² (We will do the work and we won't be bored)

Musicians and street vendors came en masse to heighten the hype. The day's events included speeches from the likes of Mr. Adian Napitalan, leader of the 'City Forum' students movement, Wedji Thuluk, a notable artist, and even a giant musical performance held by the band Slank – a big deal, as music is completely illegal in all of Khilafah Islamiyah's territory. During the dzuhur prayer time (led by the charismatic pluralist cleric Gus Dul), non-Muslims formed a ring of solidarity to protect the praying Muslims masses from FPI thugs. But it was the Fox, standing on the lower roof of the National Monument, giving his iconic 'Restoration' speech with hastily prepared sound equipments that immediately took its place as one of the greatest in Dwipantaran history.

Before the speech, Fox allegedly told his closest circle that he wanted to emulate Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' speech, which is very relevant as most if not nearly all of demonstrators has been affected by the regimes' abject (and actually) racist, anti-semitic, christophobic, homophobic, and xenophobic discriminative tyranny. In practice, he also took inspiration from Bung Tomo's heroic oration before the Surabaya War and materials from the 1945 Constitution.

The Fox's speech was broadcasted to live TV after demonstrators temporarily seized the TVKI central office in Zakartah.

Read the full text of the speech as he delivered it that day:


Selamat malam,
Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Salam sedjahtera bagi kita semua,
Om swastiastu,
Namo buddhaja,
Salam kebadjikan.


Saudara² sebangsa dan setanah air,

Lima puluh tahun jang lalu, rakjat Dwipantara telah melepaskan diri daripada belenggu pendjadjah. 1945, ditempatku berdiri sekarang, bapak bangsa kita, Bung Karno dan Bung Hatta, atas nama Bangsa Dwipantara menjatakan kemerdekaan Dwipantara. Lima puluh tahun jang lalu, rakjat Dwipantara memilih untuk menjatakan bahwa kemerdekaan ialah hak segala bangsa dan oleh sebab itu maka pendjadjahan di atas dunia harus dihapuskan karena tidak sesuai dengan peri kemanusiaan dan peri keadilan. Lima puluh tahun jang lalu, rakjat² Dwipantara dari berbagai suku, berbagai agama, berbagai ras, dan berbagai golongan memilih bersatu, memilih ikut sang Djenderal Besar Sudirman kedalam hutan rimba tidaklah lain daripada satu tudjuan, satu kemerdekaan Dwipantara. Lima puluh tahun jang lalu, angkasa Dwipantara adalah laksana angkasa kobong, bumi Dwipantara laksana bumi tersiram api, semua itu agar rakjat Dwipantara dan anak² mereka dan tjutju² mereka bisa hidup sebagai warga negara jang setara di suatu negara Republik Dwipantara jang merdeka, berdaulat, adil dan makmur.

Sajangnja, lima puluh tahun kemudian, kita telah melentjeng sangat jauh.

Lima puluh tahun kemudian, kehidupan daripada saudara² kita malah dikekang oleh besi kasta dhimmi dan rantai perbudakan betulan. Lima puluh tahun kemudian, rakjat Dwipantara masih dipaksa sudjud dihadapan sepatu tiran² asing. Kita tunduk di kaki bonekanja seorang radja lalim nun djauh di seb'rang laut, kaki seorang diktatur jang kolusi, korupsi, dan nepotismenja telah merampok dan memperkosa ibu pertiwi dan menjita pakaian dalamnja. Kaki oligark asing jang bahkan tidak bisa bitjara dalam bahasa kita, bahasa Dwipantara!


Mengapa, di tanah air kita Dwipantara jang dimana se-tiap² orang adalah saudara sedarah daging, kita dipaksa untuk saling bunuh? Mengapa pemuda dari Djawa menembak pemuda Bali, pemuda Batak menembak pemuda Atjeh, pemuda Maluku menembak satu sama lain? Ada apa ini?

