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Demochronikle Election Week: Day 2
[font=Times][floatleft][img]https://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/rflags/the_democratika__536433.png[/img][/floatleft][floatright][img]https://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/rflags/the_democratika__536433.png[/img][/floatright] [align=center][size=175][b][i]Demochronikle Election Week Special: Day 2[/i][/b][/size] [i]October 2, 2019 EST Minister of Communications and Editor-in-Chief: [nation]Candanadium[/nation] Edited 8:27 AM ETC, October 2, 2019[/i][/align] [hr] [i][align=center][u][size=150]First Interview[/size][/u][/align][/i] Yesterday saw the kick off for campaign season in The Democratika, and the running of a third(3rd) candidate! Why yes, the old campaign wars have come back, as [nation]New Karelograd[/nation] stepped into the ring. We can definitely expect a true fight now that [nation]Splootan[/nation]'s old nemesis announced his candidacy. This is shaping up to be a juicy threeway battle! On top of that, Karelograd was also the first to do an interview for campaign week, trying to show off both his big brain and thick buns. Here's a transcript of the interview: [i][b]UDSR-[/b][/i] Alright, NK, if you get elected on the council what are your top priorities? [i][b]New Karelograd-[/b][/i] My top priorities are almost the almost the same for when we ran for representative, which was to listen to feedback from the people and take it into serious consideration. There have been points where certain council members have not done that, I shall not name them, but still. [i][b]UDSR-[/b][/i] Are there any special projects you have in mind? For instance, recruitment has leveled off due to the api, or the fact there's not much to do at the moment in the region for regular citizens [i][b]New Karelograd-[/b][/i] Some projects I had in mind was building an ambassador program, which does give citizens some more things to do, like see more of nationstates. Also I will probably have the council help on this one, but we should strengthen the security of the region so we have no more Auralians and their kind. [i][b]UDSR-[/b][/i] Okay, last question before I sadly gotta end this interview, what would you say to skeptical voters who worry about your history of inactivity? [i][b]New Karelograd-[/b][/i] In the over 1 year I’ve spent in this region, I’ve grown and matured a lot, and now that I can balance school with this kind of stuff it will be very easy to stay active, so in my belief I am a pretty great option for PM. [i][b]UDSR-[/b][/i] Thank you for doing this interview NK, good luck on the campaign trail. [i][b]New Karelograd-[/b][/i] Thank you.