by Max Barry

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by The Star Trek TOS Movie Enjoyer of Eripolis. . 57 reads.

Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) Guide

[b]DEFCON[/b] means [b]DEF[/b]ense Readiness [b]CON[/b]dition.

List, from least to most severe:

DEFCON 5: Peacetime. No threat to [region]1980s America[/region].

DEFCON 4: Increase regional alertness to above peacetime (normal) levels. Spies/infiltrators have been uncovered.

DEFCON 3: Mobilize armed forces to above normal readiness. Invasion has been suspected.

DEFCON 2: Raise armed forces readiness to just below maximum. Invasion and/or war is imminent.

DEFCON 1: Region is being invaded or is at war. Armed forces are to be brought to maximum readiness and are to be mobilized against invading force(s).