Tjobalah saudara djalan ke selatan, dan kita melihat perumahan sayyid² asing tjongkak jang hidup ber-mewah² sementara di ladang milik para sayyid² itu, mukanja si Marhaen dan si Fatimah dan si Waru diindjak oleh sepatu bot para orang² asing itu selamanya. Djalanlah ke utara, dan kita melihat Kokoh Tan di-tendang² sama FPI karena lupa memakai label pengenal "orang kafir", seakan Kokoh Tan adalah sapi di peternakan. Djalanlah ke barat, dan di Pasar Senen kita lihat si Dadap dan si Sumintem, saudara-saudari kita sendiri berbaris di panggung, didjual murah sebagai budak. Budak! Inikah jang diinginkan bapak, om, pakde, ejang dan bujut kita setelah begitu banyak darah jang mereka tumpahkan? Kehidupan dimana sesama manusia di-kelompok²-kan mendjadi kasta-kasta terpisah jang bermusuhan, Muslim mengindjak non-Muslim, habib mengindjak wong tjilik, jang kuat mengindjak jang lemah? Inikah jang mereka mau?

Inikah jang kita mau?

Saudara² sekalian, sadarlah. Kita ini samasekali tidaklah hidup di bawah naungan omong kosong 'ala Khilafah 'ala Minhaj Nubuwwah 'ala Islamiyyah 'ala Ba Bi Bu Blablablaiyah jang katanya adil dan tentram, samasekali tidak. Tidak! Bukalah matamu, dan lihatlah darah merah Flores jang terpertjik di-mana² di tanah dan dinding. Bukalah hidungmu, dan ciumlah busuk bangkai Manado jang menjesakkan paru². Bukalah telingamu, dan dengar djeritan rakjat Papua jang lemah, ditindas dan didiskriminasi karena kerakusan dan kebentjian chayalan semata. Bukalah hatimu, dan rasakan bagaimana ia bergetar dan berkerut sakit melihat seluruh penderitaan jang meng-godok² seluruh kepulauan kita. Saudara², sadarlah! Negeri ini tidaklah berada didalam suatu utopia jang sempurna. Tidak, djustru ada sesuatu jang djahat jang telah menginfeksi negeri kita ini, sesuatu jang telah menyebabkan dekadensi dan kezaliman jang meradjalela di seluruh pelosok² tanah air.

Djadi saudara-saudara, kita ini betul² telah terperosok ke dalam kebobrokan moril jang kedji. Dan rakjat Dwipantara boleh djadi terbenam dalam rawa² penderitaan, dibawah sepatu para kekuatan asing Makkiyah jang telah mereduksi kita mendjadi rubah² pemakan bangkai jang tak bisa menggapai potensial kita jang sesungguhnya. Tetapi djanganlah berputus asa, saudara²! Ja, dibawah pendjadjahan kolonialis² Tartar Mongol, dan Portugis setelah mereka, dan Belanda setelah mereka, dan Dai Nippon setelah mereka, dan para sayyid setelah mereka, pemuda-pemudi Dwipantara tidaklah pernah berputus asa. Tidak! Di senjap malam jang diawasi ketat oleh polisi rahasia, oleh pelatjur-pelatjur FPI jang telah mendjual diri mereka kepada para sayyid, kita semua mendengar bisikannja. Kulit-kulit kita semua merasakan hawanja. Mata kita bisa menangkap kerut di wadjah para kolonialis jang begitu takut ter-kentjing² karenanja.

Ada hantu menggentajangi Khilafah Islamiyah – hantu sang rubah.

Ketika para sayyid asing imperialis hendak memetjah belah kepulauan Dwipantara menjadi suatu dikotomi hitam putih, "Muslim" melawan "Kafir", "Ahli syurga" melawan "Ahli naar", sang hantu membisikkan suatu p'ribahasa dari tempat jang sangat, sangat djauh: "Hanya Sith jang berkerdja dalam keabsolutan."

Ketika mereka hendak memetjah belah kita dalam garis-garis sektarian chayalan, hantu itu mengingatkan kita akan sumpah jang telah diutjapkan para pemuda dari seluruh tanah air: satu tumpah darah – tanah air Dwipantara, satu bangsa – Bangsa Dwipantara, satu bahasa – Bahasa Dwipantara.

