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Demochronikle Election Week Special: Day 4
[font=Times][floatleft][img]https://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/rflags/the_democratika__536433.png[/img][/floatleft][floatright][img]https://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/rflags/the_democratika__536433.png[/img][/floatright][/font] [align=center][size=175][b][i]Demochronikle Election Week Special: Day 4[/i][/b][/size] [i]October 4, 2019 EST Minister of Communications and Editor-in-Chief: [nation]Candanadium[/nation] Edited 9:11 AM ETC, October 4, 2019[/i][/align] [hr] [i][align=center][u][size=150]End of Campaigning[/size][/u][/align][/i] Today is officially the last day anyone can start running in this upcoming election, and the last day of Campaign Week. As soon as the RP poll ends today, and up until the last day for voting a new poll will be up to track each candidate's popularity among the region. Since it'll be an NS poll anyone who votes in it can change their vote at any time to show how each candidate's platform resonates with the region allowing for some spicy speculation about who might win! The actual, official vote has yet to be announced on any specific platform but at the moment it seems that it might take place on Google Forms. [i][align=center][u][size=150]The Embassy Question[/size][/u][/align][/i] Yesterday, candidates began talking about The Democratika's embassy policy. This started when [nation]Alayka[/nation] posted "Say YES to Embassys" sparking a mixed reaction. Minister of Communications [nation]Candanadium[/nation] asked Alayka on #campaigns "Does that mean you'll abolish the embassy policy?". Alayka replied no, but added "I feel like our ambassadors are not really doing much". This sparked a reply from the MoC, stating "As Minister of Communications I can confirm that the diplomatic corps is greatly undersized but by no means inactive". That being said, [nation]Alayka[/nation] aleo had his interview to explain his position yesterday evening. Here's the transcript: [b]UDSR- [/b]Alright, Alayka, glad to have your thoughts in The Chronikle, hope you're having a good day so far. Here's just a warm up question: what would you say makes your platform stand out from your opponents'? [b]Alayka- [/b]My platform stands out because I want to make TDK the next big thing like TP [b]UDSR- [/b]What are your plans, projects/legislation you want to start or implement once you're in the council? [b]Alayka- [/b]Well First off I want to jumpstart the Embassys with other nations because I feel like The Democratikan ambassdors are just sitting around and not doing any thing. [b]UDSR- [/b]You're quite the newcomer, eh? Unlike Splootan and New Karelograd this is your first time running in an election if I'm not mistaken. What would you say to those who think you might be too inexperienced for the role? [b]Alayka- [/b]Well I'm Highly Confident In my self to try to get elected,all you have to do is put behind your fears of losing the Election and be proud that you inleast tryed to get Elected [b]UDSR- [/b]Yes but what would you say to voters who worry about this being your first time? Why should they vote for you over, say, NK or Sploot? [b]Alayka- [/b]Oh, I'm a lot more active than Nk and Sploot and I trying to put 100% effort into getting elected and I know I just joined About 2 - 3 months ago and I'm not that Buddy-Buddy with the CMs but I'm trying my best and I honestly think NK and Sploot is put 100% effort in being Elected but I'm ready to Shock TDK by winning the Election, so all you nay-sayers I telling you that I'm determined to win the Election. [b]UDSR- [/b]Great, that's it for the interview but I thank you for deciding to come on for the last issue of the campaign special, and good luck on the campaign trail [b]Alayka- [/b]🖐 [i][align=center][u][size=150]Technical Difficulties[/size][/u][/align][/i] There were some technical difficulties yesterday when publishing the transcript of [nation]Splootan[/nation]'s interview from two days ago, namely just the last question as it went unanswered until yesterday. Here is the rest of the [nation]Splootan[/nation] interview transcript, [i]note that it has been edited to make the question less confusing without context[/i]: [b]UDSR- [/b][how does your platform stand out]? What makes your platform better than [your apponents' platforms]? [b]Splootan- [/b]Funnily enough, my platform is really just put my hands under my ass and sit for now. I want to take an approach on things where you dont guess whats gonna happen and how we are gonna fix it. I am not saying that I’m not going to do anything of importance and sit on my ass, and I wish I could. I haven’t really looked into the others’ platforms, and I wish to do so. doot