by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates



by The Nation of Commonwealth of Baker Park. . 3 reads.

Latitude--Pt 10

The drive back gave Bill & Wendy a chance to tell embarrassing anecdotes about Marie to Keith; by the time they pulled into the parking lot, the four had laughed themselves out.

"We have plenty to drink if you want to come in." Wendy was happy to let the night continue on for a little while longer.

"I just want to put these bags inside. Keith you go ahead, I'll just be a minute."

Once they had gotten settled in on the sectional couch, Wendy picked up the conversation. "So, you two are going to be working together next week."

It wasn't really a question, more of an introduction of a topic.

"Yes, I get to experience Lt Commander O'Brien up close for the first time. I have high expectations." Keith gave the briefest of glances towards Marie, who was next to him.

"I think you've been up close enough so far, you should know I exceed all expectations." She gave him a push with her arm while grinning.

Bill spoke up, "I think if you are able to work together half as well as you get along off duty, you'll be a great team."

Wendy nodded. "I'm sure there is a huge difference between being a couple and being a superior officer and subordinate. But the fact you started out professionally. then developed a personal connection makes a difference than if it had been the other way around."

Marie was looking at Keith while this was being said, and she replied without looking away from him. "If the roles had been reversed, but the other circumstances had been the same, I'm not sure we'd be sitting here. Do you think you'd have invited me for a drink at Busukuma if I'd been junior to you?"

He thought about the question for a minute. "Honestly, no. I'd have been so conscious about appearances and orders, I probably would've been too afraid to have made the first move."

She nodded her head slightly. She looked across at her neighbors. "That's an honest answer, because everything is about propriety and good order. In the same way, I might've wanted to take the risk of being the pursuer but I probably would've rationalized something why I shouldn't."

The conversation moved on towards a different topic; finally the party broke up when Marie said she needed to get an early start on her prep reading in the morning. The quartet said their goodbyes and Marie & Keith made their way next door.