Ketika para ulama² litjik hendak mengubur kita hidup² dalam suatu rawa-rawa birokrasi syari'ah lengket jang mereka karang tanpa bisa kita tentang, hantu itu berbisik, "tjoba saudara batja lagi."

Hantu itu berbisik pada para pelukis dan seniman, "hangatkanlah pendjara monochromatik jang dingin menggigit ini dengan warna-warni jang indah."

Ia berbisik pada insinjur, ekonom, dan sarjana jang diasingkan para qadi bebal penolak perubahan, "pulanglah kembali, pulanglah dan bangunlah negerimu."

Ia berbisik pada para patriot, para tentara dan polisi jang telah bersumpah untuk melindungi segenap rakjat Dwipantara, "lindungilah segenap rakjat Dwipantara".

Ia berbisik pada para petani² beras Pacitan, budak² lahan sawit di Bandjarmasin, buruh² Karawang, nelajan² di Tanimbar, penambang² di Timika, ibu-ibu warung di Tegal, para 99% penduduk kepulauan jang wajahnya telah diindjak selamanja oleh sepatu bot para oligark habaib: "ada harapan."

Ia berbisik pada para mahasiswa pemberani, para djurnalis² muda, para orator otodidak, barisan, para PMR, garis depan, gelombang demi gelombang demi gelombang saudara² sedarah jang tidak terhingga: "harapan itu bisa ditjapai."

Maka kitapun ketawa melihat bagaimana hantu menjeramkan ini telah menjebabkan rezim Khilafah pusing tudjuh keliling. Semua alat kekuasaan di seluruh daerah dawlah Makkiyah ketar-ketir ber-lomba² menjatukan diri dalam suatu usaha keras untuk merukyah hantu ini: sang Khalifah tua dan gubernur²-nja, Ibn Salman dan Van Zen, kaum Wahabbi di Najd dan syech-syech berdjenggot rasul di pesisir utara. Bertubi-tubi mereka mengerahkan massa kejam jang bahkan membuat penuh satu kota ketjil untuk mentjari daripada satu hantu ini. Radio dan media ditambal habis daripada seluruh tjelah jang mungkin dapat disusupi oleh si hantu rubah. Tetapi, seperti menampung air di tangan, usaha mereka telah gatot alias gagal total. Buktinja, saya berdiri disini dan kalian semua berdiri disini. Ketika mereka berusaha mendiamkan kita, kita malah berteriak "Merdeka atau Mati". Ketika mereka menekan kita, kita berteriak apa?

(Merdeka atau mati)

Lebih keras?

(Merdeka atau mati!)

Petjahkanlah seluruh katja istana Gubernur Djendral jang tjongkak itu – LEBIH KERAS!


Begitulah kawan², kita semua mendengarnya. Djeritan rakjat Dwipantara jang tidak menuntut sesuatu jang kurang daripada apapun itu melainkan kemerdekaan penuh! Tetapi ingatlah, kawan-kawanku! Di proses mulja untuk merebut kembali tempat kita jang seharusnya, kita tidak boleh samasekalipun menapa djalur-djalur jang salah. Djanganlah kita memuaskan rasa haus kita akan kebebasan dan kesetaraan dengan minum dari gelas kebentjian. Karena pergerakan kita haruslah dikenang sebagai gerakan kedamaian. Kita harud berbeda daripada para sayyid asing jang dengan bangganja menjatakan, "kekerasan adalah kasih sajang." Kita samasekali tidak bisa berdjalan sendiri. Kita harus berdjalan bersama, baik kita Muslim – jang memenuhi sebahagian besar aksi ini, maupun siapapun itu rakjat Dwipantara.

