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Demochronikle Election Week Special: Day 3
October 3, 2019 EST
Minister of Communications and Editor-in-Chief: Candanadium
Edited 11:11 AM ETC, October 3, 2019
Yesterday saw The Splootan do his interview after seeing the response to NK's, boy howdy if you liked Hillary v. Trump get ready for NK v. Sploot, with even more sex scandals and Finnish rakes!
Here's an transcript of the interview:
Splootan sends a meme, it has three pictures with captions underneath them in the following order: "There's the pretty Girls..."
"And there's the Popular Girls..."
"And I look like... OBAMA PRISM"
UDSR- Okay Splootan, first question: like your opponent New Karelograd, you have a history of inactivity in office. What would you say are your specialties and how would you use them to improve the region?
Splootan- First of all, I am flattered you recognized my history, and secondly, from what i guess of myself, I try to make a use of humor to persuade/make a point. Im not saying mandatory fun, but i try to keep stuff to a lighthearted angle if i can of course. and sure maybe I snap but, everybody isnt perfect. From what I want to improve from it is to make a region where not everyone is serious and super depressed and inactive. I really just want to make a good happy cheery region. I'm sorry i was playing minecraft with a black friend for n word pass distributions.
UDSR- Lol it's fine, do you have anything you wanna say about your opponents? What makes you stand out from them?
Splootan- I am completley different than them because of my flattering looks and my praised toe eating and how they’re all zoomers. Also I think to a personal level they’re both cool & awesome & cool and zoomers.
The interview was cut short due to technical difficulties, the last question was never answered