Dan selama kita berdjalan, nanti tidak boleh samasekali kita berbelok miring. Kita tak boleh mundur. Banyak jang akan bertanya, "kapan kau akan puas?" Kita tidak akan pernah puas selama golongan Katolik, golongan LGBT, adalah menjadi korban kebrutalan polisi dan berandalan liar jang men-djadi². Kita tidak akan pernah puas selama badan saudara-saudara Kristen, pegal oleh lelah perdjalanan, di-dempet² di djalan dan di-tolak² di berbagai tempat penginapan sementara musafir Muslim seperti banjak dari kalian sendiri bisa melenggang bebas kapanpun untuk beristirahat di rumah mereka. Kita tidak akan pernah puas selama kehormatan dan harga diri saudara² Buddha masih dirampok oleh label di lengan mereka. Kita tidak akan pernah puas selama orang Atheis di Atjeh tidak bisa memilih, orang Konghucu di di Sulawesi tidak memiliki siapapun untuk dipilih, orang Hindu di Bali tidak bisa terpilih, hanya karena kepertjajaan mereka. Tidak, tidak, tidak, kita tidak akan puas, dan kita takkan pernah puas sampai keadilan membandjir menggelegar laksana air bah!

Aku tahu bahwa banjak dari kalian telah datang kesini melewati begitu banjak halang-rintang. Ada jang baru sadja keluar dai pendjara. Ada jang berasal dari daerah² dimana misi kebebasan ini telah mendjadikan kalian korban berantakan oleh badai kekerasan polisi. Ada jang datang, tahu persis dengan antjaman² apa jang menggantung di atas kepala mereka: dipukul, disiksa, ditjambuk, digeruduk massa bajaran, tangan dan kaki mereka dimutilasi setjara silang, dipenggal, hingga disalib di Taman Lawang. Janganlah menyerah! Teruslah berdjuang dengan suatu kepertjajaan bahwa penderitaan jang tidak adil akan bisa terbalaskan samasekali.

Kembalilah ke pulau Bali, kembalilah ke Maluku, kembalilah ke Sulawesi utara, kembalilah ke Sumatera utara, kembalilah ke Nusa Tenggara timur, kembalilah ke Papua, kembalilah ke Djawa Barat, kembalilah ke Kalimantan tengah, kembalilah ke ghetto dan daerah kumuh Metro Djaya dengan pengetahuan bahwa bangsa Dwipantara telah bangkit. Janganlah menjerah. Sebarkanlah ke daerah² itu berita bahwa "kita telah bangkit, kita telah hidup, kita telah tahu dan sadar bahwa situasi ini bisa diubah."
Aku katakan pada kalian, kawan², meskipun kita berhadapan dengan suatu kesulitan mahadahsyat hari ini dan esok² setelahnja, meskipun kita begitu sakit dan lemah setelah lama berpuasa dari jamuan kemerdekaan dan keadilan, aku masih bermimpi. Aku masih memimpikan suatu mimpi jang tidak pernah hilang dari bumi Dwipantara sedjak mahapatih Gadjah Mada berdiri didepan keraton Trowulan dan bersumpah, "saya tidak akan menghentikan puasa ini sampai seluruh Dwipantara bersatu."

Aku punja mimpi bahwa suatu hari nanti, bangsa ini akan bangkit, dan akan bisa menjatakan dengan bangga bahwa perdjuangan pergerakan kemerdekaan Dwipantara telah sampailah kepada saat jang berbahagia dengan selamat sentosa mengantarkan rakjat Dwipantara ke depan pintu gerbang kemerdekaan negara Dwipantara, jang merdeka, bersatu, berdaulat, adil dan makmur.

Aku punja mimpi bahwa suatu hari nanti di Maluku, jang laut birunya dan pasir putihnja jang tjantik telah dimerahkan oleh darah kerusuhan, suatu hari nanti anak orang Muslim dan anak orang Kristen bisa duduk bersama di medja persaudaraan.

Aku punja mimpi bahwa suatu hari nanti, bahka. kawanku dari Balikpapan, anak asli bumi Papua jang ditjulik dari kampungja saat umur empat dan diperbudak di lahan² sawit para sayyid, aku punja mimpi bahwa orang jenius sepertinja bisa menjadi dokter dengan tjara beladjar jang radjin.

Aku punja mimpi bahwa bahkan di Sumatera Barat, suatu keresidenan jang telah kering kerontang oleh panas ketidakkadilan, kering kerontamg oleh panas keterbelakangan kuno, akan berubah mendjadi sumber mata air kebebasan dan keadilan.

Aku punja mimpi bahwa tjinta dalam hidupku suatu hari akan hidup dinegeri dimana ia tidak akan dinilai dari warna kulit, Tuhan apa jang dia sembah, atau pita apa jang di pakai, melainkan dari karakter dan prestasinya sebagai manusia jang setara.

Aku punja mimpi hari ini.

Aku punja mimpi bahwa suatu hari nanti disini, di-pelosok² Zakartah, jang mulut Gubernur Djenderalnya me-netes² oleh kata² "gharqad" dan "takfir", aku punja mimpi bahwa suatu hari nanti di sini, anak² ketjil Muslim dan anak² ketjil non-Muslim bisa berpegangan tangan dengan gembira sebagai saudara jang setara.

Aku punja mimpi hari ini.

Aku punja mimpi bahwa suatu hari nanti, s'mua lembah akan ditinggikan, s'mua gunung dan bukut akan direndahkan, jang kasar akan dihaluskan, dan jang berliku akan diratakan, dan kedjajaan persaudaraan manusia akan ditampakkan, dan seluruh darah daging akan melihatnja ber-sama².

Inilah harapan kita. Inilah keteguhan jang akan kita bawa pulang ke rumah masing². Dengan keteguhan ini, kita pastilah dapat mengikis habis gunung keputusasaan mendjadi batu harapan. Dengan keteguhan ini kita pastilah mampu mengubah huru-hara makian kebentjian mendjadi simfoni persaudaraan. Dengan keteguhan ini kita pastilah bisa untuk berdjuang ber-sama², untuk berdoa ber-sama², untuk masuk pendjara ber-sama², untuk disiksa ber-sama², untuk berdiri membela kemerdekaan ber-sama², tahu persis bahwa suatu hari nanti, kita pasti akan merdeka.

Jakinlah, saudara², bahwa kita berada di sisi jang benar dalam sedjarah! Jakinlah, bahwa kabut sesak kalabendu akan hilang dan sang surja 'kan bersinar kembali di atas bumi pertiwi. Marilah kita berdiri, berpegangan tangan, dan berdjalan keluar dari rawa² kemunduran menuju masa depan jang tjerah dan penuh tjinta. Karena sebentar lagi, milenium kebentjian akan segera berachir. Maka oleh sebab itu, kit biarkanlah zaman masa lalu ini mati, kita tendang jikalau perlu! Biarkanlah era kegelapan mati. Biarkanlah rezim Sovyet mati, biarkanlah rezim Nazi mati, biarkanlah rezim Apartheid mati, biarkanlah rezim Khilafah mati, biarkanlah rezim Ustashe mati, biarkanlah semua keborokan manusia itu mati, dan biarkanlah bunga² rumput liar jang tjantik tumbuh menutupi medan perang jang menghitam.

Itulah, masa depan kita. Maka saudara², ingatlah bahwa malam paling gelap ialah sesaat sebelum fadjar. Inilah masa² tergelap itu, maka ber-siap²-lah! 1998 akan menjadi the Year of Living Dangerously, tahun² penuh bahaya dan halang rintang. Namun tetaplah jakin, bahwa sebentar lagi, fadjar akan tiba. Maka oleh sebab itu ketika mereka, para imperialis asing, dan para elit habaib jang rakus, begitu gemar menjombongkan status mereka sebagai sumber defisit anggaran negara, djuga para kriminal perang jang berusaha menguasai angkatan bersendjata kita, ketika mereka semua dengan menjedihkan berusaha menghentikan kita, kita sudah punja djawaban. Inilah djawaban rakjat Zakartah. Inilah djawaban rakjat Dwipantara.

Hei, pendjadjah! Kau menjuruh kita untuk mengibarkan bendera putih. Kau menjuruh kita untuk sudjud sembah di hadapan kakimu, dan kaki para habaib, dan kaki para oligark ulama, dan kaki para kriminal perang. Kau menjuruh kita untuk bubar dan pulang sadja. Namun meskipun kamu telah mengantjam untuk memfatwakan kami semua sebagai kafir, memfatwakan kami para pembela kebenaran sebagai murtad jang darahnya halal untuk ditumpahkan, kami tidak lagi takut atas segala macam omong kosong itu. Inilah djawaban kami. Selama rubah² Dwipantara masih memiliki tjukup darah merah untuk membuat setjarik bendera putih menjadi bendera merah dan putih, kami tidak akan pernah menjerah. Kami tidak akan pernah menjerah. Kami tidak akan pernah menjerah!

Itulah djawaban kita. Merdeka, atau mati! Bangkitlah, pemudi-pemuda seluruh tanah air. Kita tundjukkan bahwa meskipun kita berbeda², kita tetap satu djua. Kita tundjukkan bahwa bhinneka, tunggal ika! Ber-sama², kita bersatu sebagai suatu gelombang jang utuh. Mari, kita tabrak dinding Khilafah, kita djebol dinding Khilafah yang sombong itu, dan kita akan berlarian bebas ke hamparan sawah hidjau kebahagiaan jang tak terkira. Kita akan punja harapan. Kita akan punja kesempatan. Kita akan kembali bisa makan nasi, dan menjanji, dan bermusik, dan beladjar, dan membangun bangsa, dan mentjintai, dan saling mentjintai, tanpa ada sesuatupun jang menghalangi kita. Kitalah rakyat, dan rakyatlah jang akan mengakhiri zaman kegilaan nasional ini. Rakyat Dwipantara, ayo kita wujudkan RES-TO-RA-SI!

Terima kasih! Terima kasih Zakartah! Sekian dariku, selamat malam, wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakahtuh, salam sedjahtera bagi kita semua, shalom, om swastiastu, namo buddhaya, salam kebajikan. Merdeka!


i]Selamat malam[/i] (Good evening),
Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Om swastyastu,
Namo buddhaya,
Salam kebajikan

Merdeka (Independence)!


Fifty years ago, two great Dwipantarans voiced the voice of the people of this great archipelago: that we Dwipantarans declare Dwipantaran independence. Fifty years ago, we the people of Dwipantara had affirmed, that independence is a genuine right of all nations and any form of alien occupation should thus be erased from the earth as not in conformity with humanity and justice. Fifty years ago, Dwipantaran of all beliefs, all races, all tribes choose to band together and followed the great General Sudirman to the jungles and resist foreign occupiers who had raped and plundered our motherland. Fifty years ago, our great forefathers sacrificed everything to resist this foreign occupiers in the Revolution of Their Times, just so that their children and their children's children can live in peace and prosperity in a free and united Dwipantara.

But fifty years later, the Dwipantarans still are not free. Fifty years later, the life of our fellow Dwipantarans are still sadly crippled by the manacles of the dhimmi caste and the chains of actual slavery. Fifty years later, we Dwipantarans are still forced to bow down under the feet of a tyrannical foreign potentate, an unelected oligarch appointed by a faraway king across the ocean, a dictator whose omnipresent tentacles of corruption, collusion, and nepotism has raped and choked our motherland, a stranger who can't even speak in our mother's language! Fifty years later, we the children and the children's children of the great heroes of their time live on a lone island of poverty. We've been made wracked with MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) from the widespread use of camel urine. We've been made stupid by all the pseudoscientific lies they taught us in school. We've been made distraught with no hope nor opportunity of change, all while we resides on the Emerald of Equator, filled to the brim with natural wealth. Fifty years later, we have found ourself in a life solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short, an exile in our own home. A hobo in our own neighborhood. A slave, either directly or indirectly, without any trace of fun nor happiness. But let not your arms be laid down! My fellow Dwipantarans, in the gloom and doom of this infamous dystopia, who has risen and fell and risen again for the last 1500 years, today, there is a haunting spectre.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you all know it. Even with all the crackdowns, the criminalization of thought, a ghost is haunting the Khilafah – the ghost of the fox.

Whereas they tried to divide us along the lines of imaginary sectarian hatred, the fox whispered the echoing pledge from the past: that we the sons and daughters of Dwipantara acknowledge one motherland, Dwipantara, acknowledge one nation, the nation of Dwipantara, and respect the language of unity, Dwipantaran.

Whereas they try to put us into two boxes, the 'good' Ummah and the 'bad' Ummah, residents of heaven and residents of hell, whereas they try to divide the universe into black and white, the fox whispered the old proverb from a place far, far away: "only a Sith deals in absolutes".

Whereas the corrupt, tax-stealing, outdated, senile, stupid, disgusting, and completely perverted sexual predators that is the 'ulemas' of the Shura Council our oligarchic overlords dilligently bury us and our homes and our gardens in the avalanche of their discriminative and dubious divine diktats they called 'fatwas' and 'ijtima's', the fox whispered: read it, and uncover that hidden deep inside the enormous mountain of bureaucratic divine laws that guide the Khilafah, something is rotting and rotting. He whispered: read it, and the tsunami of arbitrary and completely useless policies, the barren and cold-hearted anti-fun view of the world will be laid bare: no art, no music, no movie, no relationship, no friendship between differing religions, no internet, no emancipation, no equality, no rights, no freedom, no fun.

He whispered to the great artists in the crowded prisons: paint this boring monochromatic dystopia with your wonderful colors.

He whispered to the soldiers and police, true patriots whose only oath is to protect this country from evil: protect this country from evil.

He whispered to the economists and entrepreneurs exiled by the oil-worshipping government: get back here, get rid of the misguided anti-ursury laws and other nonsensical stupidity that had artificially locked our economy in the gutter, get back here and rebuild your country.

He whispered to the farmers of Central Borneo, the laborers in Karawang, the fishers of Flores, the miners of Timika, the 99% of the archipelago whose face has been forever stomped by the boots of the habaib oligarchs: a new chance is upon us.

He whispered to the shopkeepers and housewives in the alleys, the schoolboys and schoolgirls crossing the lethal bridges, the farmer-laborer in plantations, the truck drivers across the northern coast roadway, all of those who has been buried under the avalanche of this oil crisis-straught Khilafah: a new hope is upon us.

He whispered to the brave students; the agitators, the young journalists, the orators, the masses, the medic, the frontline, the waves upon waves upon waves of endless brothers: the hope, the chance, is literally within our reach.

But there is something that I must say to the foxes who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. Because our times shall be the times of peace. While the Khilafah is hatred, Khilafah is violence, Khilafah is the past – an outdated idea covered with spider webs, our times are not like them. Our times are the future.

We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the whole nation must not lead us to a distrust of fellow Muslims, of whom most of you are, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that your destiny is tied up with all of our destiny. They have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone.

As we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the minority, the Catholics, the LGBT, is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police and mob brutality. We can never be satisfied, as long as the bodies of Protestants, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Buddhists' basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by a label on their arm. We cannot be satisfied as long as an Atheist in Aceh cannot vote, a Confucian in South Sulawesi believes he has nothing for which to vote, a Hindu in Bali cannot be voted to office, simply because of their belief. No, no, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream!

I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. Some of you have come with full knowledge of the fate that had struck your friends and family, the sub-humans on the floors of this vicious fascist state: beaten, flogged, tortured, raided by pogroms, their arms and leg mutilated on opposite sides, their neck beheaded, their body crucified on the walls of Lawang Park, their children forced to watch as their supposedly adulterous mother stoned to death. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.

Go back to Bali, go back to Maluku, go back to North Sulawesi, go back to North Sumatra, go back to Eastern Nusa Tenggara, go back to West Java, go back to West Papua, go back to Central Kalimantan, go back to the slums and ghettos of the metropolis, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, even though we have been forced to hold our fast from the seeked supper of freedom and justice, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted our blood, a dream that has been dreamt since Prime Minister Gajah Mada stood upon the court of Trowulan and declared his oath: "I will not break my fast until this archipelago is united."

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, and be able to proudly declare, that the struggle of the Dwipantaran independence movement has reached the blissful point of leading the Dwipantara people safely and well before the monumental gate of an independent Dwipantara State which shall be free, united, sovereign, just and prosperous.

I have a dream that one day, my friend in Banjarmasin, a slave who was seized from his war-torn hometown of Papua at the age of 4 and sold to various palm plantations, one day a genious like him could become a doctor by studying dilligently.

I have a dream that one day, over there in the city of Bagharah, with its vicious FPI mobs, one day my sister can go to cinema to watch movie with her friends, Muslim or not.

I have a dream thay one day, in the pristine Maluku, whose blue seas and white sands are red with the blood of pogroms, one day the son of a Muslim and the son of a Christian will be able to sit down together in the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day even in West Java, a prefecture sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of zealot backwardness, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream that the sweet love of my life will one day live in a nation where she will not be judged by the label on her arm nor the gonosomes in her cells but by the content of her character.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day, down here in Zakartah, with its vicious bigots, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of gharqad and takfir; one day right here in Zakartah, little 'infidel' boys and 'infidel' girls will be able to join hands with little Muslim boys and Muslim girls as sisters and brothers.

I have a dream today.

I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of human brotherhood shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to my home with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to be tortured together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

The millennium of hatred is ending. Because tomorrow is a new day; tomorrow is the dawn of the millennium of love. Let us each stand in its place, in front of the swamp of hatred, and together we will walk across this decadent swamp towards a far brighter future. Let the past die. Let the hatred, the blood, the violence of this wrathful century die. Let war crimes, discrimination, and the enslavement of fellow humans die. Let the Soviets die, let the Nazis die, let the Khilafah die, let Apartheid Africa die, let the Ustashe die, let the other evil ideologies die, let all the hatred die, and let us rejoice at the dawn of the new millennium. Let the fields of war decay, and let the green grass grew in its place.

Let not the anger lead you into the barbaric violence that had became a distinct characteristic of this disgusting Khilafah. Let not the threats drown you in the glacier of apathy. No fear, not the fear of the gulag in Buru Island, not even the fear of the magical gulag that that they called 'hell' can deter us from seeking the right to truth. To freedom. To justice.

Let us have faith, my brothers, that we are on the right side of history! So when they, the colonizers, the decadent habaib elites, everso boastful of their status as a drag on the national budget, the war criminals running our armed forces and stomping on its members, when they pitifully tried to stop us, this is our answer. This is the people in Zakartah's answer. This is the people in Dwipanatara's answer:

Hey, imperialists! You ordered us to fly the white flag. You ordered us to bow down to your feet, and the feet of the habibs, and the feet of the ulema oligarchs, and the feet of the war criminals. You told us to go home. But even though you threaten to declare all of us, millions of us, spreaders of the truth and seekers of the truth as disbelievers whose blood is halal to be spilled, this is our answer. "As long as the foxes of Dwipantara still have enough red blood to color a sheet of white flag into a sheet of red and white flag, we will never yield." We wi never yield. We will never yield!

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika! We are diverse, but we are one. And when we are one, those Meccan elites far, far away will see that we, the deplored animals, are unstoppable! Together, we will unite as a single wave. We will hit the wall of Khilafah, we will tear down the wall of Khilafah, and we will splinter out to freedom with joy. We will have hope. We will have chance. We will have prosperity, money, bread, peace, music, and happiness to bring to our home. We will end the era of national insanity. We will restore the independent Republic of Dwipantara. Foxes, we will deliver the Restoration!

Thank you! Thank you Zakartah! Thank you, wasalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh, selamat malam, shalom, om santi santi santi om, namo buddhaya, salam kebajikan. Merdeka!

The night ends with loud rock and musical concerts from the likes of Slank and many others (music is still outlawed in the Khilafah territory) that lasts until sunrise. David Hasselhoff, "tearer of the Berlin Wall" was the first to sing his "I've been looking for freedom", with all speakers pointed to the Governor-General's Palace north of the National Monument. Thus the night ends with a bang, and the fog of Sky Terror that has enclosed the archipelago for thirty years were dispersed, at least for a time.

Music: Link

One morning in June
some twenty years ago
I was born a rich man's son
I had everything that money could buy,
but freedom I had none
I've been looking for freedom
I've been looking so long
I've been looking for freedom
Still the search goes on
I've been looking for freedom
since I left my home town
I've been looking for freedom
Still it can't be found

—David Hasselhoff, "Looking for Freedom", Zakartah 2 December 1997


Region of dwipantara

